Part 2: Unexpected Visitors
Part 2: Unexpected Visitors
Reynal looks at Lauren, "Ah, what a fount of beauty. I am Reynal," he says, bowing to her. But Lauren ignores him, sits by the fire and gives the mouse more bread. Håkan glares at Reynal. Darn takes whetstone out of backpack and starts to sharpen his sword.
The stranger’s eyes travel over the group, lighting on Zara, "Another lovely bit. This must be my lucky night."
Scowling at the man, Darn does a swift move with the whetstone on the blade
Kyle looks around to make sure Mari is right next to him, then puts his arm around her shoulder. Mari smiles. She likes when her fiancé acts possessive.
Reynal crouches by the fire, smiling at Håkan. "What an odd group. Are you merchants?"
“...sort of”, replies the mage. “Delivery service”
Reynal's eyebrows go up, "Precious cargo then?"
Darn watches Reynal with glare, not understanding why are they talking to that suspicious man about their work.
“Not much”, continues the mage. “Delicate, that kind of cargo you must handle with care”
"Terribly troublesome cargo", adds Kyle.
Reynal laughs, ignoring Darn's glare. "Do tell."
"It's none of your business anyway, don't trouble yourself" Kyle glares a little at Reynal.
Reynal shrugs, "Didn't mean to pry. It's been days since I had anyone to talk to."
"So what are you doing in Ferelden?" Darn asks Reynal
Reynal smiles at Darn, and gives Zara a wink, "Personal business. Nothing interesting.".Darn takes a deep breath and his hand turns into fist, then he glances at Zara’s hand like he wanting to know if his earring is still there
“We get paid, we ask no questions”, joins Mari, a bit pissed off. She wants her turn to sleep.
Reynal nods at Mari, "You are my kind of girl. Ask no questions, take the pay, and move on. Yes . . . odd to have so many women on a trip like that."
Kyle is getting irritated, even though he knows Reynal is just jesting....or is he?. But Mari is not interested in the man either. “And we stop to sleep here in Ferelden, so once you've rested, I hope you'll allow us continuing doing the same”, she adds, frowning.
Reynal sighs, "I suppose I am keeping the lovely ladies from their beauty sleep. My sincere apologies, miss. A moment more, and I will be out of your hair."
Lauren yawns “So we can get back to sleep?”
Darn continues to sharpen his frozen sword. Reynal looks at Lauren with a smile, "Don't stay up on my account, beauty."
Lauren yawns again and smiles. “Oh, good!”. Then she turns to Håkan, pointing to the scarf and the mouse. “Hoejkan, will you take care of it?”
“The mouse?”
“Sure”, he replies, “as long as he doesn’t climb in my robe again...”. Håkan takes delicately the mouse and puts him into his belt satchel. The mouse sniffs him, and then curls up in the satchel
Lauren yawns again "Oh, then good night you awwwlll". Then she goes to her bedroll and falls asleep easily
George quickly gets bored, he searches around in his pack for a while and eventually pulls out a small knife and a potato. He entertains himself carving a face into the potato.
George smiles to himself feeling a bit sentimental. It was the same year their father passed away, just a couple of months later in fact, and things hadn't been easy.

George and his younger sister Lysa (the girl
holding a raw steak to his black eye after failing as a mercenary),
Lauren and Håkan. Art by Linnéa Wäborg
By the time Philip's 7th birthday came they had been unsuccessful in
scrambling together enough coin to buy him a proper present, but Maya
saved the day. In an attempt to cheer up her little brother she took a
potato, carved a face in it and attached some scraps of metal to it. She
called it a potato-knight. "Now stop whining and help me make more so
we can play war together, you twit!" Ah, Maya has always had a way with
To George's dismay Lady Taverline peeks out from her tent again. "Who is that man?" she whispers, forcing him to come back from his memories. "His name is Reynal... I don't know much more."
Taverline crawls out of the tent and sits down next to George. Great, just... great. Marvelous, really. Well, at least she keeps her mouth shut, for now. George resumes his potato carving. After a little while Taverline scoots closer to him. "Is he... a bandit? That would be so romantic!"
George raises an eyebrow at her. Yes, because nothing screams romance like a scumbag stealing your money. "Indeed... a bandit... Go get him!" You crazy bitch...
The Lady puts her hand on George's thigh. "Will you protect me?"
"No." George pushes her hand away. He tries to remind himself that this is his source of income and that strangling her would be a bad idea.
Meanwhile by the fire Reynal gets to his feet, eyes traveling over the group once more, he appears to be leaving. "Thanks for your fire and conversation. I'll be on my way now."
Kyle stands up . "Our pleasure, you don't mind if I see you off?". Darn frowns at Reynal, this is awkward.
Reynal looks at Mari, then Zara, "I can think of more pleasant companions to see me off, but do what you like." Kyle gives Reynal a forced smile, then proceeds to follow him.
Darn watches man leave with Kyle then looks at Zara, if Reynal had any effect on her. Zara grins at Darn and lays back down. No way would she go for lines that cheesy
George is glad, there is something strange about that man. Kyle accompanies Reynal for a bit, probably making sure he really does leave their camp.
After Reynal leaves, Kyle returns "Don't think he has any other companions." He yawns.
Eventually they all return to their bedrolls. Tired after the strange night they fall asleep quickly. Tomorrow would be a long day
The rest of the night passes peacefully. Dawn comes bright and early. Everyone is tired, having not gotten enough rest thanks to mice and Reynal, and the lovely Taverline.
It is too early. There is no way this could be the right time for the sun to rise. Go back to bed stupid sun! Unfortunately the sun doesn't seem to listen to George. As he lazily crawls out of his bedroll he notices all the others appear to be just as tired as he is. Well... it was a strange night after all. At least the cold breeze wakes them up a little.
Marilyn checks if everything is in order, specially if the lady is still in the tent, but when she sees Taverline coming out of her tent, yawning, she thinks "What a pity, she could have run away with Reynal”. Darn opens his halfly closed eyes sighing at Taverline
Håkan checks on the mouse. The mouse peers at Håkan and begins chewing on his pouch. “I think I'll call him "Cold-Feet". It seems appropriate”, he says, glancing at Taverline while giving some bread to the mouse
Lauren sighs "very much"
George starts packing up his stuff, which goes pretty quickly since he doesn't have much stuff. Next to George Darn yawns and mutters "Stupid sneaky man" "...and stupid rapist Lady" George adds. Speaking of the demon, Lady Taverline steps out of her tent, yawning and stretching. Darn sighs as she walks over to them, Zara runs away from the camp to get water and Kyle remains in his bedroll looking like he's still sleeping, but George has his doubts.
"Can I borrow him if the Lady gets close to my man again?" Mari whispers and motions for the mouse in Håkan's hands.
“Sure, Mari”, giggles the mage.
"Which of you would like the honor of fetching my breakfast?" Lady Taverline saunters over to George and Darn, smiling.
"Him." George responds quickly, with panic in his voice, pointing at Darn. No way George is going to let them sacrifice him again. Marilyn pretends not having heard her, just in case.
Darn reluctantly lifts his hands at the Lady "What is your wish Lady Taverline?"
Mari facepalms "Oh, no, he's damned!"
"Cream and Berries." The lady answers.
Darn tilts his head and looks at her. "Cream? Berries?". Taverline nods, smiling.
Lauren whispers "do we have cream? really?"
Håkan looks around "He should have learned by now..."
"You should go for another thing milady." Mari says and sighs.
George agrees. "You expect us to find cream here? you think cream grows on trees?"
“I don't concern myself with where you get it. He asked what I want”.
“Milady”, sighs Mari, “you should learn that one thing is what you want, and the other what you can get”
Taverline tosses her hair impatiently, "Fine. Then what is there? I am hungry!"
Darn's eyebrows twitch "I will look for berries in the woods." But as he's about to leave the camp Mari stops him.
"Don't go, Darn. I think the forest is too quiet, I don't like this..."
"Me neither" Håkan agrees "Something's scaring the mouse."
Darn pauses and glances at Mari, trying to listen. Håkan grabs his staff and walks towards the edge of the forest. George follows him with Maya, the battleaxe, in his hands.
"You hear something?" he asks the mage in a low voice.
"No, nothing at all. No birds, no animals... Listen."
George listens. With the exception for the wind in the trees, the forest is eerily silent.
Kyle raises his head looking for his falcon Tim, as if the bird was trying to tell him something. Darn looks toward the forest, even if it is strange he wants to enter...but knowing not why
“Darn, don’t go alone”, insists Mari. "Maybe an ambush?"
Just as Mari suggests it an arrow whistles past them, landing in the dirt barely missing Håkan who jumps in surprise. “Whoa!”
“If I speak earlier”, Mari mutters…
"Stop there if you know what's good for you!" a voice calls out from somewhere amongst the trees.
"Who's there?" Håkan asks, raising his staff.
George steps in front of Håkan. Stupid, dress-wearing mage, what exactly do you plan to do if they decide not to miss you? He raises his axe, prepared for battle. Lauren grabs her staff too, and Kyle draws his sword, as well as Darn. Mari starts to move to a place where she can’t be seen, but she stops when hearing "I want all of you in the clearing now! Where I can see you. Otherwise, we shoot and you die."
The group reluctantly do as they are told, everyone has their weapons drawn. "we come in peace! no need to attack!" shouts George.
Mari gets closer to Kyle, still wielding her dagger and sword. “That Reynal only wanted to know how many of us we were”, she scowls. Kyle nods, wishing so so terribly to set Tim loose on the man, but finally decides against it. Darn steps forward, while Håkan moves closer to the group.
Even Taverline feels interested. “What's happening?? Why aren't you doing something?”
George shouts “get into your tent lady!"
"Where are the two elven girls? Show yourselves or I hit the man with the axe."
George glances over his shoulder to see what elves their ambushers could be talking about. Lauren is here. Mari is too, though it is possible they didn't see her behind Kyle. She moves into sight.
"There's the smart one. Where's the other?"
Lauren steps too, even if she was in full sight, but she’s not the one they miss. Zara, George realizes. She still hasn't returned since she left to get water.
"Show yourselves cowards!" Darn shouts, moving towards the trees with his shield raised protectively in front of him. Kyle joins him.
"Still missing one. Ah, nevermind! Put down your weapons please."
Mari leaves her daggers reluctantly on the ground, standing close to Kyle, but Darn moves toward the trees shield still covering his body
"ALL OF YOU DOWN!" Håkan shouts behind him.
Lesson number one when travelling with Håkan Kattergård: When he says duck, DUCK! Having learned this the hard way George gets down instantly. Kyle pulls Mari down to the ground with him. An arrow comes flying from the forest, just missing George's head, not the reason why he ducked but a very lucky coincidence. Seconds later, a huge ball of fire flies over George's head, exploding as it lands among the trees in the forest. Now, that is why he ducked. Men scream as they catch on fire. Luckily, Darn and Kyle were not hit. Somewhere behind them George can hear Lady Taverline clapping her hands like a fool.
"This is like one of the bard's tales!"
"Always the hard way. What is it with you Fereldans?!"
And with that the arrows start raining down upon them. Darn is hit in the leg, but he grits his teeth leaving the arrow inside the leg and cover his body with the shield, and Håkan makes a cry of pain as he's hit in the shoulder. Kyle raises his shield over his head and Mari takes cover behind him, as close as she can without being a nuisance for the warrior.
Judging by the arrows, there are at least three archers, and even if they all suspect it is Reynal, they don’t recognize his voice. George glances down at the bleeding mage beside him. "Lauren! We need some healing here!"
Lauren runs across the camp to reach Håkan. She kneels down by his side. "It's ok, don't move" she says softly as she examines his wounded shoulder.
George stays in front of the two mages, putting himself between them and the enemy while Lauren does her healing.
Taverline looks at them and whispers “Blood? Real blood?”, after what dramatically passes out.
"You despicable cowards!" Kyle bellows.
Reynal steps out into the clearing as Kyle taunts him. "I didn't want to have to kill you. You seem like nice folk, but a job's a job."
“I didn't like you from the beginning, you coward”, hisses Mari.
"this was to be expected I think...", mutters George, while warding Lauren who still works on healing Håkan.
"Less talk, more fighting." Kyle answers and rushes towards him with his shield raised. Darn charges with the shield as well, but he takes another arrow, this time in the shoulder, before he can reach Reynal. Kyle attempts to slam his shield against the man but he swiftly avoids the attack. Mari profits that she was in the ground to take her dagger and sword again and runs behind the warriors As soon as Håkan is healed George is forced to duck again as he sends another fireball flying towards the forest where the archers are still hiding.
Trees catch on fire and men burn, their screams floating together with a more high-pitched scream further away, more like a woman’s one. Still shielded by George, Lauren casts heal on Darn
As soon as she finishes, George decides it's time for him to join the battle as well. With Maya raised high he rushes towards Reynal, aiming a blow to the man's neck while Kyle curses and slashes his sword at Reynal's chest. George's blow lands on Reynal's shoulder, skidding off armor as the man stabs at Kyle. Kyle's shield arm is slashed open and he curses loudly in pain. “Mari, I need you to stun him!”.
Mari has managed to sneak up behind Reynal without him noticing. She lashes out with her dagger, giving him a deep cut across the back. Grunting in pain he turns to knock her away, but Mari is quicker and dodges just in time. Darn's war cry heartens the party making their attacks more effective
George backs away from Reynal a little. Glancing around the battlefield he can see that two more men have stepped out of the woods, both are fully armored and one of them is slightly smoking. George smirks, glad to see Håkan's fireballs had some other effect than scaring the fade out of him. One of the men is frozen in the middle of a movement, trapped in a brightly shining glyph on the ground.
It seems both mages are engaging these two newcomers, firing little darts from their staffs at them. George was planning on taking advantage of the small distance he'd created between himself and Reynal to build up some momentum for his next attack. But he has barely lifted his axe before one of the newcomers, the one not paralyzed, swings his sword at him and George is forced to side step and abandon his attack on Reynal.
George swings his axe at his new opponent, but the blow lacks the force he had been preparing for Reynal. Just as George attacks the man he is hit by one of Håkan's darts, staggering the man backwards slightly and causing Maya to bite deeply into his shoulder.
Kyle curses loudly, but manages to swing his sword at Reynal again, while Mari dodges Reynal and tries to kick him, unfortunately failing. Reynal smiles, "Good girl, nice technique."
Mari glares at him while wielding her sword and dagger in front of her. “A pity I can't say the same about you”
The mages continue sending darts to the other two men, and Darn tries to overcome the rogue with force, raising his shield and moving swiftly on him like a battering ram. Mari then realizes the archers were none to be seen and looks at the Lady’s tent. Two men are dragging away an unconscious Lady Taverline.
"The Lady! Beware!" Mari shouts and George takes another quick look over the battlefield as he pulls his axe out of the man's shoulder. Mari rolls over herself to dodge Ryenal and go to rescue the Lady. Reynal seems to have enough to worry about with Kyle and Darn, who are attacking him with their swords. Darn knocks Reynal back, giving Kyle an opening to hit with his sword, and the one-eyed warrior immediately turns his sword upon that opening.
Reynal grunts at the pain and lashes out at Kyle, a low slice that carves open his leg, but Kyle still manages to take advantage of the opening, stabbing Reynal in the gut. Kyle try to stand his ground, driving his sword deeper into Reynal with all his strength.
As Mari is running to Lady Taverline's rescue Lauren and Håkan look around at Mari's scream to see where the lady is.
“LAUREN, A GLYPH!”, shouts the tall mage
“Leave her alone!!” screams Mari while running. The elf has the sudden feeling that the Lady IS enjoying this secretly, thinking Reynal is so in love with her.
There is another loud scream from the woods, pain and anger, and the sound of something falling. Lauren casts a glyph under the kidnappers, reaching one of them. He's immediately paralysed and the other man struggles with carrying the Lady alone, slowed by Taverline's weight.
Kyle's blade is driven to the hilt. Reynal spits blood at the knight and stabs him with both daggers, one in each arm. The pain is terrible. Kyle grimaces, trying to swallow his scream of pain. He refuses to remove his sword. Darn raises his left hand with shield hitting Reynal with several movements trying to stun him, and while his blade slices into Reynal, eliciting another grunt of pain, his shield pummel stuns him, leaving time to Kyle, who is bleeding from the daggers still stuck in his arms, to continue holding Reynal in place with his remaining strength.
“I have him! Darn, attack!” Darn’s sword raises and sword sheers through Reynal’s neck, making him feel the warm gore at his face while he glances back at the group
George decides they have the situation under control and attempts a new attack at his enemy, but the warrior ducks out of the way and counterattacks. Luckily George is also able to step out of the way. The two warriors glare at each other in dismay. Ok bitch, new tactic. George spins the axe in his hands and swings it towards his opponents head. The cheek of the axe connects with the man's temple, knocking him out.
There's another explosion as Håkan sends his third fireball flying to the paralyzed warrior at the edge of camp, burning the immobile man; screams and grunts of pain, yelling. Håkan and Lauren focus in the paralyzed one, sending darts and fireballs to stun him. Lauren hits him with her staff, and he falls unconscious.
Mari rushes towards the rogue and kicks him directly in the groin, dropping him to the ground as he groans in pain. “I love this job”, comments the redhaired elf with a wicked smile, while the men in the fight feel their own balls twitching in sympathy.
The man on the ground clutches himself, eyes watering, "Please don't kill me!" he begs, voice high and whiny
Mari takes her sword out and points at him. “Give me a reason not to do it”. By the corner of her eye, she sees Kyle taking his sword out Reynal’s headless body, disgusted, and sinking down to the ground to rest. Her heart shrinks in urge to rush and help him, but she can’t leave the kidnapper alone. Fortunately, Lauren runs to Kyle's side and starts to examine his injures, and Marilyn sighs in gratitude.
The man winces, "I can pay you! We weren't going to hurt the lady."
“And who tells me you're not going to ambush us again to get the money back?”. She continues watching Lauren casting a heal spell on Kyle, and him thanking her with a smile, feeling a little better already, and allows herself to release her breath.
“Anytime”, replies Lauren, smiling back and helping the knight to stand up.
The bandit looks up at Mari, eyes wide, "Why in the Void would I do that? You killed the rest of them!"
“One never knows”
Zara comes running back to camp, panting and coated with blood. She looks around, confused for a moment. Also Darn, after making sure Reynal is dead, as if being beheaded wasn’t sure enough, runs to the camp for bandages, while Håkan searches for a healing poultice in his satchel, trying not to scare Cold Feet too much. The mouse tugs at the needed package, squeaking at Håkan and the mage hands a healing poultice to Darn. “need this?”
George brings his axe down upon the defenseless man in front of him and the blade buries itself between neck and shoulder, splitting the man nearly in two. Blood splatters everywhere. For a moment, George seems unable to make himself move. Realizing belatedly they could've just tied to unconscious man up or something.
Eventually he shakes himself back to reality. Around him things have quieted down, it's over. There are dead people on the ground, but none of the corpses were on their side he notes thankfully. With some effort, George pulls his axe out of the man's lifeless body. The others have gathered around a bandit they managed to capture for questioning.
Mari takes out a rope and ties the man. “I think the Mallorys will have some questions for you”, and walks back to where everybody is, forcing the man to walk in front of her while pointing at him with her sword. The bandit limps in front of Mari, looking miserable
“ Someone takes care of the vanished lady, before another mouse gets into her clothes?” she warns, but then Taverline moans a bit and sits up. "Did we win?"
Zara sits down, peeling off her chest plate. "I could use a bandage. And some whiskey."
"Everybody ok? No one dead?" George asks as he joins them.
Before anyone has time to answer him Lady Taverline comes running.
"You saved me!" she exclaims, clinging to his arm.
George simply pushes her away from him without responding in any other way. Annoying fool of a woman. He looks to the others, Lauren is going about her business healing everyone up and it seems Zara has returned. Where was she during the fight anyway? George recalls hearing some screams from the forest which were too high pitched to come from the men attacking them... Maybe it was her... George decides to think of it later. He throws his axe down on the ground, seconds later he joins it.
Darn quicken his steps to Zara, protective. "Why did you fight?"
Zara looks at Darn, "Didn't have much choice. I was on my way back with fresh water and this guy attacked me. Bastard."
Darn glances at the bandit with hate "I will kill him"
“No, we need answers”, says Mari. “And then I think we should bring them to Justice” The bandit winces, looking even more afraid. “Do you prefer us to kill you here, bandit?”
Mari then turns back at Kyle hoping he's okey and wishing someone took care of this stupid prisoner so she could hug him. Kyle notices her look and uses his shield as a leaning post. He nods and looks back at her adoringly "I'm fine, love."
Lauren walks to Darn "Darn, let me see that, you all right?"
Darn glances at everyone "I am Kyle?"
Kyle nods at his brother "I'm fine, thanks to Lauren."
“Don't move”, commands Lauren ignoring Darn’s comment, “we need to take those arrows out, Hoejkan can you help me please?”
“Sure”, and holds the elf warrior while Lauren starts healing him.
Darn shrugs and turns to Zara "Lauren, can you take care of Zara first?"
“Yes, of course, just let me finish cleaning this”. Once she finishes, Lauren smiles to Zara "now, your turn", and cleans her injures too and casts heal
Darn looks at Lauren healing hands turning at Zara and smiles a little, but Zara doesn’t look so pleased. Zara looks at Lauren, "I don't need magic. Thanks though."
Darn frowns "You do"
Zara shakes her head at Darn and smiles at Lauren. “Thanks tho”.
Darn sighs yanking arrows out his body and crouches to Zara. She has a stab wound in her side. Darn grabs Zara hands with one hand "Please help her Lauren"
“Wait, let me check that, Zara”, insists Lauren.
Zara looks at Lauren, "No magic?"
“ Oh so now you want magic?”. She gives her a little smile and casts heal.
Zara winces back from Lauren, "I meant no magic, not yes please touch me with powers from the Fade. Maker."
Darn raises eyebrow "I took the help from mage, why dont you?"
Håkan hands the health poultice Darn refused before and offers it to Zara. “This is not from the Fade”
Zara smiles at Håkan, "Now that is more like it. Thanks."
“Zara, magic isn't dangerous, I'm not going to hurt you...”, tries to reason Lauren. “It just...”
Zara looks at Lauren, "Not dangerous? DO you not see the smoking trees all around us? If I'm dying, sure, heal me. This little scratch? It'll be fine."
“Hey, that was me, not Lauren”, jumps Håkan in her defense, not sure he said the right thing.
She sighs. “Alright, Darn, wait a minute, I need to do something” Lauren grabs her satchel and looks for some herbs. “I'm not going to cast a fireball on you, you know?” She smiles "and I don't think I could do it anyway”
Darn pulls Zara hands to her side "This is only way how to do something with her, Lauren heal her please"
Zara glares at Darn. "Let go."
Darn takes a breath looking sad "No"
Zara settles, "Fine. Do whatever."
But this time Lauren doesn’t do magic. Instead, she finishes an antidote. “Oh, Darn, take this, I don't look how those injures look, and share it will Kyle, he may need it too”. The warriors haven't noticed, but those shot with arrows have red, painful wounds. if Lauren doesn't treat them, there will be consequences later
Meanwhile. Håkan checks his satchel for Cold-Feet. "So, are you hungry now?".
Darn takes the antidote with one hand looking a bit confused at Lauren "How does it look like? The rogue used poison?"
Lauren gives him a little smile "and don't worry, I'll take care of her. AND NO MAGIC" emphasizes
Zara smiles at Lauren. "Thank you. I prefer that, please."
Lauren uses the health poultice "no problem. It will only take long..." Zara lets Lauren treat her, a bit nervous, but she doesn't pull away, while Lauren cleans the injure the best she can.
GeorgeAck throws his axe to the ground and sits down on the ground next to it. "Hey, do we have any water?" He says as he starts peeling off his chestplate, sweaty.
The next moment Taverline is by his side again, trying to "help" him get his armor off with a big smile on her face.
"Lady... Please stop touching me..." George glares at her, feeling slightly molested.
She stops and gives him a sullen look. "I'll bring you some water!" She makes a quick recovery and runs to fetch said water. As she runs away Kyle tosses his waterskin to George, smirking at him. George gives him a look that says 'Shut up it's not funny', but he catches the waterskin and mumbles his thanks before drinking.
“Don’t mention it”, Kyle replies.
Mari sits besides Kyle, with an eye on the bandit. “Sorry I left you alone, honey” Kyle just smiles and kisses Mari's forehead.
The bandit stares at Mari, terrified. "Please let me go."
Mari looks at the bandit angry for the interruption. “Why so afraid? You should have thought there was a chance that you wouldn't win, you know”
Kyle smirks, amused "Alright, interrogation time, is it?"
“Seems so, or he won't leave us a moment together”, frowns Mari.
Lady Taverline returns after a moment, finding George with a waterskin already she pouts. But Lady Taverline is obviously not a woman to give up easily.
"I know you like me." She states, hovering over him like a hawk. "Are you and Darn going to fight for the privilege of loving me from afar?" She asks, batting her eyelashes.
"Woman... I don't love you and I'm not going to fight Darn. I don't even like you."
"You... you don't like me? But, why not?" Lady Taverline looks hurt.
George doesn't care, he's tired of this woman bothering him.
"You're annoying. Just... Leave me alone."
The Lady stomps her foot. "I am not annoying. I am perfect and beautiful. What's wrong with you men?"
George loses his temper. "What in the fade is wrong with you?! We're not interested and you are about to get married! crazy spoiled lady..."
Håkan comes over to them. "Milady, may I have a word?"
George takes another sip of water, listening in on what Håkan tells her. Taverline looks at him, obviously on the edge of tears.
"See, milady... men like strong women who does not beg for love... Women that look from a distance, promising but not showing..."
"I don't understand. I just want to be adored! Everyone at home loved me... Well, until mother sent them away."
"You may try to have a different approach... Look at them with superior indifference... They will fall at your feet in no time. Keep them at a distance and they will fall under your charm."
George likes that part about 'at a distance'.
"They - they will?" The Lady sniffs, tears averted. "You're so wise. I have half a mind to keep you. A lady needs trusted advisors."
Håkan coughs. "Right... Sure... I... LAUREN, what is this potion?" He rambles and makes his escape.
George watches him go, amused.
Darn pours a bit from antidote to the scarf and put it on his wound on shoulder and on leg passing it to George
"I wasn't hit. I don't need any antidote. but thanks", he declines Darn’s offer to use the it.
“ Hoejkan, I'm busy here...”, calls Lauren “Can you hand me the bandages, please?”, and the mage rushes to help her. Lauren doesn't take her eyes off Zara while she bandages up her
Darn sighs "George, I would ask Lauren, but I don't suppose that I would understand what she will tell me, you can try, if you are wiser in this matter"
“Oh, it's a simple antidote, I don't like how your injuries looked. I think the arrows were poisoned...”
Håkan shivers when hearing that. “Mind to have a second look to the injured you healed before, then?”
Lauren "yes, of course", then she turns to Zara “I think it's done. Do not move for a while"
Zara nods. "Thank you."
Lauren winks "anytime"
Zara grins at Lauren, "You know, for a mage, you're alright."
"Oh thanks, that's the prettiest thinkg I've been told today!" Lauren thinks for a second and wrinkles her nose "yes, it is"
Darn gets back to Zara "Are you...feeling better?"
Looks at Darn, "I've felt better, but it'll be fine in a day or two."
Darn puts a hand on Zara head and looks to the ground "You should have run to me..."
Zara smiles at Darn and kisses his hand, "I can take care of myself. Besides, you were busy."
Darn blushes hard "Well...I..."he gasps "I will try to be time"
Zara grins at Darn, "As you say."
Darn smiles a bit and looks toward Kyle and Mari talking to the bandit
The bandit sighs, "Look, I'm just trying to make some money. How about I tell you who wanted the lady and you let me go?"
“How about you tell us who wanted the lady and then we will see if we kill you or not?”
“ I'm sure your life is worth more than that bit of information, agree?”
The bandit blinks a few times at Kyle and Mari. "You have to promise to let me go. Otherwise there's no point."
Mari looks at Kyle like asking him what to do. Kyle nods "I will make that promise if you promise to give us real information. And you leave all your belongings here. Deal?"
“Real USEFUL information, I'd add”, Mari says.
The bandit looks at Mari, "I can tell you who, I can even tell you why. But I won't say a damn thing without that knight's solemn oath to let me go after I've told you everything."
“Clever boy. You know who will be true to his promise, don't you?” Mari looks at Kyle. "It's your decission, love"
Kyle smile at her and nods. "Fair enough."
“ I just hope we won't regret it after”, ponders the elf.
"You have my word. And I trust you to answer each and every question with the truth. Now, who sent you here?" George hears Kyle talking to the bandit they captured, curiosity forcing his attention there.
The bandit nods at Kyle. "We were hired by the groom. He has his eyes on a higher prize, or so we were told. Kidnap the lady, send her off to Antiva, get paid, and done."
They all look at the bandit with wide eyes, astonished by these news. Though, having met Lady Taverline, George contemplates it might've been self-preservation more than a 'higher price'. But then, on second thoughts, not even this annoying crazy woman deserved that.
"The groom? Why?" Mari asks eventually, looking at the bandit astonished “What kind of higher prize? A wealthier bride?”
"Despicable bastard" Kyle mutters. Mari looks at Kyle, concerned.
"I've told you what I know. Reynal knew more but I guess he's not talking now." The bandit replies.
Mari nods. "How much did they pay?"
"I got three gold for the job. I don't know what he payed Reynal. I think he was getting most of his share on proof the contract was complete." The bandit says, grinning.
"You have the contract with you? Or were you supposed to meet the groom later?" Kyle asks.
"We should loot Reynal's corpse, love" Mari looks to Kyle.
“ Pardon my forgetfulness, my lady.”, apologizes the knight.
“Nothing to aplogize for” Mari smiles warmly before turning her attention back to the bandit. "Anything else we should know?"
The bandit looks at Kyle "The groom was supposed to 'hire' us to go look for her and pay our passage back to Nevarra."
"And were you going to see him again once the job was done?", continues the elf.
"That was the plan. I suppose it didn't work out. Three gold is plenty to get me back home though."
“Well, the contract is enough for proof, I say”. Kyle scratches his chin. “If we manage to find it”
Mari nods again and gets to her feet. "I'm going to loot the body. I leave him up to you, Kyle. Do as you wish with him." Kyle smiles at his clever lady.
Behind them Lady Taverline sits and watches Håkan, quiet again. Suddenly, she breaks down and cries. "Does this mean he doesn't want to marry me? Am I that horrid?"
“Here, Hejkan, let me see that”, calls Lauren. “Hoeakan? your injury?” Håkan loosens the robe and shows his shoulder to Lauren, who examines it "um...yes, you should take it to. Looks the same".
Håkan nod and takes the antidote from Darn. “Lauren... when you're done... try go and comfort the serial rapist over there, I don't want to be her next victim...”
“What? me?”. Lauren sighs. “Rapist?”
Håkan nods at lady Taverline
“Uh...and what I'm supposed to tell her?
“Well... she just learned her fiancée doesn't want to marry her anymore and hired some thugs to kidnap and sell her...”, summarizes Håkan. “What you say in these occasions?”
“Uh...don't I'm sorry?”
“That would do...”, nods the mage. “But see... if any of us guys would say that to her, he'd end up with a lady Mussel attached on him
"Yes...I understand...Why do I always have to clean your messes?" Lauren sighs
“Ok, I'll do it, you just sit here and don't move that arm...Let me bandage it first, it may take it some time to completely heal”. She repeats the same procedue and finishes with the bandage, then pats Håkan's back and smiles "done”.
Looting Reynal’s corpse, Mari finds a contract, but it's not very specific. It refers to "goods" being shipped, and payment on delivery... It has not bannorn seals, but it is signed “Mallory”. Reynal has 10 gold on him as well, and Mari takes it all, included the daggers the rogue used to stab her beloved. Then she looks around for more corpses, now that she's on the mood
George quickly gets to his feet and goes to do the same as Mari, but with the man he killed instead. He doesn't want to be the one to comfort the Lady. He finds an amulet on the man, as well as a decent dagger. He has no use for the dagger, but he might be able to sell it for some extra coin. He inspects the amulet, but is unable to tell if it's enchanted or not. He puts it in his pocket, meaning to ask Lauren or Håkan about it later. It's not like this man will have any use for it now. He returns to the others while Mari continues looting the rest of the corpses.
“Okay, I'm a man of my word”, is Kyle saying, throwing the bandit a threatening look. Leaves all your weapon and armor, get out of our sight, and you know better to not tell the groom of this, because we'll be coming for him next.
Darn and Zara approach to Kyle."What will we do with the bandit?" he asks.
Kyle sighs "Let him go, he is just a hireling."
Zara sighs. "I don't guess we're going to get a bath until we hit Dragon's Peak. Great."
Darn frowns a little "You gave him your word not to kill him?"
Kyle turns to face Darn directly "Yes, or he won't talk. I'm not comfortable with him alive, but I have no choice."
"Well, I didnt give my word to him", says Darn gloomily
"Don't even think about it, Darn." Kyle scowls.
The bandit swallows, "Look, I just want out of here. You got no reason to kill me"
Darn tilts his head on the side "Why brother? You endanger not only us but also the women...Kyle..." he looks away disapprovingly
Kyle throw his arm up "Because I gave him my word! If you attack him then I'll have to stop you! Look, he's just a bloody hireling, not much different from us."
"Why are you so keen on killing him? I thought you hate blood shedding.", Kyle says sternly to Darn, unable to see the elf in such a state. The elf is acting strange lately, overprotective with the women, and specially to Zara.
Zara shrugs, "I don't care. Kill him, let him go . . . just be done with it."
Kyle and Darn are arguing over letting the bandit go or not while Lauren desperately tries to comfort a devastated Lady Taverline.
Taverline cries prettily, as if her little heart was shattered. Lauren approaches her.
“Uh...oh...hello? Would you like a handkerchief?”. She hands one to her. Taverline takes the handkerchief, dabbing at her tears. “And...ah...I'm sorry…this must be pretty hard for you...”
“Why does everyone hate me? At the estate they loved me . . . I just want to go h-hoooommmmmeeeee!”
"Nonononono... No one hates you, really..ah...They just don't externalize it...", Lauren tries to comfort her. “ Uh.and you'll go home, of course, with your parents... Look, that man, your groom was an idiot…there is no point in crying for him and for anything...”
Taverline sniffs, "Maybe he loves me and just doesn't know it yet. Maybe he … he just wanted to rescue me?"
“Yes! yes, maybe!” Lauren tries to remember what girls in the tower used to say. “But in any case, that's not the better way to treat a lady…you...uh...deserve better? I mean...this...could be an interesting event before your wedding if he planned to rescue you… could have ruined your hair...or something”. Lauren lowers her voice, confused.
Taverline shakes her head, showing unexpected determination, "No. Father said I had to do this. For the family. I won't let him refuse me before we've even met."
“Yeah...”, says Lauren, glad the Lady now seems better, even if she’s not sure she had anything to do with it. “Of course, you are a good daughter, he must be so proud of you...”
Taverline stands back, giving lauren a smile. "It must be a misunderstanding. Everyone always loves me. Especially daddy. I demand you take me to my groom!"
Lauren clears her throat “Yes, of course, mylady! uh...we'll take you to him...and'll show him you are a worthy bride! And now...I should..ah” She points at the rest “go and tell my friends, if you allow me to, of course”
Taverline nods. "Thank you. I'm sorry to be such a bother."
Lauren doubts "oh, no you are not a..." bites her tongue "going to tell the others"
In that moment, Mari comes back keeping the money she looted in her purse, approaching to Darn and Zara.
Zara touches Darn's shoulder, "I could always cut his hands off first. Can't do much harm that way."
"I want to kill him, for security, but I will not fight you to get him...I wont go against your word." Darn glances away and adds "brother." through gritted teeth.
"Glad you understand, brother." Kyle sighs deeply, his wound starts to hurt a little.
“If you're so willing to kill people, there are still two unconscious enemies there” Mari replies. “I tied them for you, with a pretty bow, in case you want to kill them. If not, we should decide what to do with them when they wake up”
"Let Kyle decide..." Darn says to Mari not moving
“Anyway if you want my advice...” continues the elf, “If we leave this man go, we shouldn't let the ones too. Because one can't ambush us, but three can be more dangerous”
Darn crouches to Zara, disappointed, they left rogue enter the camp against his will, and they will leave bandits live against his will as well.
“I didn't give the other ones my word, so....feel free to do whatever you like”.
“We can always deliver them to justice, anyway”
Zara looks at Kyle, "If I take his hands off, he's no trouble. Does that work for you, she- uh, Kyle?"
Mari looks at Zara. “That's too cruel”
Kyle shrugs, "I think they'll worth more in whole, don't you think."
"If you want to do it Zara, I would take it instead...don’t need more blood on you" Darn smiles a little at Zara
Mari feels a bit uncomfortable, remembering why she prefers humans, after all. “Don't you think this kind of things is the ones which make shems hate us, elves?”
"How is it connected?" Darn glances at Mari. Mari shakes her head. Doesn’t he realize the two elves are acting like hating bloodthirsty beasts in front of defeated enemies?
Kyle facepalms, concerned too "Darn, we have to talk about your recent showcase of blood thirst."
Zara looks at Mari, "I don't care either way, but if he's dangerous and we can't kill him, it's a thought."
The bandit squirms. "I'm not dangerous! Maker! I just want to run!"
The two tied bandits begin to stir, not awake yet, but getting there. Mari looks at them “We should decide something soon”
“But not right now, look, just keep them tied up and deliver them to the Chantry or something, then get our money”, says Kyle.
“I'm with Kyle there”, smirks Mari
Darn glares at Kyle and his eyes sparkles with yellow colour. Kyle avoids Darn's glance "I said not right now."
Darn rubs his face and starts to breathe heavily "Don’t come" he whispers
Zara notices it grabs and Darn's shoulder, "Oh, my wound - it hurts. Can you look at it, love?" She tugs Darn a little ways off, looking worried. Darn touches his chest his heart Zara hugs him, tightly, whispering to him. Darn snuggles into Zara hair like he is in pain.

Kyle also looks at the scene with disbelieving look on his face "I changed my mind. Let's kill him. Where's my dagger?"
Mari smiles at Kyle's reaction and hugs him. “You jealous?” Kyle hugs her back tightly and gives Darn the thumb-up though, he's not sure if Darn sees it. Mari just enjoys Kyle's hug, she's tired of being the only responsible one here.
That seems to end the argument. In any case George isn't about to get himself involved in any drama, whether it's about the life of a bandit or Lady Taverline's broken heart. They have found documents proving the grooms guilt, decent loot and no one got severely injured, it's all that matters to him. He walks over to Håkan as Lauren seems busy trying to comfort the crazy woman. "Hey... You're a mage... Can you tell me if this amulet is enchanted?"
Håkan examines it. “Uhm, it looks that has an enchantment on it... some sort of magic protection, i can't tell exactly”
Lauren reaches them "I think she's all right, what did I miss?" Lauren tiptoes trying to see it “Enchantment?”
George hands over the amulet to her. “Wanna have a look, Lauren?"
Håkan disapproves
“Oh, thanks”, she says, examining it.
“Magic protection of sort, right?”, says Håkan over her shoulder.
“'s like” Lauren turns it and touches it “…spirit magic”
The other two bandits come awake, confused. Mari left them stripped of their armor and tied.
Lady Taverline coughs. "If you don't mind, I'd like to be on our way. I need a proper bath and clean clothes and good food. We have none of that here."
And for the first time since this journey began, George agrees.
Mari hears Lady Taverline and steps back embarrassed, and Lauren forgets the amulet for a second "Oh! yes! that! Shouldn’t we continue?"
“Just let’s decide what do we do with those tied up bandits”, says Mari. “I say deliver them to the guards or something”
“Keep them tied up and take them back for the bounty”, nods Kyle
“We can drop them at a Chantry on the way, or we can deliver them to the garrison at Dragon's Peak”, Mari ponders. “But I wouldn't leave them in Dragon Peak, if it was the groom who hired them”
“Chantry?” asks Håkan, the paranoid twitch in the eye starting.
“Yeah. What’s the problem?”
“I just hope no templar mistakes me for Anders AGAIN!”, Håkan complains. “Though I have always the "He's the other one, xoxox Greg" note with me”
“Then let’s drop them of at the Chantry so we get rid of them”, George agrees.
Darn hands falls freely to his sides and his head hangs, he stops to breath. Zara cradles Darn, who rocks a little as Zara holds him in her arms, and Taverline bows and poofs. Mari has stepped away from Kyle, and checks the money she got from the bandits.
She still has a purse she got in a previous quest and nobody claimed, too bad for them. But here they look at her so she shrugs. “Want me to share? Ask me nicely”, she teases. “Someone has to take care of the money”. She glances at Darn and Zara cuddling and wonders if, like Kyle, the elf has a “secret button” to turn him on.
Kyle is still overcoming the attack by lady Taverline, the cargo trouble, wondering if he has become a heartbreaker. George offers the group the two daggers he doesn't need, since he didn’t find gold to share. Mari shakes her head, not interested. “I have Reynal’s”, says.
Those daggers hurt Kyle, it’s personal. And she also takes one of the bows of the archers. “I keep the bow”, she adds. “Maybe I can learn how to use it. Now to Dragon's Peak and to talk to certain groom”
“We will kick his butt”, mumbles Darn, a bit recovered.
“Well Mari can kick his balls”, giggles Lauren. “She's good at that”
George frowns. “Evul man”, while Darn twitches knowing how it hurts. Kyle hope she doesn’t do it either, so he approaches and kisses Mari’s cheek
“Hey, I wasn't the one who wanted to cut that man's hands”, she comments, smiling at her boyfriend’s attention.
“I didn't want to”, shrugs Zara, “but it solved the problem”
BONUSMeet Håkan.
He's a mage from the Anderfels who lives in Ferelden circle, the only one who can speak Anders' real name, the only other mage who's name can't be correctly pronounced by any other mage not even if their life were at the stake. This does not helps his blood pressure.
This is the first part of a short miniseries of strips in which I want to introduce this character who lives in the Dragon Age Universe in the pre-blight Ferelden in year 25 Dragon.
This character was supposed to be used in the Merry Mabari RP, but so far the character hasn't been ultimately accepted or denied. I don't know, then, if his story will cross the path of otrher MM adventureres, but I surely know that he will travel Ferelden following his passion for cats and exploding things, and it will be not an easy life. :

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