Kyle has asked me to go with him to Highever so he can introduce me to his friends as his fiancee, and it is such a strange feeling. Somehow this means there's no way back, there's a compromise. It's not anymore something between him and me… and a few friends at the Merry Mabari. I also feel lonely. I have not a place to come back, friends to introduce him too… since Ser August and Eve went away. Though I know they would have approved. They liked him already, or so I want to believe. I try to cling to that thought.
He has rented a horse, because Highever is quite far from Denerim, and at first it sounded like a good idea. Riding in front of him like a princess had such a romantic appeal when he told me. But the beast is big and scary and when I tried to ride it, it tried to bite me. Besides, after two hours of feeling the bones of that beast hitting my own butt's bones I changed my mind. If I don't have to see one of these animals again I will be happy. Kyle sometimes seems offended when I beg him to continue walking for a while, but I'm grateful to feel my feet on the ground again.
The sight of Highever makes me hold my breath. I expected a crowded, dirty city like Denerim, but things here seem a bit more under control. The city is crowned by a majestic castle, where according to Kyle, the Couslands dwell. Most of the buildings are stone ones, and the streets seem clean and safe. The city watch seems a bit more efficient than Denerim's, too.

He hires two rooms for us at the local tavern, and I pout again at his stubbornness, because I plan to sneak into his room as soon as he falls asleep, as always. I wonder if this is the place where he met Lindy for the first time, but if it brings sad memories to him, he doesn't show. He looks for a messenger and sends a note to the Couslands themselves to arrange a meeting with his friend and mentor. I wonder what I am going to say. I have never met a noble before. Oh, well. If you don't count that guy in Denerim's guard. I mean a decent noble. But he smiles reassuringly.
"You'll like him. Don't worry. Just be yourself"
"Dangerous advice", I reply with a sly smile.
He just laughs. He has started to grow a beard, more accurately a small goatee, and he looks older with it. I thought I would find it weird, and at first it itched, but now I like it. It makes him manlier, and I like to rub my cheek against it when we're in a cuddling mood.
We go to the bar to have a drink and I raise my hand to order an ale, as usual, but he stops me and orders two ciders.
"Try this", he suggests. "It's healthier than ale, and tastes better".
I shrug. As long as it has alcohol, I can give it a chance. I've never drunk anything but ale during all my life, it was the only drink cheap enough for me to afford in quantity enough to get drunk. And it is a pleasant surprise. It tastes like apples. Kyle seems pleased, and a bit proud of himself, when he sees my reaction.
"Maybe I'll switch to this thing in the future", I say approvingly, mainly because I know he'll like the idea.
In the meanwhile, the messenger comes back saying he has delivered the note and that we have an appointment in the afternoon. Of course, everybody talks just to Kyle, and look at me in kind of a condescending way. You don't usually see elves in Shem's taverns, and if the one you see is a female, in the company of a male Shem, most people tend to raise the same conclusions. Well, they're not as wrong as they think, even if Kyle would punch anyone who dared to say it aloud.
After all, none of them would be able to tell the difference between whore and fiancée even talking about their own shem girlfriends. They would say the only difference is the price they have to pay for their company. And I bet some of them would say fiancée is too expensive for what you get.
He doesn't even notice, he just thinks everybody has his same values and that's one of the reasons I love him so much. He thanks the boy, gives him some coppers and turns to me.
"Until we meet Ryan, we can visit the alienage. What do you think?"
The alienage? I'm not crazy about meeting my fellow elves so they can call me a Shem Lover for being seen in his company. At least humans are less picky when they see a couple like us. Some of the men even look at Kyle with a jealous expression, because, you know, they think we're kind of exotic beauties. But for elves I will be double outcast for not mating with someone like them. To continue our stupid bloodline of pointy eared separatist bitches. It's not going to be a pleasant experience. I shake my head.
"Can't we go anywhere else? To visit some other of your friends?"
He looks puzzled. "There's people I hope to meet at the alienage".
Sometimes I forget that's the place he grew up. I agree reluctantly.
"If you think they're not going to greet us there with rotten tomatoes… I guess I can go with you"
He smiles hesitantly, as if he couldn't grasp the rotten tomatoes idea. I feel warm as always. I finish my cider and get up. If we must go there, better do it now so we can come back sooner.
Highever's alienage, like the city itself, seems wealthier, cleaner and safer than Denerim's one. There are a couple of shops, a place where people drinks (I don't dare to call this a tavern, it is more a terrace where they join to laugh and gossip) and some buildings ahead. I can even hear the sound of a forge. One could think people actually is happy here. They have, of course, their share of beggars and sick, but the other elves seem to care for them instead of throwing them to the streets. I can't see any traces of an orphanage, maybe they take care of their orphans too. Even of shem's orphans, I think while looking at Kyle.
To my surprise, not only there are no rotten tomatoes. People even smile at Kyle while he walks through the street, specially the older elves, the ones who have seen him playing in the streets. I hold his hand, proud of him for a while.
When we arrive at the forge, a middle aged woman comes out, with her face red for the heat and showing a wide smile in it. Somehow she makes me think of a ripe apple. Or maybe it was the cider.
"Look who's back!!", she shouts. "Lirya's little Kyle!"
Seeing that woman, average sized for an elf, calling my tall as a tower Kyle "Little" makes me giggle, but here she is, with her apple face, walking fast paced towards him with her arms open. Kyle laughs and takes her in the air like a child. I have the feeling the opposite was usual when he was a kid.
"Meriva!!!", he laughs. "Where's Sariel? And how is the forge going?"
The so-called Meriva giggles and asks him to release her to the ground again. "I'm not a child, you stupid shem!" she teases, but it seems this woman was part of his childhood. I feel envious. Nobody treated me like that in Denerim's alienage.
He deposits her on the ground and she arranges her clothes. "He's gone to Amaranthine with Renard, the merchant, to sell some goodies. And we're about to close a business with the city Watch to provide armors and weapons, so I can't complain."
She looks at him and her eyes show a warm expression.
"Maker, look at you, you're no longer that small child who almost died burned under red hot iron, are you?"
Kyle smiles. He told me once… that big, wide scar on his back and part of his belly was an accident in this same forge. Lirya left him alone while talking to Meriva, and after hearing a thud and a scream, Sariel came back with him in his arms, unconscious, half of his torso's skin burned and full of blisters. I bet no one of them has forgiven themselves for that.
"Any news of Lirya, Meriva?", he asks. "Has she returned… or sent a note or something?"
Meriva shakes her head.
"No, Kyle, nothing. I'm sorry…. I don't think she'll ever come back"

Left to right: Lirya Faelivrin, Lindy Kent, Marilyn Blank
So that's why we are here. He has not lost the hope to see the woman he considers his mother again, even if she disappeared when he was still a child. Kyle seems defeated.
"And I thought you would never come back again either… Ryan told us… what happened…" She doesn't finish her words, but I know what she's talking about. Each time anyone brings that memory back, I see his face darken, and I feel sad and jealous at the same time.
Suddenly she notices me, and I become her excuse to change the subject.
"But look what the cat brought!", she says, looking at me from up to down. I'm still a bit taller than her, but that's not rare, I'm quite tall for the average elf myself. Even if I still look like a doll by Kyle's side. "Who is this cutie, Kyle? A friend of yours? Do you want us to host her here?"
I scowl. Of course. A friend he's going to leave here, that's what they think. That's why Kyle's simple answer makes me smile so widely.
"She's Marilyn of Denerim, my fiancée, Meriva. We're going to get married".
I love how her jaw drops. Things don't change. Even in Highever. I rejoice a few seconds more in her astonishment and then offer her my hand to shake.
"Nice to meet you, Meriva".
I must admit the woman regains her composure quite fast, while she shakes my hand with unusual strength for a female elf.
"Welcome to Highever, Marilyn". Then she turns to Kyle while pointing at her home. "But I'm being a terrible host. Come with me and share a drink. To the old times".
Kyle hesitates "We have an appointment with Ryan, Meriva… I'm not sure if…"
Meriva just pushes him ahead.
"Nah, it will be just a minute. I want to know what you have been doing all those years. Apart from chasing pretty elves, I mean", she smiles looking at me. "Your fiancée, eh?", she adds. "It makes sense. You were always an elf at heart, Kyle. Though I must admit I always thought you'd end up marrying a pretty shem and settling down in hightown like the other shems".
Kyle smiles "My home has always been here, and I can't change what my heart desires. You know I don't care about elves or humans. I love Mari for what she is, regardless of her race or the shape of her ears"
Meriva smiles tenderly and looks at me again. "And me that I was wondering if I could match her to my poor Nelaros! It's already time to find him a good bride".
Old elven hens, I think. Always matchmaking.
"Nelaros is already in marrying age?", Kyle asks. "Last time I say him he was playing with wooden swords. Time flies".
"Now he plays with real ones. He's even a better smith than his father". She shouts while we enter the house. "Nelaros!! Guess who's here!!!"
"Mom!" a voice replies from the forge. "Is it that important? I'm finishing a hoe for the Haringers"
But soon after that a young, blond elf enters the room. He's wearing only his pants and a leather apron, and I must admit his sweating muscles are a pleasant sight to see. He cleans his forehead with a handkerchief while looking at Kyle and myself.
"Kyle?", he smiles upon recognizing him. "Oh, Maker, you're not coming to take revenge for the times I kicked you in the leg, are you?. And the lady is…"
"Mari", I step ahead, offering him my hand to shake. "His fiancée". Let's avoid temptation while it isn't too late.
Instead of shaking my hand, he bows and kisses it and I blush stupidly. Everybody in Highever is like that? Must be something in the water.
"A pleasure indeed", he says with a wink. "Kyle is a lucky man".
"I am the lucky one", I say, stepping back and holding Kyle's arm. "I can be with my heart's chosen one".
Kyle releases himself from my grip and holds me by the waist in a possessive way. There's no danger, but I think we better stop flirting. Meriva notices it too.
"So you're from Denerim, sweetheart? Maybe you know somebody I could match little Nelaros with?"
Ha. I don't like matchmaking and I was always glad nobody cared for us enough to find us a groom at the orphanage, but I can't imagine any of the bitches in Denerim alienage deserving such a jewel as this Nelaros seems… wealthy, handsome and a perfect gentleman. Suddenly I remember Adaia left a daughter who is only 2 or 3 years younger than me… We weren't friends or anything, but if only in her mother's memory, I think I can drop a name…
"Talk to Cyrion Tabris… He's got a nice daughter, if I recall correctly".
"I hope she looks at least a bit like you", says Nelaros. The flatterer.
"I happen to have a twin sister, my friend", I smile, "but I'd prefer her to choose who she hangs around with".
Nelaros smiles, and under his smile I feel approval. He likes the idea of matchmaking as little as I do. He has just accepted it because, well, it's the right thing to do. I like this guy already. Only a few incentives, and I'd be able to send him to the world to fight for what he really wants. Alienages are the same everywhere, after all. This one just smells better.
Meriva offers us some drinks and we chat around other unimportant things, but soon Kyle mumbles an excuse. It is lunch time, and after lunch we have an important meeting. Meriva nods and lets us go. Nelaros shakes my hand, now for real, and I promise to visit him again if I come back to the alienage. He seems interested by my skill with leather. Maybe we can trade some items, he says. I prefer honest Nelaros than flatterer one, and he has noticed it.
We stop at the inn again, have a quick lunch, and following Kyle's advice, I change my traveller's gear by my beloved fancy dress. Because, hey, we're meeting nobility! I'm scared and excited at the same time, but Kyle says I have nothing to fear. Ryan Cousland has been like an older brother for him, and he won't have any problem accepting me. I shrug. If Kyle was a noble himself, I'm sure he would actually have a problem. But I say nothing about it.
It feels weird again, walking in a castle hall, with a lady dress, to meet some nobles. I feel small and insignificant, even if the castle isn't as big on the inside as it looked majestic on the outside. It is more a fortress than a palace, and most of its impressive look is due to the thick walls and watching outposts.
A young redhaired guard leads us to the main room. He acts friendly to Kyle, and he doesn't ask us to release our weapons, which we carry even if we don't wear armors, so I guess he also knows him from the old times he used to hang around with the younger Cousland. I just hold his hand tighter like a little child while we walk through the castle's Main Hall. But this is not an audience, it is just a friend paying a visit to another friend, and soon a man of Kyle's age or slightly older comes to greet us.
"Kyle!" he shouts. His voice is deep and warm. He definitely is happy to see him again.
"You're back!"
He walks to him and pats his back. He's a bit shorter, the average shem's height actually, but as many people, he seems shorter besides Kyle. He also has a goatee, the kind with a moustache, and I can't help but think that his hair grows in a funny way. But his bright blue eyes sparkle when he laughs and I like him from the very beginning.

Art by me
"Just for a visit, Ryan", Kyle says. "We don't plan to settle down yet".
"We?". He looks at me with a wide smile. "That sounds like big plans. So you're the one who could catch him after all these years? And are you sure it was a good idea?"
I giggle. "Yes. Rather sure. If I have not dumped him by now, I think I can resist a lifetime".
Kyle protests with a weak "Hey!", but Ryan laughs.
"I like this girl already, Kyle. Don't let her go away. Mainly because you won't find a girl who can stand you easily".
He shakes my hand with energy. Kyle smiles, I see the complicity between them, even if they are as different as day and night. I can understand why they are so good friends.
He turns again to his friend. "So, what did you plan to do? I've saved the afternoon for you, my friend. Shall we show your girl the wonders of Highever? Or do you prefer to spend the day alone?"
Kyle blushes at what Ryan's words imply, and it makes me giggle. "We still have the night, milord", I add, just for the pleasure of seeing him blushing even more. "I will feel honored if you show me your wonderful city". I'm glad again Ser August took his time to teach me some politeness… I never thought I'd need it, but it's proving useful.
He laughs, while offering me his arm. "Call me Ryan", he says. "If he ever leaves you", he adds, pointing at Kyle and loud enough for him to hear it, "let me know. I have a thing for redhaired ones myself". Yay. So many compliments in a single day, being a taken lady is funnier than I expected!
"I will, mi.. er… Ryan", I reply, "but I won't make it easy for him".
I turn back and reach Kyle's hand. And thus, escorted by two magnificent knights, Ryan Cousland starts by leading me to visit the dependences of the Cousland Castle first.
We stop for a while in the castle chapel, where Ryan and Kyle speak to the priestess to arrange a date for the wedding. Kyle wishes to celebrate it here, and since I don't feel attached to Denerim anyway, I think it is a good idea. Then Ryan asks us to go with him to the kennels because he wants to fetch his mabari, Nero.
On our way there we walk into a young mother with her three years old son, and Ryan introduces us to his sister in law and his nephew, Oren, and I fall in love with him and suddenly wonder how will it be to have my own children (Kyle's children) in the future. You're turning soft, Mari. Only some months ago the idea of having children would have made you puke.
I also fall in love with the adorable mabari puppies they hold in the kennels, but I don't have a lot of time to play with them because Nero jumps over me and throws me to the floor licking my face like Paws uses to do at the inn.
Damn it, silly dog. I'm supposed to smell like cats, why do all dogs seem to like me so much? And those two shems laughing at my shocked and soaked face don't help a lot.
Finally Ryan whistles and Nero runs to his side, while Kyle helps me to get out, chuckling. I arrange my dress and shake my head at Ryan's suggestion to ask his mother to lend me some clean clothes. After a few more introductions and shaking hands, we are able to get out of the castle and have a walk in the marketplace.
All marketplaces are the same at this time of the day: crowded, noisy, fun and dangerous. I try to avoid being swept by the crowd while protecting my own purse by holding tight Kyle's hand with mine and keeping my other hand over my belongings. Even so, sometimes people pushes me and I find myself looking for his darkhaired head over the crowd, and I thank the Maker he's tall enough to be seen amongst everybody.
Suddenly I hear the well known cry: "To the thief!!!" and all my muscles get ready to run, until I realize it is not because of me this time. A short, brown-haired elf runs while a pissed shem yells and raises his hand, and, on his way, he runs into me and almost makes me fall to the ground. The boy is pretty good, but the marketplace is too crowded, and he can't go too far. The guards catch him soon.
I turn back to reach Kyle when I suddenly remember he has stumbled upon me and I check my purse quickly to make sure everything is there. I sigh of relief for a moment, then I realize there's something more. The guy has put a second purse amongst my clothes. Clever boy. That way nobody will be able to accuse him of the thievery.
The situation is not good for me, though. Either he has mistaken me by his accomplice, or he was just too desperate to keep the loot, but anyway I must get rid of this purse before anyone notices me. We elves are the first ones everyone look at when something is stolen.
Kyle and Ryan are in front one of the stalls, the one is looking around, I hope for me; while the other is looking at the guards in case he has to intercede. It is a good chance. I skip people until I reach them and while he asks if I'm all right, I slip the stolen purse onto the stall's table without being noticed. I don't know where this was stolen from and I don't care, but it is not mine and I don't want problems.
The times in which I would have taken the risk to keep a valuable item are already behind me. Then I grab Kyle's arm and ask him to go away, saying I feel dizzy and that the crowd is making me nervous. He mumbles something about wanting to buy something pretty for me but doesn't argue too much. He doesn't like crowds, either.
The guards have released the elven boy, not having found proof of his theft on him. It's the same story everywhere. If you can't take care of your purse it is your business. The stolen man, though, is rather pissed off and says the purse had something very valuable and that he would report it to the Couslands.
If the merchant in whose stall I've left the purse has noticed it, he says nothing. And I bet that, the more valuable the victim claims his purse to be, the more silent the merchant will be. Everybody is the same everywhere. Anyway, it is not my business anymore.
We walk out of the marketplace, and I make sure I keep flanked by my two personal guards, so they dissuade the young thief to claim a purse I no longer own. And for a moment it seems I'm going to be lucky and he has forgotten about it, but when we walk close to the alienage, I see a group of people, shems and elves together, and the boy is amongst them.
They see us coming and he whispers to his friends. And the situation gets worse as soon as he points at me. I get even closer to Kyle and hold his hand, and he looks at me and then follows my glance. No need to speak, he understands. A single pressure from his hand tells me I must not worry, he's by my side. His right hand is already on the handle of his sword, prepared for battle. So do I, of course. I would rather go naked than without my daggers.
One of the thugs, a human one, bald head, dark beard and scars in the scalp, walks ahead and stop us. He's shorter than Kyle, but he's maybe double his width. He looks at me with a vicious look.
"Look what we have here! A couple of lords with their elven whore. Maybe you're willing to share, messires?"
The thug takes a step closer to me, but Ryan's arm stops him.
"You better think your words twice. This lady is not what you say she is".
I don't like this. So much speaking only gives the others time to group and get closer.
"Oh, yes, yes, of course", scowls the thug. "I didn't notice you dressed her up like a doll. Was that before or after you fucked her?"
Even if I'm used to that kind of insults, I can't help but feeling all my blood coming to my cheeks. At the same time, Kyle draws his sword and swears under his teeth: "Take those words back, you bastard!" and even I feel a bit scared of the expression in his face.
Before he finishes his threat a blade crashes upon his bare sword, and a fight starts.
Ryan was prepared too, and I see his style of fighting is more similar to mine, focused on dodging and agility more than in strength like Kyle's.

Art by Pham Ngoc Trinh
I struggle with the wide sleeves to swing my own daggers but before I can face any of the thugs, I feel somebody holding me from behind. It's the young elf boy who concealed the purse in my dress and it's clear he thinks I still have it. He uses one hand to try to cover my mouth so I don't scream and instead of grabbing me properly, he tries to touch my breasts with the other hand so his grip isn't strong enough. Stupid teenagers, always thinking with their trousers. I bite the hand in my mouth and kick him back so he releases me in a matter of seconds. One thing I must concede to this dress: they don't see me coming.
The elf boy steps back when he sees me fully armed, and I see real fear in his eyes. He just babbles: "Give me the purse… give me the purse and we will leave you alone".
"I'm sorry, boy", I say. "I don't have it. I didn't want to play this game, so I got rid of it as soon as I could".
I see a mix of rage and fear in his eyes when he charges. Whatever was in that purse, it was valuable for him. Too bad, I didn't want to be involved and I still don't want to". I dodge him easily and scratch his arm with my red and black dagger. It is but a superficial wound, but he screams like a pig, and I remember my dagger is enchanted. It doesn't kill him, but he leaves me alone for a while.
Enough to have a look around and see the situation isn't good. Even if Kyle and Ryan are awesome fighters, the thugs are too many and they don't fight fairly.

Art by Pham Ngoc Trinh
I sneak around Kyle's enemies, three men at once, and jump over the back of one of them, trying to cut his throat. But as always I risk too much… I get to sink my dagger in his throat and I hear the familiar choking sound while my pretty dress gets soaked in blood, but I underestimate his size and he still has time to walk back and hit me against a wall nearby. I feel a sudden pain in the back of my head and everything gets dark.
When I open my eyes again, it seems the fight is over. I have it hard to focus my sight and for a moment I only see blurry faces, but finally I can see the concerned faces of my beloved Kyle, sweet Ryan and… Nelaros? What is he doing here? I look around and I see they've brought me to the forge's house again… makes sense, since the fight was near the alienage.
Meriva is taking care of me, thanking the Maker I was just unconscious and reprimanding shamelessly Kyle and Ryan for having allowed me to join the fight. It's funny to see her, an average elven lady with a ripe apple face, making those two grown up shems feel so ashamed. I should tell them the fight was somehow my fault, but I don't know how to start explaining it, and my head still hurts too much to think clearly.
Instead, Ryan explains that shortly after I lost consciousness, a group of elves headed by Nelaros, who had heard the sounds, joined the fight and made the surviving thugs run away. The one whose throat I had slit didn't survive, but the young elf did. Somehow that worries me, that boy was the most dangerous, he was too determined to get that purse. But I don't tell them, not yet. I need to rest a bit and get rid of this horrible headache. But Meriva doesn't let me sleep.
"Don't let yourself go, darling. It can be dangerous"
I feel she's somehow right so I force myself to keep my eyes open and I focus on the boys' conversation. They're bragging around about the fight and how awesome they were. I try to smile.
"Thanks for helping them, Nelaros. They wouldn't have done it without me". I try to giggle but it still hurts so I moan. Kyle touches my cheek, concerned.
"We were coming back from the Castle and saw the fight. I couldn't leave you alone", he says. "Though I think Kyle himself would have killed all those bandits all alone if we had left him. I have never seen such a rage!"
Kyle blushes, as if admitting he was fighting for me made him embarrassed. I look at him feeling all warm and proud.
"That's why he's my knight in shining armor", I say, holding his hand.
"I hope to find a girl who motivates me to fight for her like you motivate him", Nelaros replies, with a warm smile too.
"I'm sure you will", I say. I hope, actually. He deserves it.
"So, how did you like it?", Kyle asks me while we ride back to Denerim. I'm starting to get used to the swing of the horse's movement and I feel a bit sleepy. Being hold by his arms also helps, of course.
"Warm city. I wouldn't mind to settle there", I admit.
"I can always sign up for a post in the castle Guard", he agrees, "and you may work as a servant for the Couslands".
"Me, a servant?" I scowl. "Are you serious? Do you see me helping that old Lady Eleanor hag to dress up? No way! I prefer to watch your back."
He laughs. "I doubt they'll have uniforms of your size in the Guard", he teases.
"Oh, we could settle down in the alienage. I can help Nelaros at his forge, I bet he'll need someone to make scabbards for the weapons and straps for the armors if he's going to supply the Castle Guard".
"I thought you didn't want to live in an alienage anymore"
"Well I can work there during the day and sleep in the castle with you at nights"
"Sounds nice. Though after seeing how you looked at Nelaros' muscles, I think it's me who will have to watch your back while you're working during the day", he smirks.
I punch his arm.
"Hey! His mother will arrange soon a wedding for him so you won't have to worry. And you know I only have eyes for you, silly one. Just let me admire the landscape from time to time".
"Okey, okey, we will talk about that. There's plenty of time".
I smile, and let the movement of the horse cradle me again to fall asleep in his arms. Who knows? It would be nice, to have a long, normal life… for once.
Kyle and his falcon Tim.
By the way Kyle is an animal trainer. He already trained Nelson

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