Those who were at the IRC last thursday's afternoon (GMT time) may remember a (not so) angry elf running after two warriors and a mage... Well it was quite a crazy situation which had to be sketched so here it is :

1. Skype roleplaying (not related to the other sketches): Kyle has found Mari posing for the TMM pinup calendar. His first reaction of course is closing his eye and lend her a blanket to cover up. But Mari is an evil bitch and decides the blanket has to be shared. Result: Kyle freezes :

2. Comment roleplaying. My previous sketchdump [link] almost beats my comments' record when :icondarnarletis: and :iconyozzierozbourne: decided to roleplay in it. Seems Darn's idea to unveal some of the weakest points in elven anatomy pleased Kyle and displeased (not so much) Mari so somehow they involved poor bystander Idris and they ended up running to the woods better than confronting a furious wet-haired elf

3. The situation became so chaotic we decided to solve it in IRC. Here lovely Kaitlyn (sorry if I failed at drawing her! :blushes

4. But the trap Mari had prepared for the warriors when they came back was the oldest in the world... icy water bucket over the door. Darn could avoid his... but Kyle wasn't so lucky. He got stuck in his bucket so Mari had to butter her hands to help him get rid of it (so if you see now this bucket in his equipment... here's the reason).
5. After everything was calmed, Idris invited the group to have a drink in his room. Kyle left earlier, but Mari stayed. Drinking with Idris is dangerous... one never know what his potions may produce. But dancing with him is fun and cute.
6. That awkward moment which happens when you're too drunk... Darn: "You look like her..." Mari: "Like who?" Darn (stoppin his hand in the middle of the movement): "...nobody"...
Come on, Darn!!! Now Mari DEMANDS to know!!! :

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