The say she was a
nasty bitch
She'd dump your ass in
some damp ditch
She'd rob you dry and
take your life
While drinking wine
with your ex-wife
They swear she knew a
hundred ways
To kill a man - he'd
cry, for days
She'd feed him juice,
of poisons rare
And leave him dying,
buttocks bare
Devil's hair and skin
so pale
Her beauty is a thing
of tale
With looks like that,
a figure fine
They say, beware! The
(An excerpt of a song often
heard in the Free Marches)
The guard rubs his temples as he
counts the money in the coin purse. Four whole sovereigns, just to catch one
escaped prisoner? Well, she WAS a bitch. Great looks for her age. But still. An
utter bitch.
The man sighs as he takes a sip of
his whiskey. That might take the worst edge of the pain away. Ever since she
had…managed to get the poison in his system (and yes, it's on a need to know
basis, as to how it all happened) guard captain Harris of Denerim had suffered
from severe problems with his… Well, you don't need to know.
Harris sets the glass on the table
and looks sharply at the young soldier in front of him.
"Got the tracker, Cane?"
he asks, with a raspy voice. The lad nods.
"He the best you could
find?" Cane nods again.
"He going to find her and bring
her back?" Cane shrugs.
"Well, if he won't I'll just
arrest you both." Cane frowns.
"Now, piss off!"
The guard captain keeps counting and
recounting the money.
"Eulalia 'Moonshine'
Winterbollocks…" he mutters under his breath. "May the Maker piss on
your poisonous heart."
Art by Pau Norontaus
Odelia Mydwnn stretches and yawns,
waiting for the others to show up outside the Inn.
Soon people start arriving… Melissa Ildrai, the tiny Rivainni. Kyle Mallory,
the tall, one-eyed warrior. Lorelei Renard, the beautiful Orlessian half-elf.
Amaris, the blond elf. Time to go the meeting point, then.
It's a ridiculously early autumn
morning at the Merry Mabari. They’re off to track down a wanted criminal, one
infamous thief, known by the name of Eulalia "Moonshine"
Winterbollocks. They were hired for the job by the halfbreed hunter. He
mentioned being called by the Denerim guards, and that there would be some gold
involved. Easy task. Hunt down and capture a prisoner. No biggie. They were the
ones who decided to join. Soon they see Mihitu waiting for them, leaning on an
old stone wall near the inn, his great gray hound sleeping next to him. Paws
notices them and sits up, yawning. Mihitu stretches his lean muscles and nods a
short greeting.
"We've been waiting you…
There'th no reathon to wathte any more time," Mihitu frowns and spits on
the ground. He looks at you and shakes his head. "Can… Ah… Doeth ANY off
you even know how to track?"
Melissa shakes her head. Odelia gives a half-wave to Mihitu. "I
do. Been learning from you, actually."
Kyle says "Not me"
Lorelei shrugs "Since when 'ave
you 'eard of a mage tracking anything?"
Mihitu looks surprised, and nods.
"Anyone elthe?"
Amaris shrugs. Why does a mage need
to know how to track?
Odelia looks around and pales
slightly - she's the only tracker? Oh, Maker.
Mihitu laughs. "I have no idea
why you joined thith trip, then."
Melissa says "I'm thie.. er,
mercenary, sorry."
"Well, I guethh I could uthe a
few thwordth, anyway. I bet thhe'th utterly lovely," Mihitu grins.
"We head to the woodth, follow me…" He starts off with a brisk pace.
Paws leaps after him, after a quick sniff around the group.
Odelia takes rear guard, watching
for danger or traps, keeping an eye for tracks.
Kyle runs along, Amaris follows, and
Lorelei follows along with the others. Melissa looks around and watches
everything curiously
They walk on a rarely used road.
It's more like a well kept path, really… The rising sun begins to warm their
backs, but it's still quite cool. They can hear birds rustling in the bushes. They
see a rabbit. Mihitu leads the way, humming an obscene tune.
Odelia turns to Melissa and sees her
confusion. "Into the woods, and he could use a few swords anyway."
She smiles and follows last, keeping watch
Amaris looks around nervously.
Mihitu laughs at the man "No need to be that jumpy.... YET." Amaris
shrugs. "The forest doesnt really like me."
Odelia recognizes the tone Mihitu is
humming and snorts. "The tale of three Orlesian sisters gone wild, Mihitu?
Really? Wine, dwarves, and a mabari?"
Mihitu winks at Odelia, and
continues humming the melody. Lorelei chuckles at Mihitu's tune and shakes her
head. "Really Mihitu?"
Melissa says "It's fine! I'm
just watching those fancy plants."
Odelia follows along watching
carefully for traps or tracks
It's a regular road near the tavern,
nothing to be scared of.
Mihitu snorts as he watches the
people jump around. Scaredycats.... USELESS.
Melissa smiles at Kyle . "I've
never seen you before, you know?"
Amaris says "In my case of
tracking down people they always go to the forest."
Lorelei continues on wondering why
everyone's so cautious.
Paws does a little happydance. It's
great to be outside! They can see it's going to be a beautiful day. Flowers,
white clouds, kittens...
Odelia watches the area and listens
to everyone's conversation. There's only one here she doesn't know, Kyle, so
she's a bit wary. Odelia laughs at Paw's happydance, wishing she'd thought to
ask Terrion if she could bring Marcus along.
Odelia calls out to Mihitu, wishing
to talk to him but not quite willing to leave her rear guard. "Hey, do we
know anything else about this Winterbollocks?"
Mihitu nods. "Thhe'th a real
nathty bithh, or tho I hear.
Melissa looks at... kitten?
"Aww! Fluffy!"
Lorelei spots something furry
running about. "Oh a kitty!" she gasps
Amaris sighs and looks at all the
happy things around him. "Why do i feel like we just walked into a
children's book?"
Odelia says "Well, I could be
called a nasty bitch too." She deadpans, waiting to see who'll laugh first
at her lame joke.
The kitten disappears as quickly as
she came.
Lorelei chuckles "Oh really
'delia?" her brow raises
Odelia says "Hart called me a
bitch, the first day I met him."
Mihitu snorts at the comment, but
keeps walking ahead.
Odelia says "It was a real
bonding moment for us."
Lorelei says 'Were you
Odelia says "No, I think I'd
only had a glass or two of whiskey."
Paws runs after scents and sounds,
then returns to the group, leaping out of the bushes, almost landing on Amaris.
Amaris jumps back. "Easy boy. Id prefer if you didnt land on me."
Kyle says "okay, I'm lost in
thought, sorry all"
Melissa seems sad for a while when
kitten disappeared, but she recovered her optimism almost immediately
Lorelei says "Ah, forget I
asked then." she smiles
Paws drools all over Amaris, and
continues jumping around. Amaris laughs and scratches Paws under his chin.
"A bit excited there?"
Melissa says "Hey, many people
would like to drink before quest, not everyone is brave enough to bear such
adventure when sober!" Melissa giggles
Odelia laughs at Lorelei.
"Really, it was quite amusing. I thought I'd hate him. Turns out he was an
ok kind of guy, eh?"
Odelia raises a brow at Melissa
possibly drinking on the job - or at least before it - but lets it go. It
doesn't seem to be impeding her anyway.
Lorelei looks at Odelia like she
knows something. "...I suppose." she brushes off the statement but
smirks afterwards

Art by Pham Ngoc Trinh
Kyle looks at Melissa.
Melissa grins at Kyle "I've
never seen you before."
Kyle scratches his head . "sorry,
I alway catch miss and lost in woods, so that"
Odelia smirks at Lorelei. "Oho,
you..." Tries to think back to the first few days of Hart's presence, and
remembers Lore flirting with Hart, but Hart and Mihitu hanging out together. She
gives Lore a sly grin and a wink. "I see.'
Mihitu shivers slightly, but walks
onwards. Odelia sees Mihitu shiver, and wonders if it's cold for him, or what.
She sweeps her gaze around, maintaining a watch
They finally reach a crossroads. One
way leads to the larger roads, the other is a mere opening in the thick wall of
trees. Mihitu stops and turns to face them. "We're near the plathe thhe
wath latht thpotted. Iff thhe'th been here, I can find her."
Odelia nods at Mihitu and watches
him, looking for any tips to better her own tracking abilities.
"You'd better thtay behind, I
don't want you to methh the trackth. I'll leave you markth to follow." He
takes a few steps, then turns back. "You can keep Pawth, tho you won't get
lotht in the woodth," he smirks wickedly and winks his one good eye.
Amaris says "My fear is not
getting lost in the woods."
Kyle confused because he doesn't
understand so much about slang. Odelia see's Kyle's confusion.
"Winterbollocks was last seen here; Mihitu will be able to find her if she
was. We're to stay behind so we don't mess up the tracks. And we get to keep
Lorelei says "Well guess we're
somewhat on our own."
Melissa grins. "This dog is
awesome!" Tries to pat Paws. Paws barks. Kyle bows his head. "I
see" "here boy! Food for you"
Mihitu nods and disappears in the
shades of the trees without a trace. They'd never know he was there. Paws
whines as he sees his master go, but stays behind.
Odelia looks around for any clues of
Winterbollocks tracks, though she knows she's nowhere near Mihitu's skill.
Lorelei looks over to Amaris.
"Yes it's just everything else in the woods."
Amaris sighs. "Why is it that
everyone always runs to the forests? Why can it be a nice like cottage by the
lake?" Paws snorts at Amaris
Lorelei says "Where's the fun
in that?" She smirks
Odelia chuckles at Amaris.
"Well, that's not much of a challenge. Though it is unexpected. Could be
Melissa says "Hm. Anyway, by
Andraste's tits, what are Winterbollocks? I don't know such things in Rivain,
The dog goes to Kyle, searching for
food. Kyle says "good dog!" Kyle continues to find some meat for Paws
Odelia says "It's a very sad
surname, apparently, Melissa. Poor girl, no wonder she turned to a life of
crime." She giggles at the name.
Amaris shrugs. "It not like my
surname is any better and look at me do I look like a criminal? Never mind
don't answer that."
Lorelei says "That's only an
excuse, you should find strength in you name not turn it into something
Odelia laughs at Amaris. Kyle just
looks at all people and stays silent
They continue their talk, as they
enter the forest. They feel the calming green cool surround them. The woods are
silent; most animals have heard them miles away and vanished before they had
the chance to see them. The path is too narrow for them to walk in pairs.
Odelia says "Oh, I was blessed
with a good family name. Some of the ones I hear... how did the come about?
It's terrible."
Odelia is unsure if she should take
rear guard as an archer or go first as a tracker.
Lorelei says "one by one?
Goody.." she shivers a bit. Kyle says "Go ahead" Amaris says "Well
who would like to lead?"
Paws sniffs the ground, curious…
then snorts and goes off to lick Lorelei's hand.
Lorelei smiles at paws. "'ello
puppy." she muses as she scratches his ears
Melissa raises her eyebrows.
"Okaaaay, I have no more questions."
Odelia says "Um… Maybe I should
go first? Who'll take rear guard?" Odelia takes point and leads them
through the forest, watching for Mihitu's signs. Amaris follows behind Odelia.
The ground is not easy to walk on.
Melissa trips on the roots, falling on her butt. Melissa says "Ouch!"
Kyle helps Melissa. Melissa says "Ouch!
Thank you!" Kyle says "no need to thank me"
Odelia takes careful steps and calls
out behind her. "You okay, Melissa?"
Amaris says "Oh the quite of
the forest. No nice so peaceful. Until something roar and tries to chew your
arm off."
Odelia rolls her eyes. "What optimism,
Amaris." She shoots him a friendly smile to soften her words.
Melissa says "Sure, sure! It's
just a road, it won't eat me. At least I HOPE SO." Melissa said last words
looking at the sky, like talking to some gods.
Lorelei says "You ar' being so
'elpful right now."
As they chitchat they can see, that
Paws looks alarmed. Odelia slows and watches Paws carefully, looking to where
his attention might settle.
Amaris stops and looks at Paws.
"What wrong?"
Kyle sees Paws and draws his blade. Lorelei
notices Paws and reaches for her staff. Odelia draws her bow and nocks and
arrow, watching Paws.
Suddenly they begin hearing it too.
Wailing. It's almost like a melody…. but sounds more like a dying moose. It
goes up and down, sideways, backways… The horrible sound travels to their ears
from the narrow path before them.
Lorelei says "What is
that?" she winces at the sound.
Odelia steps slowly forward towards
the wailing melody, keeping quiet, arrow half-drawn back.
Kyle says "Hmm... terrible
Melissa looks around to find any
tips. Amaris looks around. "That sounds like when I sing.....or so I
They hear a hiccup, followed by some
cursing. "Ssssshhod it! Shhon of a tied down whooore!" …and the
melody continues.
Odelia snickers at the curses and
continues towards the singer.
Paws looks at them and shakes his
head, rolling his eyes.
Melissa says "Well, at least he
has nice lyrics!" Melissa giggles and follows the team
Lorelei looks confused. "I
almost don't want to know what we're walking in on."
Amaris follows Odelia. "This is
going to be interesting."
Odelia smirks at Lorelei and
whispers back. "But think of the stories!"
Lorelei says "true, that's the
real prize!" she smiles back
As they walk closer, they can see
the path opens to a small field in the middle of the forest. There's a large
stone, and on that stone sits a drunken man. He's about 70 years old, wears a
blue cape and holds a sack in his arms.
Odelia 7loosens the draw of her bow,
keeping her arrow nocked, and strides to the old man. "Ho there,
"Ho? WHERE?" he looks at
the wrong direction.
Melissa says "Oooh, party!
Well, not big, but party!" Kyle says "indeed!"
Amaris leans on his staff.
"Just what we need a drunk."
Lorelei chuckles "Well not
anywhere around here I can assure you."
Odelia giggles at the man. She likes
him. "Just saying hello. Might I ask what brings you to these woods?"
Kyle says "A drunk can spit
some information to you "
The man finally notices them.
"Aaaaaha!" He stops singing and tries to concentrate his eyes on them.
Not successfully. "Cusssthomerssh. I BID YOU WELCOME! To my humble…
eh.." he looks around the field. "Humble premisshesh."
Lorelei says " 'umble
Odelia is thoroughly amused by this
man and curtsies, though it doesn't have quite the same affect in pants.
Amaris looks around. "Yes very
lovely place you have here."
Odelia says "Well, met, good
Kyle says "Nice to meet you
The man bows back, almost falling
off the rock.
Melissa says "Hey, it's still
better than some other places! Nice to meet you, good man! Do you have any tips
for us?"
Odelia lets her eyes dart around the
premises, looking for potential danger, just in case this was a trap. She steps
forwad as the man almost falls. "Are you all right there, ser?"
He looks at them, then stares at
Lorelei lewdly and licks his lips. "What'sh your name, honey? You can call
me Rat, honey…. Ssshod that, you can call me ANYTIME."
Kyle shakes his head . "Oh no,
not again"
Odelia's eyes widen at the old man's
words and gives Lorelei a laughing smile. "An admirer, Lore. How
Lorelei scowls at the man "And
you can die in a fire."
He smiles at her, then turns to face
the others, and looks like he's counting. "Ssho, the sheven of you. What
bringsh you here today? Thissh LOVELY morning, blesshed by the Maker himself?
Looking for my goodsh?"
Amaris looks around the area
expecting a bear or a wolf to show up. Kyle look at him and says "there's nothing"
Odelia looks back at the man.
"Ah, well, actually, we're doing a bit of tracking."
Melissa says "We? We're just
wandering arou... Ah, okay, she's right."
"Tracking? That makesh you
money, right?" Rat opens his sack of goods and grins with his nearly
toothless mouth. "Feel free to browse!"
(you can buy items Bottle of vodka 60 cp / Silver bracelet 30 sp
/ Leather gloves 5 sp / Old bone 2 cp / Ring 10 sp )
Amaris shrugs. "Id rather be
looking at nothing than something wanting to eat me."
Kyle says "nothing can eat you,
at least I'm here"
Odelia gives the man a curious, wary
look, her eyes darting around the area. "Well, I'll take a look
Melissa says "Oooh! Shinies!
I'll take vodka, gloves and bracelet!" Melissa looks for money in her bag
and gives it to the old man
"Thank thee kindly, young
Lorelei says "Hmm." She
eyes the ring. "if no one else want it, I'll take the ring."
Odelia looks at the ring and the
bracelet, wondering if it might be silly to buy Terrion something like that...
Maybe they were too feminine? Maybe he didn't like jewelry? Or the attachment
it indicated?
Odelia can't decide, and waves off
the ring. "It's yours, Lore, if you want." Odelia fingers the
bracelet again, wondering if... maybe it was manly enough? She doesn't want to
make a fool of herself. But... Mihitu and Hart wore matching bracelets. But
Mihitu had made them.
Lorelei is trying her best not to
touch the man, gives him her money in exchange for the ring
Rat makes a kissing sound at Lorelei
and takes the money. "Ugh" she grimaces.
Melissa looks at her new bracelet
and grins happily "Shinies! So
Odelia she sighs and returns the
bracelet to the man. Better she not make a bigger fool of herself than she
already had.
Amaris keeps and eye out while
everyone shops. "I'll be damned if i get attacked by another bear."
He mumbles to himself. Kyle pats his back. "Don't worry"
Odelia buys the old bone for Marcus
and hands over the 2cp for it. At least there's one man she knows she can
please with her purchases. She hopes.
"Wash that all, young onesh?
LOVELY. An absholute delight!"
Odelia returns to her duties as
tracker, keeping an eye out for possible danger. Maker help her she won't be
ambushed again if she can help it.
Lorelei says "So, ar' we done
Amaris says "Unless the man has
Odelia turns to the man. "By
chance, have you see a woman in the area, or a white-haired man?"
Rat smirks like he has no
information, and continues his drunken signing. Wailing. The impersonation of a
dying moose.
Odelia cringes at the mans singing
and asks again louder. "Have you seen a woman or a white-haired man?"
Amaris says "let's just go I
want to get out of here as soon as possible."
"If I did it wash a dreeeam,
with HER in it," he points at Lorelei.
Odelia laughs, then shrugs and
curtsies a goodbye to the delightful old drunk, ready to move on. Others follow
Lorelei sighs hand pressing the
bridge of her nose. "Can we just move on."
"But I DID shaw a tall gentleman
passh by earlier. Odd bird." He shouts after them, then passes out.
Odelia stops and turns back around.
"A tall gentleman? Odd? Can you tell us more?"
As they leave the field, they can
see there are three possible paths to take. Paws sniffs and sits on the ground,
turning to stare at them. He knows where to go, but he's feeling far too mighty
to tell.
Melissa facepalms. "Wow, this
guy was worse than dying hedgehog"
Rat's passed out, not able to
Odelia sighs and stares at Paws.
"Where too, boy?" Odelia cannot believe she entered a staring contest
with a dog.
Amaris looks at Paws. "Why do i
get the feeling you know where to go."
Paws stares at them, thinking "Runs without feet, flies without wings,
reaches hundreds of ears in one day. It can be wicked or white. Some see
through it, some can't see at all. Some do it openly, some on the sly. What
could it be?"
Odelia raises a brow at Paws. Did
she just see a riddle pass across his eyes?
Paws nods, like a boss.
Odelia thinks, then smiles vaguely.
"Runs without feet... some can see through it... Is... is it a river?
Rapids, maybe? Running water?"
Amaris sighs and reaches into his
pocket to pet Nip who was sleeping. "Great well this is just getting
better by the second."
Odelia turns to the others. "What
do you think it could be?"
Lorelei tries to think but nothing
really comes to her. "there ar' a few things you can do out in the open or
on the sly." she smirks "Yet I doubt its...that"
Amaris leans back against a tree.
Odelia smirks with Lorelei.
Melissa looks around thinking.
Lorelei snaps her fingers.
Paws barks happily! He chooses a
path and motions them to follow.
Odelia nods approvingly at Lorelei.
She knew she liked her.
Kyle has no idea and follow Paws
Odelia follows the path, keeping an
eye for Mihitu's - or anyones - tracks, and any danger.
Lorelei smiles, surprised she
actually got it right.
Melissa raises her eyebrows and
keeps following the team
They continue their journey on the
shady, crooked path. As they walk in the woods, Odelia and Kyle get stung by
some nasty insect. Not lethal. But very annoying. And itchy. Terribly so.
Lorelei says "That looks bad,
ar' you alright?" she asks
Odelia huffs at the stings,
wondering how in Void they got through her clothing and bits of armor. She
tries not to itch them, but won't take the time to stop and apply some healing
balm to them. Plus, she wasn't going to strip in front of these people. Not
unless drunk, anyway. Utterly pissed.
Kyle says "whatever it is, it
looks bad"
Odelia grinds her teeth and clenches
her fists, trying to concentrate at the task
Amaris says "It just a bite
they will be fine just really itchy."
Suddenly Paws barks! They hear
rustling in the bushes in front of them.
Odelia draws back her nocked arrow
and aims at the bushes, stopping. "what is it, paws?" she whispers.
Kyle says "oh that what I
expect" He draws his blade
Melissa moves back and takes out her
two daggers, ready to stealth.
Amaris turns to look bushes ready to
fight whatever comes out of there.
A frightened rabbit jumps at them. They
can see one of it's feet is red with blood, but it seems to be otherwise fine.
The animal dodges quickly around them and disappears in the forest. Paws looks
frustrated, but more interested in the path before him.
Amaris says "Blood..."
Odelia watches the bunny hop away,
wondering about the feet covered in blood, but takes Paws cue and looks to the
path ahead. "Do you smell more blood, Paws? Let's go."
Lorelei sighs "Great a bunny,
but was that blood on it's feet?"
Melissa hides one of her swords and
looks at rabbit, which disappears quickly. "Oww, poor fluff."
They hear a familiar, angry voice
behind the trees. "Damn! Thhave my back and call me an elf… Come
Odelia looks up and hesitates before
calling out. "Mihitu?"
"Yarrp..." He doesn't
sound happy. At all.
Odelia moves forward, looking for
Mihitu, wondering what had happened to the hunter.
As they come closer, they see that
Mihitu is kneeling down on the ground, holding a rusty trap. It's defused, but they
can see a few white rabbit hairs on it. He looks mad. "Thomeone hath left
the plathe full of bad trapth. They won't kill the prey… Jutht TORTURE
Amaris follows thinking about if he
should had just cooked the rabbit for spooking him.
Kyle looks angry. Melissa frowns.
Odelia grimaces at what Mihitu was
showing and telling them. "Maker, that's cruel."
Lorelei says "That sounds
Mihitu stands up, still frowning.
"I'll take out ath many ath I can, but wathh your thtep." He pets
Paws head, and the dog snuggles closer. "…make thhure Pawth thtayth out of
them, will you?" He smiles a little.
Melissa says "Andraste's tits,
they should land in those traps themselves, uh." Kyle agrees.
Odelia nods warmly at Mihitu.
"I'll do my best."
Mihitu nods shortly, and fades in to
the shades.
Amaris says "Some how i dont
feel like the traps were left torture animals."
Odelia watches the man disappear
before her eyes, and sort of wishes she could learn that trick. Seems useful
for embarrassing situations. Odelia turns to Amaris. "Mihitu will disarm
what he can, and I'll try to find the ones he left or missed." … "Not
that I'll find what he missed, but... yeah."
Lorelei says "Comforting."
she sounds a bit worried
Odelia realized how lame she
sounded, and blushes a bit.
Melissa giggles. "Chill, girl,
there's nothing to blush about"
Amaris shrugs. "You never
Kyle says "Keep calm!"
Odelia calls for Paws to stay close
and be careful, determined to keep everyone safe. Paws comes closer to her.
Amaris looks at Paws. "best not
to wonder off now."
Paws snorts. Like he doesn't know
Amaris chuckles. "I wouldn't
put it pass me if you did."
Odelia rubs her neck at Melissa's
words. She's the only tracker - if she or Mihitu miss something, it could cost
them. "Right, let's get on."
Lorelei says "True
They go on and soon arrive at yet
another crossroads of narrow forest paths. One goes up a hill, the other
downwards. Paws yawns and sits on the ground, looking like he's sneering at them.
Amaris says "Another
Paws eyes clearly say "Speaks without tongue, hears without
ears, knows all the languages in the world! Answers you quickly, but you'll
never see him, and you'll never get to him. What is he?"
Odelia gives Paws a stern look.
"Let me guess, you know, but won't tell us without making us answer a
riddle?" "Ah Maker, I should have paid better attention to the
riddles grandfather set me."
Lorelei says "Another riddle
Ser Paws?"
Melissa says "By the Maker, or
whoever, give us some tips dog!"
Paws closes his left eye five times.
Could it be… the amount of letters in it?
says "Um… Echo?" "No...."
Odelia says "Yes?"
Kyle says "of course"
Paws counted wrong, just to harass them.
Paws chooses the path uphill.
Odelia claps her hands like a child,
excited to get one right, then blushes, and hurries after Paws, her head down,
keen for any traps.
A small bird flies over them,
startling them. Suddenly they hear a loud snapping sound! Amaris has his foot
caught in a trap.
Amaris falls down and
cries"DAMMMIT!" Kyle turns at Amaris "Are you ok?"
Odelia hears Amaris cry out and
curses herself for not seeing that trap. She rushes over to inspect it,
apologizing profusely.
Lorelei is shocked and goes to
Amaris. "Help me get the trap open."
Kyle tries to defuse the trap
A swarm of mosquitoes surrounds them.
They draw their blood, and make that really annoying noise while doing so.
Amaris bits his lip making it bleed.
"Just.....get the.....trap opened."
Odelia fights the temptation to swat
at the mosquitos, positioning her hands to pry open the trap without further
hurting Amaris or herself.
Melissa says "Uhhh! Stupid
pseudo-wasps! Fly to someone, now!"
Lorelei tries to wave off the bugs.
"Gods , theses things are persistent!"
Odelia bears her weight on the trap,
attempting to pry it open enough for Amaris to get out of it.
Paws looks at Amaris and whines a
Odelia succeeds after a few futile
attempts. The wound in Amaris's leg is nasty, but didn't do any severe damage.
He'll limp a bit.
Amaris moves his leg out of the
Odelia turns to Amaris. "Maker
I am so sorry, I should have seen that. Are you okay?"
Amaris grinds his teeth. "I am
Lorelei examines the leg. Kyle sighs
and feels useless
Odelia shifts uncomfortably,
berating herself and swatting at the annoying bugs, watching as Lorelei kneels
to examine Amaris' leg.
Melissa says "Well, next time
we all must look around." Paws nods.
Amaris says "I walked into this
trap...dont feel bad about it was my mistake."
Lorelei says "Wait a
moment." She places her hand on Amaris's leg and starts to softly whisper
a green glow flowing around her. She hopes a healing chat can fix the wound.
Odelia looks at the others.
"Maybe it might help if you all try to step where I step, because that
would mean my path were clear. It might slow us down a bit, though."
Kyle says "as you command"
Odelia smiles, a bit taken aback by Kyle's
The healing works, and Paws looks
eager to move on.
Amaris slowly gets up. "I am
fine with what you choose."
Odelia looks at Amaris a moment,
then nods at Paws. "Onward, then." Amaris follows limping a bit. It
was healed but it still hurt.
They walk for awhile, guarding their
every step. They dodge every trap they spot. Once they reach a small curve on
the path, something hits Melissa in the head. It's a pinecone. "Hey!"
a low voice whispers from up above.
Odelia half-raises her drawn bow,
looking for the source of the pinecone and the whisper.
Lorelei looks up "What
the...?" Kyle raises his blade. Melissa looks up. Amaris looks around.
Mihitu is sitting on a tree branch,
looking for the path ahead. His expression is grim, as he leaps down from the
pine, landing gracefully in front of them. Then, falling over. But lifting
himself up again in a manly manner.
"There'th a campthide ahead… I
couldn't thee anyone… But it might be a trap."
Melissa says "Hey! Nice
Odelia hides a snicker behind her
hand and turns it into a cough
Mihitu frowns at Odelia. Odelia
looks at Mihitu with an overly innocent look on her face
Amaris says "More traps?"
Mihitu snorts. "Me and Pawth
will thircle around the camp and back you up. You go from the front.... Keep
your guard up. Underthtood?"
Amaris nods. "Yep no more
walking into traps for this one."
Lorelei says "walking straight
into a trap? Lovely." she smirks
Odelia says "Shhh, Kyle!" as Kyle shouts a loud
Odelia nods at Mihitu, then turns to
the rest of the group. "Mages in back, warriors up front and flank them.
I'll try to climb up a few limbs of a tree and help flank ranged."
Kyle whispers "oops, sorry"
Amaris says "Understood lets
The hunter grimaces at the loud
noise and motions silence. The man and the hound move swiftly on separate
directions, circling the campsite unnoticed. The path ahead of them is clear.
Odelia gestures for the warriors to
lead the mages along the path, and takes for the underbrush, keeping up with
them as best she can while remaining quiet, looking for a good vantage point to
snipe if need be.
Lorelei takes her staff, ready for a
trap and moves on. Kyle prepares for a battle and takes his shield. Amaris follows
ready for a fight.
Odelia keeps an eye on the ground
before the warriors for any traps, her attention spread thin now
They walk closer, and spot no
troubles... Judged from a far the camp seems to be empty. They see a cold fire,
some tree trunks around it and a pile of branches and rubbish, forming a shape
on the ground.
Amaris looks the the pile of
branches. Amaris sees It's about two meters long, and half a meter tall.
Kyle whispers "there's something wrong… what's
Melissa doesn't trust such places.
Odelia keeps an eye on her group and
the ground ahead, looking for her vantage point and covering the warriors and
mages with her bow, cautious of the shape on the ground.
Lorelei says "What's this
now?" she tilts her head
The pile moves a bit. They can hear
it snoring.
Lorelei says "O.k tell me you
all saw that."
Amaris looks curiously. "It
someone asleep there?"
Odelia half-draws an arrow in
preparation, finding a low stump to perch on for better visibility.
Melissa says "What the…?"
Melissa frowns and looks around still holding her daggers. Kyle looks around
Amaris shrugs and kicks the pile.
As they kick the branches off, they
see a familiar face. The man is gagged, bound and apparently in deep slumber.
He wears a dandy red cape, has scars on his tanned skin and… Yes. It's Hart.
Odelia winces as Amaris kicks the
pile of snoring and wonders where the man learned tact.
Amaris says "Hart?"
Hart startles to waking, and
struggles against his bonds with wide eyes
Kyle says "Errrr…"
Amaris unties Hart. "What
happened?" He shakes Hart. "Wake up."
Odelia starts at seeing Hart in the
clearing, then rushes forward to the group, sweeping the perimeter with her
arrow drawn, on alert. "Maker, Hart, I would have thought you asleep back
at the Inn."
Lorelei looks at Hart in shook but
then grins "So he did tie you up afterall."
Melissa says "Okay. That's not
exactly what I expected but hey, we can use this situation...! What? Okay,
okay, nevermind."
Odelia snorts at Lorelei's comment
and rolls her eyes at Melissa. "Not if you want Mihitu to rip you apart
limb from limb." She smiles, remembering Mihitu and Hart at the inn.
Kyle shrugs "more company is good"
Hart rubs his wrists and jaw, and
opens his mouth to speak for a moment. But instead gains a nauseous look, and
turning to wretch into the firepit
Hart gasps and gags for a minuet,
"yes, well, I would've rather been asleep at the inn as well. But today
does not seem to be my lucky day."
Odelia watches the perimeter,
wondering where Mihitu and Paws are, and if they know about Hart. Everything
about Hart, especially lately.
Amaris pats Hart on the back.
"Why are you here?"
Lorelei smirks "I guess not. So
what 'appened?"
Mihitu and Paws come closer, as they
hear and see the group relaxing. "Hey… What'th goin on here?" the
hunter frowns, confused, still tense and wary of his surroundings.
Hart winces at their voices,
"Maker. Not so loud. Your voices feel like little knives against my
ears." He whips his head to see Mihitu, "Mihitu! Ah, aren't you a
sight for sore eyes."
Odelia steps back to show Mihitu
that Hart was here, keeping an eye out for danger.
Mihitu says "Hart! Are you
alright?" He runs to the man, amazed. "What… what are you doing
Melissa says "This is getting
more awkward in every second."
Lorelei says "Is seems your
deer has been a little tied up." she smiles
Amaris shrugs and looks around the
camp. Amaris finds 50 silver, 2 health poultices and three apples from the
camp. Kyle remains silent.
Hart chortles, "Well, I thought
I was meeting up with an old friend for some tea in the forest. But the bitch
tried to poison me instead."
Odelia snorts at Lorelei, sharing a
wicked grin with the woman. "Tea in the forest? Is that common?"
"You don't mean... my prey?
What did thhe do to you…" Mihitu squints his one good eye and sniffs the
man, to gain knowledge.
Hart raises an eyebrow, "Prey?
No, just an old coworker. She isn't much for cities, but I heard she was in in
the area and went to go take a visit."
Lorelei says "Yes 'art. What
did she do?" said with growing interest
Odelia raises a brow at this
development, but keeps her eyes on the perimeter for anything out of place,
letting the others talk.
Amaris finds the stuff and pockets
it planing on sharing the loot later. "Hart what was the last thing you
remember?" Looks at the apples a bit suspiciously.
Hart folds his arms, "The bitch
poisoned my tea, like I said. Isn't the first time she's done that, either.
Just this time she did a remarkably shitty job of it. Used the wrong
Mihitu looks annoyed and confused.
What's the man doing here, on his hunt? "Moonthhine."
Lorelei says "If she's done it
before why accept it again now?"
Odelia says "Wrong poison?
Sounds like she does this often, a poisonmaster wouldn't mix up her
poisons." "That's just lazy. Also - way to go taking tea with someone
who likes to poison tea."
Paws licks Hart's hands.

Art by Pham Ngoc Trinh
Hart raises an eyebrow at Mihitu, "yeah, her name is Moonshine, why?" He scritches the ears of Paws. "Hey, don't judge me. The lady and I have had a long history together. She didn't try to kill me ALL the time, just some of the time."
"I agree," Mihitu nods at
Odelia's words. He then shakes his head. "He'll tell the tale another
time." The hunter spits on the ground as he turns to face the rest.
"We're here to finith a job. We go on ath before, you follow my markth.
Pawth thtayth with you…"
Odelia says "I imagine he
will." Odelia nods at Mihitu, then jerks a thumb at Hart. "What about
He starts jogging towards the woods,
annoyed, then he stops, turns back and smirks. "You'd better take that
kitten with you. He'd jutht get lotht on hith own. Jutht make thhure he
doethn't do anything I wouldn't do."
"Actually… don't let him do
ANYTHING. The gold ith ourth," he laughs wickedly and disappears in the
shadows. Paws snorts and stares at the group. He'd rather run with his master.
Hart sputters and coughs a bit,
throwing up into the fire pit once more for good measure. "Eugh. Enough of
that shit." He wobbles to his feet.
Odelia laughs and gestures to Hart
to join them. "Care to take rear guard, Hart? I'm on point as
Hart looks around, "anyone see
Melissa looks around. Listening
team's talk.
Odelia's eyes widen at the mention
of Anna. "She took Anna? Your one true love? That you haven't told Mihitu
about? Maker, no!"
Amaris looks around. "Cant say
I have."
Hart snarls under his breath,
"oh that bitch. I'm gonna gut her myself." He rifles through the pile
of sticks and leaves he'd been sitting in.
Odelia just barely manages to keep a
straight face. Why was she having so much fun on this job? Jobs normally
weren't fun.
Hart pulls out a dagger from his
belt. It was too small, but it'd do for now. "Let's just get going."
Melissa smirks slightly.
"Problems, problems everywhere"
Kyle grins "Always"
Lorelei looks at Odelia and tries
not to laugh with her. This job was indeed getting interesting.
Amaris tosses a sheathed shortsword
at Hart. "here try this a bit more length."
Hart catches it from the air.
"Still puny. You elves and your tiny swords." He shakes his head and
spits on the ground, trying to get the taste of vomit out of his mouth.
Amaris says "Better than the
dagger you have no?"
Lorelei starts to chuckle, she just
couldn't help herself anymore.
Odelia says "Ah. Then in the
middle, eh, Hart?" Motions for everyone to move on, again keeping an eye
out for traps.
Paws leads the way, running to the
woods, waiting for them to follow.
Hart nods to Odelia, then mutters to
himself just what exactly he has planned for his "friend."
Odelia follows after Paws, watching
for traps and tracks. Amaris follows. Kyle slowly walks after Paws, Melissa
sighs and follows too. Lorelei follows the others, trying to remain on the task
After awhile they arrive to a small
river. There is no way over, and it's over three meters wide. However, they can
see that a certain hunter has kindly left them a rope tied over it, from one
tree to another. It will not be too hard to cross.
Amaris chuckles to himself wondering
if Hart realized he was the one who kicked him and if he even realized he was
Odelia looks at the rope, then at
the water, then puts away her bow and arrow. "Well, only one way across
Hart chuckles, "So you all are
hunting for Winterbollocks? Bout damn time someone did. I'm surprised the old
hag lasted this long without getting herself killed. Well, I shouldn't say hag.
She aged better than a fine wine."
Melissa says "Well, we
shouldn't be afraid of being wet, should we?"
Kyle leans on the tree "of course"
Odelia turns and smirks at Hart.
"You speak highly of a woman who likes to poison you."
Paws leaps over the river easily. He
then turns to look at them, with a canine grin.
Lorelei looks at the rope.
"Let's get to it shall we?" Kyle agrees.
Amaris looks at the rope. "I
say it will break."
Lorelei looks at Paws "Show
off." she smiles.
Hart grins, "well, she's a very
attractive lady, Odelia."
Odelia grabs onto the rope and
swings her legs up to start hand-over-handing over the river. "Well, I
have more rope in my pack if we need it."
Odelia looks back at Hart upside
down. "And what about me? Aren't I attractive too? And I don't even try to
poison you." She grins at him and continues over the river.
Hart eyes the rope suspiciously,
"I'll go over last. I'm probably the heaviest of you lot, so if it's gonna
break, it'll break on me."
Lorelei follows Odelia's lead and
begins to cross
Amaris sighs. "I've already
stepped into a trap falling in a river would be a welcomed alternative."
Odelia drops down on the other side
just as Lorelei Renard gets on the rope.
Kyle tries to help. Melissa would
rather go first as the lightest one, but having no other options she followed
her teammates.
Lorelei says "Gods, this is a
bad time to be wearing a dress" she mumbles reaching the end
Hart picks up a stone and tosses it
absentmindedly into the river, trying to see how deep it is. The water is
around waist-deep.
Odelia chuckles at Lorelei. "At
least it's only me on this end."
Amaris wraps his arm around the rope
trying to get a frim grip since he can only use on arm than swings across.
Hart shrugs, taking off his cape and
boots, then walking into the water, holding them up above his head. Hart gets
thoroughly soaked in the process. The water is freezing.
Odelia sees Hart check the depth of
the water, and muses aloud. "I wonder why Mihitu left the rope bridge if
the river wasn't very deep or fast-running?"
Hart reaches the over side,
shivering like mad, "because it's fucking freezing, that's why."
Lorelei says "True." she
smiles finally making it to the other side.
Kyle mumbles and needs something to
wake him up
Hart says "But I figure, it's
better to just walk into the cold water than crash into it from
maker-knows-how-high in the air."
Odelia hums at Hart in agreement,
but is happy to be entirely dry, just the same.
Hart puts his socks back on,
grumbling. "well at least these stayed dry..."
Odelia says "Really? I thought
they'd be soaked through with feet sweat. Ew."
Amaris stumbles as he lands on the
other side.
Lorelei shakes her head at Hart.
"Just 'ope you don't get sick."
Paws sneezes mockingly.
Hart grimaces, "it's a nice day
outside and I'm hardly a delicate flower. Don't you sass me, mutt."
Kyle smiles at Paws. Odelia snickers
at Paws
Melissa says "Uh, very well
then." Melissa tries to get to another side. Melissa slips, but stays on
the rope.
Hart wraps his cape tightly around
himself. That'd managed to stay dry too, from him keeping it well above his
head. Today hasn't been that great of a day.
Hart gets to his feet, eyeing
Melissa, hoping he doesn't have to chase into the river to save her. Once was
enough for today
Melissa slipped, but stayed on the
rope, thank the maker or whoever. She finally got on another side mumbling
something to herself.
Kyle look carefully at Melissa
Paws takes the time to relieve
himself against a nearby tree. Halfmabari dominance is now active.
Lorelei sighs and waits for the
others. "Is everything alright?'
Odelia says "Kyle, your turn on
the rope. Come on!" He crosses.
Hart looks over himself, then back
at Lorelei, "Well, my pants are rather soggy at the moment, but past that
I'm smashing."
They have now all crossed the river
and have two alternatives; follow the riverside north or south. Paws scoffs
once again, and sits on the ground.
Odelia looks at the rope a bit
sadly, wishing she could have brought it with her. "Ok, Paws, what's the
Paws eyes gleam "I live from the beginning of the world
to the end of the world, yet never see my fifth week. What am I?"
Hart gives Paws a look, "don't
you even start with that riddle shit." Paws scoffs at hart.
Odelia turns to Hart. "Too
late. He's been at it all day. Won't lead us unless we answer them."
Amaris says "I say we just play
along. If just to amuse him."
Hart shakes his head, "You
gotta be firm with the dog. Don't take his shit."
Odelia says "I'll just call it
a learning experience." "Um... is it the cycle of the moon?"
Kyle agrees.
Paws barks happily and chooses the
North path.
Melissa looks at Paws and sigs. Hart
grumbles and follows after paws.
Odelia says "Plus it seems
faster than argue with him." She grins and follows after Paws, watching
for tracks and traps
Melissa says "It's scary that
this dog is smarter than some humans, really."
Amaris follows Paws, he was starting
to enjoy these riddles.
Lorelei looks at Odelia and smiles
"Hmm you're good at this."
Odelia shrugs, keeping her eye on
their surroundings, but smiling. "Sometimes. Other times I get utterly
Hart scoffs, "I ask the sodding
dog where Mihitu was, once. He lead me on a wild goose chase through half the
forest before we finally walked back into the inn and there he sodding
Amaris says "Well what else is
he going to do to entertain himself?"
Odelia chortles at Hart's story.
"Maybe Paws wanted to keep you to himself for a bit." Paws belches.
Lorelei says "I take that as a
no." she smiles
Melissa says "…He even behaves
like human!"
Odelia applauds Paws' belch
absently, keeping alert on the path ahead.
Suddenly they hear an angry scream
from their side! Three bandits attack them, shouting swears and curses, each
wearing rugged armor and sharp swords. "Maker's hairy arse!" the
ugliest one shouts.
Odelia is alert enough to dodge the
first blow. "Kill the buggers!"
Amaris jumps back. Kyle swings his
sword at the bandit. Kyle hits the bandit, but he still stands.
One bandit attacks Hart, roaring
obscenities. Hart jumps to attention, unsheathing the small sword and
attempting to duck out of the way of the bandit.
Odelia pulls her bow out, cursing
for not having it drawn. She backpedals a bit for distance, taking aim at the
slowest bandit and shooting at his leg.
Melissa tries to block attack with
first dagger while stabbing one of the bandits.
Lorelei grabs her staff and
concentrates a lightning strike at one of the bandits.
Kyle slams his sword into the
bandit's chest
One bandit hits Melissa in the left
arm, she gets a nasty wound. She manages to stab the bandit
Hart snarls, "first you bitches
try to poison me now this? Where the hell is ANNA!" He lunges towards the
nearest bandit, and swings the pitifully small sword.
Amaris focuses energy at one of the
bandits trying over power their minds and stun them. Amaris succeeds. The
bandit is stun.
Kyle manages to slay the bandit, who
looks pretty annoyed by it. "Maker's pisssss...." he hisses. Kyle
attacks again with his shield.
They overcome the second bandit.
Odelia draws another arrow, aims,
and shoots at the bandit attacking Melissa.
Last one fights with Melissa and
Hart. The bandit is pinned down for a moment, but rips himself free.
Hart drops the pitifully small
sword, and instead just lunges his full weight at the bandit.
Lorelei throws a bolt trying not to
hit Hart or Melissa
Melissa hisses "Shit!" and
tries to do not move left arm a lot. Having no real choice she tries to stab
absolutely pinned bandit.
screams. Paws growls and bites the last bandit in the... behind part.
Amaris is about to cast a fir spell
at the stunned bandit then thinks fire and forest bad idea.
Odelia says "Bugger."
Odelia draws another arrow, attempting to aim, but cannot through the confusion
of her comrades.
Kyle puls his sword out of the dead
Hart grabs for the bandit's throat,
pushing his weight against him to topple him over
The last bandit tries to run away
from the mad people. Hart snarls, "Not so fast mother-fucker!"
Kyle shouts "Hah! Coward"
Odelia aims at the bandit running
away. The shot succeeds, and the bandit turns back, shouting "Ya limp
sworded bastard!"
Hart charges towards the bandit,
leaping to tackle him.
"Well kiss my arse and call me
a demon!" he shouts, as he falls down under Hart.
Odelia rushes after Hart, another
arrow nocked as she sweeps the area for more possible ambushes or traps
Melissa moves away from battle
trying to steam bleeding. Amaris stands back letting everyone deal with the
man. Kyle follows Hart, grimly.
Paws nods at Amaris. Good call.
Hart pins down the man, placing a
hand on his throat and gaining an evil look. "Start talking, orI start
Odelia lets Hart deal with the
bandit and keeps an eye on the perimeter of their little group.
The man spits on Hart's face. Kyle
punches him.
Amaris pats Paws. "All I can do
at the moment would be to start a fire. Not the best idea now is it?" Paws
nods again.
Hart grimaces at the spit, and gives
the man's throat a warning squeeze. "STart. Talking."
Lorelei keeps her distance, but
watches closely.
"Ghhhhhh....." the bandit
wheezes. "The... what the... ff do you wanna know, bastards?"
Odelia motions Lorelei to attend to
Melissa's wound while Hart works on the bandit.
Hart looses his grasp on the man's
throat a bit, "that's a good start. Keep at it. Where is Winterbollocks?
And Anna."
Amaris looks at the dead looking for
clues as to who these men were. Amaris loots 30 silver, a knife, and an old
shopping list.
Melissa whines. "Dammit,
dammit, dammit!"
The ugly man looks confused.
Lorelei looks to Melissa. "Is
it bad?" she asks
Odelia rolls her eyes at Hart,
asking about Anna, but does it behind the man's back.
Kyle glares at the ugly man "Spit it out."
Hart glares, "She's thin, about
5 feet
tall and beautiful."
The men appear to be regular
bandits. Nothing of interest. Amaris laughs. "A shopping list?"
Odelia snorts at Hart. "And
what about Winterbollocks?"
Hart rolls his eyes, "so you're
truly the only bandits this side of Thedas with no connection to
winterbollocks? Lovely."
The man coughs. "I know where
she is! I know!" "Just... let me go... I'll be good... I swear!"
Kyle smiles wickedly.
Melissa smiles. "I'll be alive,
huh. But If you can do something with this, please, do this."
Hart gains a sinister grin,
"tell us first."
"Promise me first" he
squints his eye
Amaris read the list. "Hey ask
him if he knows something about a Maria!"
Hart looks back at the group,
"We got anything to leash this dog?"
"Maria? Errr... no
idea..." he looks confused again.
Odelia pulls out a length of rope
and hands it wordlessly to Hart.
Lorelei nods and places a hand over
Melissa cut. "It should be better in a moment."
Kyle evilly says "really?"
Hart takes the rope with a grin,
"I hope you don't mind being tied up first."
Paws sniffs the man... and belches
over him. Dirty bugger. The man frowns, but offers his hands. "I guess
it's my best bet..."
Amaris walks up to everyone.
"So whats the plan?"
Kyle glares and lowers his blade
Odelia slowly paces the area around
her group, keeping watch and letting Hart do what he does.
Hart ties the rope around the
bandits wrist. "Alright, you can live. For now. First sudden movement,
though, and we hang you with this rope. Clear?"
The man looks bloody annoyed. But he
likes living. So he nods.
Kyle says "make sure he does
not escape, or he's dead."
Melissa looks at her arm.
"Thank you." she says smiling at Lorelei
Hart takes a finger and lowers the
collar of his shirt to show off the scars on his neck, "And I know an
awful lot about nooses. So don't even test me." The mans eyes widen.
Odelia huffs a bit but doesn't
complain aloud. It's their best bet, at the moment, though the bandit will
hinder them if they come across more enemies.
Hart leans off the man a bit,
standing up and forcing the bandit to his feet the rope.
"That way..." he mumbles,
and points the path onwards with his ugly, moody head.
Odelia eyes Hart's neck scars, but
says nothing. That is a story he will share on his own time, if he does.
"Shall we move on?" Kyle agrees. "aye! Let's go"
Amaris says "Are you sure this
guy wont lead us into a trap?"
Odelia looks to Paws. "What do
you think, Paws?" Paws sighs. Where the heck is Mihitu?
Lorelei returns the smile and then
turns to the others."Should we trust him?"
"We can get better friends, if
you wish... to gain trust..." he grins at Lorelei, despite the situation.
Hart pulls the bandit in closer,
retying the knots so his hands were inthe back, "start leading, dog. If he
wants to lead us into a trap, he's walking into it first."
Kyle glares and watches over team
Odelia looks surprised that Paws
isn't playing with them. "Paws? Do we continue on the path?" Paws
Hart strikes the bandit with the
back of his hand. "You weren't asked to speak." The bandit coughs and
walks forward.
Melissa says "I like the way he
thinks. Even if he's stupid bastard."
Odelia steps just behind Hart and
the bandit but to the side, watching for traps.
Lorelei says "Ugh…why me?"
she shakes her head
Amaris follows, not sure this is the
best idea. Kyle snorts
Odelia looks back at Lorelei and
smiles. "Because you're beautiful, honey. And that outfit doesn't
Paws looks at Lorelei, knowingly.
Hart smirks evilly, holding the
leash tightly, wrapping it around one of his wrists. Today certainly was a walk
down memory lane.
Odelia sees Paws knowing look to
Lorelei and smirks to herself, watching for danger
Lorelei shrugs. "What? It's
comfortable." she smiles then looks to Paws. "Oh don't you
Hart growls a bit, but turns his
head briefly back to the party with a smirk, "You have to be firm with
these types, I've learned. They don't respond to kindness."
Kyle nods and agrees with hart
Odelia smirks with Hart. "Hmmm.
That is a lesson well learned." Blushes when she thinks about Terrion...
ahem. Not the time. She shakes her head and concentrates on the task at hand.
Melissa looks around curious if
there's something to take. Kyle is impatient, close to her.
Amaris looks at the bandit. "Do
we search this guy to make sure he is not hiding anything?"
Hart pulls at the bandit's leash,
"so were exactly are you taking us?"
"To the bitch herself..."
he spits. The man leads you through a maze of paths and crossings. The forest
grows darker by the minute. They sight no trouble.
They find themrselves standing over
a hill. Underneath them spreads a small valley, fenced with wooden walls and
covered with small tents with one larger in the middle. It appears to be the
headquarters of the local bandits.
Odelia does not like how the forest
is darkening, but refuses to let it get to her. Paws was with her, after all.
She watches for danger as best she can.
Hart pulls at the leash again,
"have you seen a man with white hair and scars?"
The bandit knows nothing of the
sort, and he tells it kindly. "There she is. I done what I said. Now let
me go." The man spits his words.
Odelia lowers onto her stomach and
creeps to the top of the hill, eyeing the lay of the camp for the best tactical
way in. "Get down or get back, we aren't exactly guests."
Melissa raises eyebrows. "Nice
place. So... COSY."
Kyle mumbles "too hot for me"
Amaris gets down trying to stay
hidden. Paws lays down, too.
Lorelei cautiously looks down from
the hill. "Huh. So do we 'ave a plan?"
Kyle waves to make some wind at him,
his armor is heavier than normal
Odelia looks at the lay of the camp,
trying to find weaknesses and also this Winterbollocks. "Hart, do you see
Paws looks at Hart holding the
Amaris says "Perhaps getting
rid of the bandit would be best."
Hart unsheathes a dagger, stabbing
int between the bandit's ribs while cover his mouth to stifle the cry,
"not a problem."
"GAH!" The bandit's eyes
Kyle smirks "Nice!"
Odelia watches Hart with a vaguely
amused look. "Huh. So, do you see Winterbollocks down there?"
The man slumps against the rope,
already dying. Hart lets the bandit drop, glaring over the area.
Amaris sighs and slits the man's
throat to ease the pain he is in. "No need to be cruel." The bandit
dies with a grim sigh.
Hart shakes his head, "Can't
see anything specific. Too sodding far away."
Odelia looks for any tracks Mihitu might
have left, but knows she's not good enough to see them - Mihitu is a far better
hunter than she.
Paws approves of Odelia's actions.
Melissa 's thief sense forced her to
check if bandit has something valuable. Melissa finds 2 silver and one carrot.
Odelia looks at Paws. "Is
Mihitu down there, Paws? Do you know?"
Paws whines, shaking his head.
Hart chuckles, "we'd best find
Mihitu before we storm the castle...he'd be disappointed to miss the
action." He unties the rope from the bandit's wrist and hands it to
Odelia. "We can us the bandit as a place marker."
Odelia says "No you don't know
or no he's not there? 1 shake or 2?" Paws shakes once.
They look at the camp. They count 12
men and women, each in some sort of fighting gear, wondering in and out of the
tents. Two of them are guarding the gate, but they seem to be deep in thought.
Or, just plain drunk.
Odelia looks back at Hart, taking
the rope, then frowns at Paws. It wasn't like the dog to not know where Mihitu
Hart runs a hand across Paw's head
quickly, "Can you smell him at all, boy?"
Odelia says "Hart, Paws doesn't
know where Mihitu is. How the hell are we to find him if he can't?"
Paws looks at them, like he's some
wonder dog? What? Can YOU smell shit from so far?
Amaris pats Paws. "I bet you
know where your master is at. You are smart like that."
Lorelei says "This looks like a
Hart rolls his eyes, "I mean in
the sodding area at all. Not "is he he in the camp.""
Kyle laughs a bit "Believe"
Odelia sighs. "I'm sorry Paws.
You're a good boy. Well, I think we need to make our way into the camp. What do
you think Hart?"
Paws snarls a bit and stars walking
towards the camp, keeping low.
Melissa says "Well, I suppose
we must lure them out of there."
Amaris says "well lets just get
things done. Sitting here will do nothing."
Kyle agrees "sure"
Hart holds an arm up, "we're
outnumbered. I don't have my sodding sword. If we charge in, we're all
Odelia looks around. "I'll try
to shoot the guards from up here, maybe pick off lone wanderers in secluded
areas?" "Take out what I can before we go in."
Hart rubs his jaw, getting an idea,
"If this is her camp, how about I go in alone? Seeing the dead walk would
be enough of a distraction for her."
Amaris says "No not charge in
we have to play this smart. We need to draw the guards away."
Kyle looks worried, but ready.
Odelia eyes Hart. "You sure?
I'm not a fast enough shot to take two guards down without one at least shouting."
Lorelei says "I don't know
Hart wraps his fingers on his
breastplate. "I trust my armor. I'll bring Paws."
Odelia looks sideways at Lorelei,
getting an idea for drawing the guards away from the gate.
Lorelei says "What?"
Amaris says "If she want to
kill you its best not to go alone.....we could always tie you up and give you
to her."
Odelia says "Lorelei.... care
to take down some men for looking at you? And following?"
Melissa shakes her head "I can
sneak and stab one if there's need, it's my specialty"
Kyle turn back at Melissa "Are you sure?"
Hart says "Don't worry about
the poisoning. She's kind of fond of me, really. Don't worry about me, just
pick off the guards at the gate."
Melissa says "Yes, I am. I'll
be fine, when we must be sure that there will be no screaming."
Lorelei crosses her arms at Odelia
then sighs. "really?"
Kyle still worries about melissa "but your wound…"
Odelia raises her hands in defense.
"Sorry, just a thought." She grins at Lore. "Well, Melissa, you
stealth one down and I'll shoot the other. Fair?"
Melissa says "Works for
Amaris says "Walk into the
belly of the beast. Not the best idea Hart, not alone anyways."
Lorelei looks herself over
"Gods maybe could cover up a bit." she mumbles to herself.
Melissa replies "Don't worry Kyle, it's healed."
Melissa smiles at him and looks for some good way to sneak to guard.
Odelia says "Hart, I think this
is the best we'll be able to do. Once we get the guards out, I can pick off the
Amaris looks around. "Hey where
did Paws go?"
Melissa sees the way to the gate is
wide open, field with low grass. Paws growls, he can hear commotion from within
the camp
Hart stands up, kicking the bandit's
corpse out of his way and begins to walk towards the camp, head held high.
Odelia watches as Melissa slowly,
stealthily makes her way to one of the guards. Odelia aims for the other guard,
having taken position in a relatively safe nook that afforded a clear view of
the camp.
Amaris sighs. "You dont want to
go in together because we are out numbered but you'll gladly face them
As Hart walks closer, he can hear
sounds of fighting… shouting… screaming…. Paws follows the man.
Kyle keeps silent and pulls out his
blade carefully
Melissa shakes her head and moves
down attentively, ready to stab one of the guardians.
Hart tenses, putting his hand near
his dagger but keeps walking towards the camp.
Odelia whispers low to Amaris.
"Get ready. I hear a commotion down there." Watches, waiting for the
second before Melissa strikes to loose her arrow at the other guard.
Lorelei stays close to Odelia
"If any get out of your sight I'll kindly zap them." she smiles,
electricity forming in her hands
Amaris nods. "Okay."
The other guard dies, without so
much as a sound.
Odelia nods at Lorelei without
looking. "Get the ones that are alone and preferably out of sight of the
main tent." Odelia shoots just as Melissa takes down the guard.
Someone shouts in the camp,
"Catch the bloody knife ear!"
Amaris gets up. "looks like we
were late for the party."
Odelia says "Blast. Could it be
Mihitu? Look out for him!"
Hart takes the guards deaths as an
opportunity to walk into the camp, tensing at the mention of "knife
ear." Mihitu?! He quickened his pace, drawing the dagger and moving lower
to the ground.
The other guard lies now dead, too.
Not a smart move to be drunk on the gig, eh? Paws runs after Hart, growling
Melissa searches the guardian as any
thief would do. She raises her eyebrows - is that Mihitu? Melissa finds
5silver, 2 copper and a sandwich
Kyle squeezes his blade and rushes
towards the battle. Amaris heads towards the camp.
Odelia draws another arrow back and
sights down it, looking for a new target that won't draw attention when he/she
Hart holds his arm up at the party
behind him, gesturing for them to stop, mouthing DON'T
Odelia watches Kyle rush forward and
curses, covering him from behind in case he draws attention. Kyle stops and
quickly hides
They can hear shouting again, then a
delighted female voice saying "Bring
him to me, and tie him down."
Hart walks further into the camp,
not to look phased by the battle around him, scanning for Mihitu and
Winterbollocks. He paused, hearing a familiar voice and grimacing.
Melissa hisses and tries to sneak to
the camp few steps after her team.
Amaris starting to worry and runs
after Hart.
They arrive to the camp, sneaking,
unnoticed.... they can see a clearing between the tents.
Hart turns his head again to look
for his party, still mouthing "DON'T" as loudly as silence would let
Odelia finds a lone man drinking and
aims for his jugular, straining to hear what is being said, and hisses for the
others to stay still and wait, dammit. Odelia kills the man, silently.
Amaris stops and waits. Kyle is
still waiting. Lorelei steadies her hand and concentrates, searching her
Hart takes a deep breath, puts on a
smirk, and walks into the clearing, hiding the dagger.
As Hart walks out, he can see that
Mihitu is being held against the ground, hands tied back. He growls at the men
pinning him down, like a fierce animal. Nine bandits and one dashing woman are
gathered around him, near the largest tent.
Odelia draws another arrow, sighting
to the clearing. Dammit, Mihitu. She nods for the others to move slowly and as
quietly as possible to surround the clearing.
Hart puts on a falsely confident
grin and walks further into the clearing between the tents. "Aaaah,
Mookums. It's been so long."
The woman turns to look at them,
surprised. They can see she's nearly 50, but still as beautiful as anyone ever
was. Her dark red hair is tied to a knot over her head, and her pale skin is
covered with ornamental tattoos. She's quite tall, and well dressed. She looks
at Hart and lets out a wicked chuckle. "Now why am I not surprised? What
MUST one do to get rid of you, dear Tummybear? I thought we said goodbye back
at the camp, darling."
Odelia attempts to pick off the
bandits outside the clearing as her group attempts to infiltrate and surround
the bandits in the clearing.
Hart grins, "Ah, you can't kill
me that easily, Mookums. I'm very resistant to death." He holds up a hand,
to wave at Winterbollocks and to stop his party members. "So I see"
she laughs.
"Tummybear?" Lorelei whispers.
Paws follows after Hart, growling
ever louder. Hart eyes Mihitu on the ground, "I see you have a new
Melissa tries to sneak to the
closest bandit and tries to break his neck
Odelia slowly lurks around the camp,
finding a good vantage point where she can see Mihitu and Hart and her people
can see her, on a wagon to the side.
Kyle slowly goes. Amaris waits for a
signal from Hart. Lorelei stays close to the others but waits for the right
moment to strike
Mihitu growls even harder and
struggles against the bandits. The woman, apparently Moonshine, glares at him
and motions one of his men to deliver a sharp kick in his ribs. The hunter
coughs, as he fights against the pain. Paws barks, but knows better than to run
to him.
Odelia knocks an arrow, waiting for
some sign from Hart or Mihitu to attack. She aims a pinning shot at the woman,
ready to loose when the signal comes.
Hart suppresses his gut reaction to
rush to Mihitu's aid, and turns back to Moonshine, with open arms, "come
now, you've tried to kill me so many times before, and we've gotten past
"You get past it, when I want
you to pass" She smiles at Hart. The woman suddenly notices Odelia.
"Who's your friend? You'd ALL better come down here, or the knife ear gets
Amaris stays still. Hoping she cant
see all of them.
Odelia sighs and jumps down, hoping
the others don't move as well. Kyle stays put.
Hart keeps up a facade, gesturing
towards Odelia, "Oh, her? Don't worry. Just a friend." He places a
hand on the small of her back.
Lorelei says "Shit." she
whispers, watching Odelia step out
Odelia keeps her mouth shut, letting
HArt handle the woman. He knows her better than she does.
The woman frowns. "Yes... as if
Tummybear would march in with a DOG and one measly rogue?" "You were
never THAT stupid, darling."
Hart laughs, "No no. The dog is
her's. I'm not marking in on you, I'm coming to make up. See, I've gotten
rather sick of Fereldan already."
Odelia whistles to Paws to come to
her side, hoping the dog figures out the ruse. Paws does the deed, staring at
Moonshine grins and motions the men
to kill Mihitu. "Just in time to see the show, then, aren't we?"
"The little rat sneaked in to my tent and killed two of my men! Who were
they, Frank?" she asks of the bandits.
Hart grimaces, but regains his smile
quickly, "Now now, love. No need to be rash. Just another hunter. He can
be valuable to us."
One of the bandits shouts "Spike and Lil Joe!"
Melissa watches woman with anger.
Uh, what a bitch.
Odelia fights a smirk at the names
Moonshine nods. "Yes, he killed
my Spike and Little Joe. Someone has to pay for that. Come on, it'll be fun,
darling." Her smile is evil.
Hart takes a step towards Moonshine,
"Wouldn't he be all the more valuable to sell?"
Hart he holds out a hand, "If
you really want to punish him, let him suffer forever and make a bit of
Odelia maintains a blank, almost
haughty look on her face for show, but inside she's screaming to herself for
not talking with Terrion before coming on this job.
Moonshine comes closer to hart, with
a knife in her hands, chuckling.... "Do you really take me for such a
fool, darling?" "Either you
bring ALL of your friends down here, or you're ALL dead meat."
Odelia folds her arms, fingers
touching hidden dagger hilts, but not drawing them. Yet.
Hart grimaces, eyeing the knife
dangerously close to Mihitu, but making a signal for the rest to enter the
Amaris stands up and walks into view
no point in hiding now. "You called?"
Odelia hopes only the warriors step
out, with the mages still out of melee danger
Melissa hisses and walks out of the
shadows. "Someone needs me?"
Moonshine smiles widely.
"Guests! Welcome!"
Lorelei continues to wait, feeling
Hart looks around, "You were
always so paranoid, Mookums."
Amaris says "Yes quite the nice
place you got here."
Melissa says "I'd say it's very
cosy here!"
"Sit down and have a
drink..." She motions them to join her in a toast. A table next to the
tent is filled with wine.
Amaris looks around and grins.
"So do you always do jobs like this? must say better than sitting at a
tavern waiting to find someone's cat."
Kyle looks and can't believe his
Hart smiles at Moonshine, "Ah,
but wouldn't you rather we be alone? It's been awhile since the last time we
met proper you know."
"Yes. Five hours, was it?"
Odelia still feels Hart's hand on
the small of her back, waiting for his signal. She won't leave his side if she
can help it.
Mihitu growls again, struggling.
Moonshine turns to face the hunter. "So. Who is he?"
Amaris smiles. "Yes you are
much more interesting than I thought."
Hart shakes his head, "no one.
Just another Fereldan dog."
Melissa says "As far as I can
see some elf. That's why you needed us there?"
She smiles, with a bloodthirsty
look. "Lovely. Off with his head boys!"
Hart yells "No!" and
lunges towards Moonshine.
The bandit pinning him down lifts
Mihitu's head and... "Stop."
Lorelei fists clench in annoyance,
tries to remain out of sight.
Amaris chuckles. "That is not
fun nor torturer just kill him?"
Odelia is about to draw her daggers
but doesn't, keeping them hidden
"My, my... it's getting
interesting..." she grins and winks at Amaris.
Kyle takes his dagger and prepares
to throw
"You want him back alive,
Tummybear? We can play a game." Moonshine's face turns into a feverish
grin. "And I know JUST the one."
Melissa cursed Moonshine in her
thoughts and spit aside.
Hart scowls, "Fine, bitch. I'll
play your sodding game. Just let the rest of them go."
Amaris sighs. "I always liked
the idea of burning some one alive and you just want to chop off his head? Not
very artistic."
The woman chuckles and sways her
hips at Amaris. She motions one of the women towards her tent. The bandit goes
inside and returns soon, carrying a tray of three silvery goblets. They are
identical, with the same amount of deep red liquid in each. Moonshine stares at
Melissa. "You, girl."
Odelia watches Moonshine, the bandit
holding Mihitu, and the others, looking for weaknesses and openings, ready to
strike at a signal from Hart.
Melissa raises her eyebrows.
"Yes. Me. What?"
Hart growls, "leave them be,
Paws snarls, but holds still.. he
won't take any risks.
Amaris says 'Ah poisons much more
"You, girl. Choose one. The
killer-elf here will drink it. If he's lucky, I let him go. If not… well,"
she smiles, hungrily, offering the tray to Melissa.
Hart tries to get the desperation
out of his face with limited success.
Odelia curses to herself, her face
still a mask of haughty indifference. Do any of them know a lick about poisons?
She resolves to begin remedying that as soon as they got out of this mess.
Amaris says "Let her choose the
fate of him. I like the way you think." "But you cant start off with
just killing him. You have to make him suffer then kill him."
"If you're not willing to play,
you can all die here and now..." The bandits point their weapons at them.
Hart glares at Amaris. Not. Helping.
"Oh, I know my poisons,
boy..." She smiles at Amaris.
Melissa shakes her head and snorts.
"Anyone ever told you that you're bitch? I wouldn't be surprised.
Nevermind, I choose this one." Rivaini points at third goblet.
Amaris chuckles. "not as much
as you would think you did not kill Hart. Perhaps poisons is not the best way
to go?"
"Very well, girl. I thank
you." She offers the goblet to a bandit, who takes it to Mihitu. They lift
him up, so he can drink it. "Perhaps I wish to keep my toys alive..."
Amaris says "unless you have
someone who knows what they are doing."
Odelia watches the scene unfold,
breath held. Lorelei curses to herself, but can only watch for now. Kyle curses
Hart glares at Amaris, mouthing the
words 'shut the fuck up'.
Melissa moves back watching whole
Mihitu stares at the goblet,
sniffing the bitter scent. He closes his eye, and laughs quietly. What a day...
He then turns to them, smiling wryly. "I'm game. But if I won't wake up,
the kidth can have my thhare of the gold…" He looks at Odelia.
"Terrion can take care of Pawth." He then stares Hart for awhile,
before sighing. "You can keep all the retht… Deer."
Hart watches Mihitu with wide, sad
Odelia grimaces at the mention of
Terrion, but nods, her veneer of indifference cracking slightly
Mihitu nods at the man holding the
goblet, and drinks the red contents.
Amaris says "Poisons, torture,
killing as you choose. What a nice life you have I envy you."
Moonshine just smiles.
Odelia shoots a nasty glare at
Amaris. It isn't helping.
Almost immediately the hunter starts
coughing, violently. The men around laugh, as he squirms in the ground, in
agony. Paws barks and growls like mad. After a short moment Mihitu finally
falls silent, motionless.
Hart closes his eyes, choking
slightly on his own spit. This was a bad idea from the start, getting
attached...He whispers, ""
"Too bad." Moonshine
Odelia feels a tear drop for Hart
and Mihitu. It wasn't fair. She vowed to make it up to Terrion if she got back,
for them.
"Oh, I DO have the antidote,
right here…" She picks a small, clear vial from between her breasts.
Lorelei starts to feel sick, but
then a rage begins to build within her. "How long must I sit here?"
she mumbles to herself.
Hart hangs his head, "...what
do you want, Moonshine?"
Amaris chuckles. "A woman who
likes to get even fantastic."
Odelia 7eels anger take over her
sadness, and her hands form fists over her hidden dagger hilts. Kyle growls
Hart says "You've obviously
won. Just...just tell me what you want."
"But I think… a life for a
life? You get the hunter, and I walk scott free. I know they're after me. If we
fight, we just all end up dead," she nods at the nine bandits behind her.
Hart says "Deal." The
words leave his mouth before his mind has a chance to think about them.
"But--you have to give him the antidote first."
Odelia lowers her head and whispers
below her breath. "Do it."
Moonshine smiles "I knew you
weren't such a bad boy, Tummybear..."
Hart scowls, "You've had your
fun, bitch. Just give him the antidote."
Odelia curses under her breath but
waits for Hart to make the first move.
Mihitu mutters, unable to move. He's apparently still conscious, almost.
Moonshine tuts. Paws barks happily!
Amaris says "Still alive? You
are not a good with poisons as you think."
Kyle just hopes amaris shuts up.
Odelia growls under her breath, wishing Amaris would shut up.
Moonshine frowns. Her poisons are
usually top notch. Legendary, even. "The deal is STILL on. He won't
survive the night," she shouts, frustrated. Damn knife-ear!
Hart opens his eyes, looking at
Mihitu and gaining a slight, hopeful smile.
Melissa disbeliefes. That damned elf
was alive! She wasn't sure if she is happy or angry, but she knew one thing -
she went to Amaris and slapped him in the face. "Shut up you son of a
bitch, or you'll land there too!" She hissed and went back on her place.
Hart takes a step forwards towards
Moonshine, shifting slightly and then jumping to tackle the woman. "Deals off!" Hart manages to top
her, and she kicks him fiercely.
Odelia isn't sure it was the time
for Melissa to slap Amaris, but likes it. Kyle approves of it too.
Amaris stumbles back and chuckles.
"Well now that was not very nice."
Odelia lunges at the man holding
Mihitu as soon as HArtDarzi moves. She draws her daggers mid-lunge and aims for
his kidney and his neck.
Paws attacks two bandits in the
side, biting them all around.
Kyle throws his dagger at the
bandit. Kyle's dagger hits the bandit woman's throat, and she falls dead. Kyle take
his blade and jumps in.
One bandit lands a hit on Amaris,
making his head spin. Amaris falls back and grumbles. This is what i was trying
to avoid.
Hart grabs at Moonshine's neck with
both hands, pushing his entire weight into the woman's body
Lorelei comes out of hiding and
launches a lighting strike. Lorelei's attack hits three bandits, who are hurt,
but still alive.
Kyle hacks and slashes the bandit
nearby. "Watch out!
Melissa holds her daggers and try to
stab some bandit in a kidney. Melissa succeeds, but someone trips her
Odelia manages to beat two men
holding Mihitu. A bandit hits Hart in the back, trying to free Moonshine.
Moonshine squeezes... "ghhhhhhhh"
Kyle bash at the bandit and removes
the dagger. One bandit stabs Kyle in the leg, making him stagger. The wound is
quite severe.
Odelia dodges a sword, barely, and
aims a dagger at the mans unprotected underarm (pierced heart attempt, GM)
Hart groans at the impact, but
refuses to let go of Moonshine, "You messed with the wrong man,
Lorelei changes to her spider form
and jumps on a bandit trying to tear at him
Amaris growls. "Enough."
He stands up and cast a fire blast at the nearest bandit.
Kyle growls at the wound and turns
back at the bandit. "I will cut you damn throat!"
Odelia manages to make the kill, but
someone pushes her to the ground right after. Paws rips one bandit's throat
Melissa tries to get up and stab
bandit attacking Hart. Melissa succeeds in the stab.
Odelia lands on the ground with an
oof and kicks out at a passing bandit. Odelia fails, and they both roll on the
Hart leans in harder on the woman,
tightening his grip, trying to get her to at least pass out.
"Stoooooop" Moonshine
Hart snarls, "What was that,
bitch? Stop, eh?"
"Ghh... You can have him... can..."
Odelia rolls with the bandit, trying
to get the upper hand and attempts to cut the bandit's throat. Odelia manages
to hurt the bandit badly, he staggers back, landing on a tent.
Kyle pants and spits on the ground.
Hart looses his grip a bit, but
still keeps his hand on her throat, "call off your guards and THEN we'll
"m....MEN!" she waves her
Melissa fights the closest bandit.
"What are you doing? You want to save her after all this shit?!"
Odelia finds herself out of the main
melee and sheaths her daggers, pulling out her bow and drawing an arrow
Lorelei returns to human form and
sees to Kyle.
The remaining few bandits still up,
lower their weapons and stand back from the enemies.
Hart turns his head to his allies,
"kill them." Kyle smirks wickedly.
Odelia rushes to Mihitu's side, Paws
already there and standing guard. Odelia sees that Mihitu has lost
consciousness, but he's breathing. Paws licks his masters cheek, whining.
Amaris growls frustrated and walks
over to Mihitu. "Dammmit I am sorry."
She coughs.
Hart grins evilly, "The bounty
is only for you, Mookums."
Odelia nods once to HartDArzi and
turns on the closest bandit, shooting at him in the eye.
Hart roars, "WHERE IS THE
Melissa runs and tries to help Kyle
with bandit. Kyle shouts "I can
deal with it!"
The last few bandits fight back, but
aren't much of an enemy now... after a short battle they kill them all.
Odelia hears HartDArzi and scrambles
in the dirt, dropping her bow and arrow to palm the ground for the antidote
Amaris says "I doubt she even
has the antidote."
Odelia says "It has to be
around here, Winterbollocks was the last to have it."
Moonshine points weakly at the vial,
now lying on the ground.
Odelia says "Hold on,
Kyle says "come on,
Odelia grabs the vial with shaking
hands and rushes to Mihitu's side, pulling him up to drink.
Hart looses his grip on Moonshine's
neck, but not letting go, keeping his weight firmly pressed on to her.
Melissa moves to whole situation's
place and pats Paws watching. Paws licks melissa's hand.
Amaris says "If he's
unconscious you need to give it to him by mouth." "He cant drink
Odelia struggles for a moment with
the stopper but gets it out and pours the liquid down Mihitu's throat, angling
his head to swallow it.
Mihitu is forced to swallow the
antidote, almost choking him, but he won't wake up.
Kyle says "not good"
Odelia ignores Amaris as she works,
shaking Mihitu slightly, hoping it'll work. "Come on, Mihitu!"
Hart glares back at Moonshine,
"it's not sodding working." "If he dies I swear to you, this
will be the last breath you take."
"Idiot! It will take some
time... Happy now? Would you get OFF ME?" she swears.
Amaris sighs. "Tell us how to
help him woman or i will burn you alive."
Hart glares, "Not until he
wakes up, bitch."
"Then you're going to wait the
whole night!"
Lorelei looms over Moonshine
lightning in her hands "He better make it or you won't"
Hart snarls, "I.
can. wait."
Hart he turns his head to the rest
of his companions. "Back off. This one is mine."
Mihitu mutters weakly....
Amaris grins "Then I'll just
burn bit by bit until he wakes up how does that sound?"
Odelia laughs in relief. "Did
you hear him? He's awake, Hart!
"That elf is not normal,"
Moonshine looks at Mihitu in horror.
Hart grins, "sodding right he's
not normal."
Mihitu is sleeping now, sickly, but alive
Odelia begins sniffing as she pulls
out rope for HArtDarzi to tie up Winterbollocks.
Amaris walks up to Moonshine and
grabs her arm. "Want to start with the arm?"
Odelia says "Tie her up quick
and hard, so you can be with." She wipes some tears and maybe also some
sobbing snot with her sleeve.
Kyle looks at mihitu and is happy to
see him alive "aye"
Lorelei says "We can still kill
her right?" She asks a little to hopeful for an answer
"No bounty for the dead meat!" She
hisses. "I'm worth a LOT, kid."
Hart scowls, "I have a better
idea. Get me another rope, Odelia."
Amaris says "But damage goods
is still available."
Lorelei sighs "FIne." she
rolls her eyes
Odelia scrambles around and finds
some rope on the wagon, bringing it to Hart, still sniffling.
Hart ties Moonshine's arms behind
her back, but then takes the second rope and ties it in a noose, putting it
around Moonshine's neck and pulling it close. "We're going to lead her
into town by this. First attempt to get away, she's strangled."
Melissa looks around - again - and
searches bodies. Melissa finds 97 silver from the bandits, a bow, 5 arrows and
one lyrium potion.
Moonshine spits, but obeys. She
loves her sleek, pale neck. Paws stands by the hunter, guarding his sleep.
Lorelei goes to Odelia. She places
an arm around her and gently squeezes. "Hey, it's alright now..for the
most part. O.k?"
Odelia nods in approval, barely able
to look at the woman. Though she wants to take a look at those potions. SHe
turns to Lorelei and nods with a sniff. "Yeah. It's over."
Hart jerks the rope a bit, to let
Moonshine get an idea of just how rough the rope was. "Don't test
Kyle sighs with relief. Amaris kicks
a rock. Dammit for not keeping his mouth shut......
Hart looks up at the party,
"Someone take the rope."
Odelia stares at Hart for a moment,
then gives him a brief, fierce hug around the waist - not jostling the rope in
his hands - before taking the rope from him. Moonshine glares at Odelia.
Amaris says "Dammit for even
trying to help he should had just stayed back and watched."
Odelia motions to Lorelei to see if
she can heal Kyle
Hart pats Winterbollocks down
quickly for any stored weapons. Hart finds 4 daggers, 2 poison vials, a needle,
a small set of darts and a chain
Melissa looks at her new bow.
"Woah. Seems that i found new additional weapon." Tiny rivaini
grinned and tightens bowstring just to check. "Awesome!"
Kyle staggers and before he leaves says "I feel sick and
will return to the inn…"
Amaris walks on head not really
caring that he may get lost. "Please lets leave this place."
Odelia glares back before punching
Moonshine in the face without a word.
Moonshine almost falls to the
ground, but manages to stay on her feet... "Bitch...." Melissa says "Says
Hart pockets them for later, but
moves over quickly to Mihitu, gingerly placing a hand on his face.
Lorelei looks over Kyle , but feels
to weak to heal him
Odelia looks appreciatively at the
array of goodies on Moonshine, particularly at the poisons. She doesn't look at
Moonshine but says, "Indeed."
Melissa laughs and puts on her new
bow. "Bitches, bitches everywhere. This world is soooo full of love!"
Hart carefully pulls Mihitu up into
his arms, and begins to scan the camp for his sword. Anna is set near the
largest tent, lying on the ground.
Lorelei says "You ar' an...
interesting person." She smiles to Melissa
Odelia says "Hey Melissa, grab
Anna the sword?" She points towards the tent where Hart is headed.
Hart smiles and rushes over to it,
fast as he can without bumping Mihitu around too much, and picks it up, putting
Anna in her sheath.
Melissa grins at Lorelei. "I
always wondered why people keep telling me this. Sword? Ah, yes, sure, but I
see that Hart is quite well." Rivaini laughs.
Paws follows Hart, never leaving the
hunter's side. Moonshine looks mighty annoyed. "Let's get this over and
done with, then...." she spits.
Melissa says "Is it just me or
you want to kick her too?"
Odelia pushes Moonshine along, a
dagger to the woman's side for good measure, and always vigilant for traps and
Lorelei says "Well, pride an
joy recovered, reason to live saved, bad guy getting taken in. I say job well
done" she faintly smiles
Hart smiles a bit, "Aye. Let's
turn this bitch in." "Make one last sweep of the camp." He finds
one green silk scarf.
Melissa smiles and follows rest of
the team. Odelia smiles softly at Lorelei, then looks back at Mihitu in Hart's
Mihitu looks very manly, despite the
Having delivered the prisoner alive they receive 4 sovereign from Captain Harris. After a few days they hear a rumor saying the poisonous thief known as Moonshine has once again escaped from the clutches of the Denerim Guard.
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