Story by Pau-Norontaus. Written by Zara-Arletis
During an inventory of our relics, a rogue mage attacked the Templars and slaughtered them.
In the process, he stole several valuable and dangerous relics. Our sources have sighted him near the village of Calanhad's Brook.
Please, to anyone who wishes to help, a party of Templars are going to retrieve them on Thursday, the 11th of August, help them!
Their commander will meet you at the village.
Margo Torl.

The crispy air of an early autumn morning finds it's way under your cloaks. The coolness dries off the sweat and leaves your skin shivering. Winter is not far. On your short walk from last night's camp you feel all but beaten; the scarred templar, Ser August, keeps his pace quick and leads the band of tired adventurers. After awhile you arrive at a crossroads. The road appears to be empty… But soon the keen-eyed elven twins point a pair of travelers waiting under a tall oak. A woman in her mid 30's, wearing heavy plate armor, walks to you impatiently. Her sandy blond hair is tied into a tight knot. You can see lines under the eyes.
"You're late", she snaps. Before giving you the time to answer, she sighs and brushes her temples. "I'm sorry, we've had a long journey and…" "I'm Knight Captain Viola. I take it you're the group Knight Commander Grant promised me?" She looks at the lot of you, and does not seem overly thrilled. "A Brother among you?" The captain raises her eyebrows while noticing the older man. "Always a pleasure to meet fellow Templars. What brings you here, Ser…?" Ser August nods politely, weathered face serene. "Ser August. Pleasant indeed." "Well met, Brother. And this…" She motions towards a sturdy man standing in the shade of the tree. The man wakes up from his slumber and comes closer. "This is Jonah, a tranquil sent for us all the way from… Frankly, I don't know. And he doesn't speak much, so we're fine as it is. Jonah, these are the mercenaries."
The mage in his 40's bows his head slightly. As most tranquil do, he looks calm and slightly out of this world. His expression is emotionless. Viola shrugs her shoulders at the mage's silence and inspects the group. "So we have four rogues and four warriors, including me? I hope we survive to tell the tale." "I know you'd like to hear more about the mission, but you only need to know this: we're dealing with an extremely dangerous relic, and it's in the hands of a criminal." "We go to Calanhad's Brook, without alarming the villagers. If he's indeed there, we find and capture him, and we do it fast. The tranquil and I will take care of the relic." You see the tranquil speaking to the Templar Captain with a low voice. You can't hear his words, but you see the annoyance on her face. Viola frowns. "It seems we still have some preparations to make. If you'd be so kind and wait here… We'll return soon." The pair leaves you to stand at the roadside.
A dwarven woman barrels up the path, trying desperately to keep up with her longer legged companions. "Damn, ya'll move fast," Taiaveveta complains, panting. A scarred warrior comes walking up behind her, one hand on his sword as he looks around warily, "The road behind us is clear; what have I missed." Tanya, a warrior woman well known in these parts, answers, "Not much. Templars catching up." "Knight-Captain Viola introduced herself, nothing more. We're looking for a very dangerous relic --- all in all, nothing Grant did not already inform me of," the templar added.
Art by Pham Ngoc Trinh
The sounds of templar and tranquil arguing drift to the waiting mercenaries, enough to tempt them to eavesdrop but not enough to hear their words. "Anyone understand what they're saying?" Tanya asks, looking to the two, nosy elves. Marilyn strains to hear better, much to Ser August's annoyance. Evelyn looks at the warrior and shakes her head, "No, not at all." "I'm already disliking this," Trasken complains. "As am I," the templar agrees. Taiaveveta looks toward the Tranquil and templar, "Think I can sneak over there and listen?"
A flock of birds flies overhead. Nervous, Trasken lifts his shield just in case while Ser August looks around to see what disturbed them. The dwarf takes advantage of the distraction and sneaks closer to the argument. Before she can get close enough for it do any good, Viola and Jonah finish their discussion and return to the mercenaries. The captain motions you to follow. "It's an hour's walk to the village from here. Heads low, eyes sharp." And so you begin the journey. The Templar Captain leads the group with the tranquil few steps behind. The pace is fast, but you try to move quietly.
The road is in reasonably good condition. From one side it's luscious forest, from the other side opens a view to vast fields of wheat and barley. "Nice countryside this time of year," Trasken comments. Taiaveveta wrinkles her nose, "Smells funny." Tanya inhales deeply just to prove the dwarf wrong. It smells like Ferelden – wheat fields, dirt, and dog shit. It reminds Ser August of the last training session with Leon- the boy would still be wearing stripes from his fall into the barley. The captain inches closer to the old Templar. "Did you hear about the hanging in Kirkwall? All the marches are talking about it, ten recruits. The Knight Commander claims they were possessed. Maker."
Marilyn pipes up at this, pointy ears always listening for juicy news, "Can templars be possessed?" Ser August answers the captain, "No . . . we don't often get news. The priests don't like the gossip." She shrugs and shakes her head in disgust. "I thought only mages could get possessed," the elf said, eyes wide. The templar pats her hand reassuringly. "Don't look at me elf; I know nothing about that," Tanya says, wishing they would just shut up and get on with it. The Knight-Captain seems annoyed that an elf would even ask. "Never you mind, elf. Let's keep up the pace," she snaps. The dwarf is too busy keeping up to say anything.
"But . . . templars can resist magic," Marilyn persists. " What does this even have to do with us? Did we come here to work or talk?" Tanya asks. "Yes, of course," Ser August tells the elf, ignoring the irritated woman. "Then it must be difficult for demons to possess them," Marilyn replies. This seems to make her feel marginally better about the whole thing. "This is often true, but demons are wily creatures and they can offer the weak much."
"First one there gets a sovereign," Trasken shouts, settling into a ground eating run. "Sovereign?" Evelyn asks, perking up for the first time in awhile. "I'll take that bet," Tanya replies. "Must... you go.... so *huff* FAST!" Taiaveveta calls out, glaring at them. As you draw closer to the village, you begin noticing small farms near the road. Everything seems peaceful and quiet. The kind sun warms your backs. The quiet seems to unsettle the city dwelling elves and ever suspicious Trasken. He unsheathes his sword as Tanya takes out a crossbow. "Just in case," the woman warrior says, looking around.
"Shouldn't there be animals around and stuff? Where is everyone?" Evelyn asks. "The village seems abandoned," Tanya answers. Trasken surveys the area grimly, "You stay here. I'll go ahead," he tells them. Ser August is paying attention, and carefully steers the girls together so he can draw his axe. The tranquil looks at the crowd with very mild interest, "They ARE jumpy." Suddenly they hear angry barking! A small dog runs towards the mercenaries. It seems to be insane. It growls, snarls and runs around in circles, not letting them forward. Evelyn reaches for her daggers as Tanya takes aim with the crossbow. "Move bitch," Viola shouts. The dog tries to bite her leg. She kicks it away and hisses: "Someone kill that little demon! Maker knows we don't have time to mess around." Marilyn reaches down to comfort the dog as Tanya takes her shot. "Be careful Mari! It could be rabid," Ser August shouts. His warning is unnecessary. Even if the dog was a danger, Tanya's bolt takes it down.
"Wow! I thought you surfacers liked dogs," Taiaveveta exclaims, looking at the limp, furry form. "Not when they're rabid," Tanya replies. Evelyn looks at the dead animal sadly, noticing the tiny collar with the name "Honey on it. Marilyn looks at the warrior angrily, "You could have hit me!" The dwarf notices a rustling in the bushes nearby, "Rabbit?" she asks. There are three puppies whining. They won't survive alone, now that you killed their mother. It seems she was only trying to protect them. Why was she so frightened of humans? "Oh no," Evelyn cries, kneeling down by the orphaned dogs. "Maker," Ser August mutters, a prayer and a curse all in one.
Art by Pham Ngoc Trinh
"Calm down," Trasken says, disgusted. "Shut up," Tanya tells them; after all, it's just a dead dog and some puppies. Marilyn and Evelyn move to scoop up the little dogs, but they shy away, terrified. "Leave them alone," the warrior woman says as Trasken grabs at them. "You have no heart, woman," Marilyn tells her. "If you girls can't keep it together, you can stay here and play with the puppies," Tanya replies. Ser August ignores the warrior, sadly explaining the facts to the young elves. "I know you want to save them. I do too, but this could easily be a trap. Besides, we have no milk for them . . ." Viola nods, ready to get on with it. Evelyn sighs sadly, but Marilyn broods; neither of them are pleased with this turn of events. They begin to harmonize, a sad melody from the alienage to soothe the soul.
Taiaveveta glares at the templar for a moment, then looks at Trasken, "Try not to run so fast this time! I got short legs." "There's a drink waiting for you, dwarf. Run!" Tanya shakes her head, "Shall we? Or does anyone else have something pressing? Perhaps there's a hedgehog stuck in a tree?" Trasken grins, "I don't know, how about a smile, beautiful?" She gives him a nasty scowl in reply and trudges off. "I think she likes me," Trasken tells Ser August. "I think you're crazy," the templar whispers. The tranquil smiles faintly as he follows after them.
You finally reach Calanhad's Brook. It's a lovely village with neat houses, a good well, gardens, a small market place and a watermill by the river. There's a cart filled with apples in the middle of the opening. Ser August keeps watch on the girls to make sure they don't disturb the apples. Evelyn eyes them hungrily as Taiaveveta walks up the cart. "What's those?" "Just apples," Tanya replies dismissively. There's not a soul to be found. The whole place seems to be abandoned. The people might be hiding in the buildings, but you'd still expect to hear something. "See anyone around," Trasken asks. Viola tells them, "Will you inspect some of the houses?"
"Lady, switch to that crossbow and get behind me. I'll check the houses," Trasken tells the warrior woman. "Hang on, I need to reload," she replies. Marilyn sings loudly in the silent village; Evelyn joins her twin, voices twining together sweetly. "Eve, Mari, come with me," Ser August tells them. "I wish those girls would make less noise, really," Tanya mutters as she reloads her crossbow. "And it's not LADY," she adds, glaring at Trasken. He is already walking up to the first house, shield raised, and taps the door. It swings open. There's no one in the house, but you find a note and some muffins on the table. "Congratulations, Samuel! From you loving Grandparents" "Hm. It's like they just left," Tanya says, looking around.
Ser August and twins approach the second house. The templar is silent and focused as he extends his will. "It's like they just disappeared," Marilyn says, stopping her song as the oppressive feel of the village makes itself known. Evelyn goes to open the door. "Not even an echo in the veil," the templar mutters. "Knight-Captain, do you sense anything?" he calls out. Viola shakes her head. The two elves explore the house, but it's empty.
The two warriors move on to the third house. "You coming, bastard?" Tanya asks Trasken. "Lead the way. I like the view," he replies with a lewd grin. For a moment Tanya looks like she's going to fire her bow at Trasken, but turns away and walks in. They find a wooden toy dragon, a small knife and 50 silver pieces in the otherwise empty house. "Dibs on the lizard thing!" Taiaveveta shouts, peeking past the warriors. "Want to split the silver?" Trasken asks as Tanya grabs the coin purse. Evelyn slips in and quietly pockets the knife.
Ser August looks on, disapproval clear. "What," Trasken asks, gesturing at the empty houses, "It's not like they need the dragon." The templar Captain does not look kindly to you looting the village. "Is this how you usually act? Robbing victims? I expected mercenaries to have SOME principles." The tranquil just smiles vaguely. Tanya raises an eyebrow at the Knight-Captain while Evelyn stares at the mage. "There's no one here. It's not like they're going to need it," the warrior tells Viola, annoyed at the reprimand. If the templar wanted Chantry boys, she shouldn't have hired mercenaries. Ser August defends them, despite his discomfort with looting. "If you notice Viola, these people are hardly paid by the Chantry beyond the fee to secure their services." The Knight-Captain tuts, not a trace of sympathy in her for underpaid thugs and city rats.
The group makes their way to the fourth house, the first they've encountered with a locked door. It proves no obstacle to the rogues in the party. This house is empty, too. After some snooping around the rogues find a secret locker with 4,5 gold and 7 health poultices. "We take a poultice each," Trasken tells them. Viola looks at the extra poultice and wrinkles her nose, "I carry my own remedies." Evelyn shrugs and pockets it. Marilyn claims the gold, but Trasken takes the money off her and hands it to August, "Sorry, but I trust him more with the gold," he tells the disappointed elf. Taiaveveta watches the gold with a grin, wondering how it will be shared out.
"Scum," Viola says under her breath. "Oh shut up you old crow. We're here to help you; anything beyond that really doesn't concern you," Tanya replies, catching the comment. The Knight-Captain slaps her. "Respect your superiors," Viola retorts, tone as vicious and precise as the blow. Evelyn gasps as Ser August frowns. This highly inappropriate. "She's my hero now," Marilyn whispers to her sister. Trasken jumps to Tanya's defense, grabbing the templar's arm and twisting it behind her. "Viola, you will know your place!" Ser August tells her, reprimanding her as gently as he can. "You are not my superior, templar," Tanya says. "So if you guys fight and kill each other, can I have your swords," the dwarf asks speculatively. No one pays her any mind, too involved in the conflict to notice as she tallies the value of their weaponry. Viola hisses, wrenching herself out of Trasken's grip. "I guess you want to loot this one too?" She gestures toward the last house angrily, stalking off to cool her temper.
Tanya walks past Trasken, punching him in the arm, "I take care of my own battles, bastard." "Whatever you say lady," he replies, rubbing his shoulder surreptitiously once her back is turned. The woman certainly packs a punch. "I'd like to keep the templar's ass though," he mutters before following Tanya to the last house. There is nothing worth taking in the house; it's as empty as the others.
"Did the tranquil just say something?" Trasken asks, looking at Jonah. "Hey, do you ever blink? Why are you always so quiet? Can you talk? Are you a sparky fingers too?" Taiaveveta asks him rapid fire. The mage smiles and shakes his head. The dwarf stares at him for a bit, waiting for him to do something strange and entertaining, but he doesn't move.
Ser August goes after Viola, marching up to her with righteous fury. "Maker, have you lost your mind? Do you know what the priests will do to you for hitting civilians?" The Knight-Captain frowns, "I – I'm sorry. I behaved below my . . . I'm just on edge." "If there is anything you are not telling me, do so now. Your tranquil is acting peculiar as are you and I do not like it." Viola shakes her head, expression turning resolute. "No, now let's go get this thieving bastard of a mage."
"So when are we going to find this treasure? That human owes me a drink," Taiaveveta complains, pointing at Trasken. Before anyone can respond, there is a sudden change in the surrounding silence. Wind is rising. The old watermill creaks… "Oh, hear that?" Tanya asks, looking around. Evelyn and Marilyn seem just as worried about their companions as they are about the village. Ser August falls silent. "Form up. Now," Trasken says in a commanding tone. Viola moves forward, Jonah close behind. "Follow me," she tells them." Tanya holds up her crossbow and reluctantly falls in line. The twins move together, just behind Ser August. Taiaveveta brings up the rear, rolling her eyes as she mutters, "Paranoid wackos."
They arrive at the mill. It's a sturdy old building made of white stone. It's clear it has served the villagers for generations. The river is dark, but you see something strange in the water… "Hold," Trasken tells them. The twins and Tanya look out into the murky water, "What's in there?" Evelyn and the warrior ask at almost the same instant. There seems to be several spots in the water that spread red around them in the cool, gray stream. The river is too deep to see anything in detail. "That looks like blood," Tanya says. Ser August watches the mill, knowing that a distraction in the water could be purposeful.
"You, elf, go closer," Viola tells Evelyn. "Me?" she asks, clearly frightened. "You," the Knight-Captain confirms. "Go yourself, templar," Trasken tells her. "Do not think to order my children, Viola," Ser August adds, ever protective of twins. "If they are children, they shouldn't be here in the first place," Tanya says, annoyed again. "We're 19," Marilyn retorts. "Then act your age," the warrior tells them. Ser August goes to check the water himself, an easy solution. Trasken follows him into the water, handing his shield to Tanya. They step in the stream and struggle to the nearest spot, searching the dark water with bare hands. They find the severed body of a woman, tied to heavy boulders. "That's disgusting," Trasken exclaims, pulling back from the dead woman's rotting, water logged flesh. "Maker," Viola says from up on the bank. Ser August drops the butchered torso back into the water. "I take it this is your mage," the warrior asks Viola. "I . . . I think we have reason to believe the other . . .I . . . No. I believe it is only a villager." The dwarf snorts, wondering what the big deal is. "Just a dead body," she mutters.
"Are . . . are the other spots more bodies?" Marilyn asks. "They may be body parts as well," Trasken replies. "Shall we check them or just move on," Evelyn asks, looking at her sister. "Pfft. Move on. They are dead. We can't nothin' about it," Tanya tells her. "Aye, lady mercenary," Ser August. "Wasn't the mage supposed to be male," Tanya asks. "Our mage is a man. Let's keep our eyes open." Viola replies.
You notice something attached to the water wheel. The heavy wheel moves in slow circles. You see a mass, then it returns to the stream… Up, down…Up, down… "What now," Trasken asks, glancing at the wheel. "See that?" asks Viola, pointing. "Oh no," Evelyn moans softly, hoping it's not another dead body. Marilyn has no intention of getting any closer to whatever it is. The Knight-Captain and her tranquil move in followed by Tanya and Ser August. A man dressed in black mage robes is tied to the wheel. His body is covered in horrid bruises. It's unclear if the damages came from the river rocks. Did death come before, or did he drown slowly?
"Is this your mage?" Tanya asks. "Ok, I was wrong. That's disgusting," Trasken says, swallowing. Viola frowns. "We have reason to suspect this is the mage we're after. Or WAS… Take him down and check his pockets. The relic is now our first priority." All business, Tanya surveys the situation, "We need to stop the wheel somehow." Ser August concentrates his will, feeling for spiritual corruption. A death so terrible can often tear the Veil, especially when it involves a mage. "I'm more concerned about who did that to the mage," Marilyn says quietly. Viola nods. "Something tells me the relic won't be there," Eve whispers to her sister. Things are never so simple on these missions.
The wheel begins to slow down and Trasken reaches for the body. "Here he comes!" Tanya Dehaney walks up to the wheel and slowly takes hold of it as it slows down. Trasken tosses the body down and jumps after it. "Anything," Viola asks. The warriors search the body, but find nothing on the mage, except for moist herbs and a silver locket. It seems valuable. The tranquil looks at it for awhile, but is naturally uninterested. Ser August keeps an eye on the Knight-Captain and tranquil, suspicious of them since Viola's outburst in the village.
"Nothing but some grass and a trinket," Tanya says with disgust. "I guess the silver locket is not the relic," Marilyn asks. "No elf, because that would be too easy," Trasken replies. Viola looks troubled. "I've never seen it before," she says. "Can the locket be opened?" the elf asks. "If I may Tanya, the locket?" Ser August asks. She hands it to the templar who promptly gives it to Marilyn. The elf attempts to open it, but the locket will not open no matter what methods she employs. The templar uses tries to sense magic in it, but can find nothing out of the ordinary. "There's no point in that, leave it girl," Viola snaps. "So, templar lady . . . do you just get paid to stand there or something? Or are you the slightest bit useful above hitting women and ordering kids around?" "She's just trying to help," Evelyn replies quietly, sticking up for the templar despite the woman's obvious disdain for elves. Taiaveveta taps her foot impatiently, "Can we just pocket it and go?" Ser August pockets the odd piece of jewelry.
The mill creaks again. "What now," Tanya asks, eyeing it askance. "It moved," Evelyn asks, looking around. Trasken sighs, exasperated, "Maker's ass." "Let's see what the mill has to hide…" The captain unsheathes her sword and walks to the wooden door. It's blocked. Viola motions the warriors of the group to smash it open. Evelyn rolls her eyes at the Knight-Captain as the warriors move to comply. "On three," Trasken says. Trasken, Tanya, and Ser August smash into the door together, but it doesn't budge. The templar hits the door with his axe, chipping away at the wood, while Trasken cajoles Viola. "Hey, slapper lady, a little help?" "Why isn't she doing anything," Evelyn asks her twin as Marilyn giggles.
Viola frowns at the girls and joins the struggle. "You might as well pull your weight," Trasken opines to the angry templar. "Has it been blocked from the inside," Tanya asked, oozing frustration. Ser August shakes his head, "Maker, what is this made out of? Ironwood?" Taiaveveta watches them struggle with the door, a smile on her face. "Hey, don't look at me. I can't beat down a door! And if you try to use me as a battering ram I'm cutting off your ear." Tanya glares murderously at the twins and the dwarf until the door finally gives in. They find themselves in a dim lit round room filled with sacks of grain and flour. The air is dry, with a rustic scent. There's a stain on the floor.
"What's this? More blood?" Trasken asks. Tanya kneels by the stain to get a closer look. Evelyn stands a little behind her, eyeballing it nervously. As they get closer it's clear it's blood. There's something written underneath it, with the same dark tone of red. The tranquil looks uneasy, but soon regains his calm composure. Tanya and the twins stare at the tranquil who seems to have just had an emotional reaction. The Knight-Captain seems oblivious to his slip, " "Jonah, Brother August, what do you think of this?" she asks and touches the stain. "The blood is still fresh…" Ser August obediently studies the blood, but keeps one eye on the tranquil.
"This text . . . it says 'I swear," but I can't read more," Tanya says. As she reads the words, they hear a terrible wail. The room starts spinning and it gets hard to stay upright. "What," Ser August gasps, stumbling a bit. "Oh good, I'm not the only one going crazy," Trasken quips, trying to smile despite his dizziness. "Maker!" Viola shouts, the oath neither prayer nor curse. Ser August reaches for the girls, trying to keep them safe as the world turns on its head. They see spirits with unknown faces forming all around, but they don't seem aggressive. Instead they watch, coming closer, trying to stroke your hair.
The Knight Captain tries to fight them off with her sword, but the blade cuts through nothing but air. "To the Void with you!" she shouts. The tranquil mage just stands still, letting them surround him. Trasken swears in Nevarran; the spirits don't seem to mind and it makes him feel slightly better about the situation. Evelyn wishes they had a mage with them, maybe the Dalish she traveled with before. Someone who could fight the supernatural. Tanya points her crossbow at them, a useless gesture. Ser August is the only one who keeps his head, pulling on the Veil tightly as he summons his will. It is too little too late. The adventurers begin to feel very sleepy. Struggling against unconsciousness is futile, and soon they all lay on the floor, in deep slumber. The group wakes up one by one to the sounds of screaming and wailing. A strange light surrounds them. It takes forms, changing from one to another. It is like nothing they've ever seen. Trasken is immune to the beauty of the display, preoccupied with his remaining nausea. "Ugh, please tell me I went drinking with Mihi and Tanya last night." The twins hug each other, just glad to still be alive. Taiaveveta looks around in disgust, "Well that just about sucked. I think I hit my arse!"
Ser August shakes his head as he pulls himself to his feet. He truly wishes the Dalish mage were here to confer with. Viola looks at him, "Ser August . . . Bother . . ." She tries to rise, but seems powerless. The Knight-Captain coughs loudly, bloody spittle forming on her lips. "Brother . . . tranquil. I-I," she wheezes hoarsely. Ser August goes to her side and checks her for wounds. Viola's body is torn and bloodied. "Maker . . . how?" Before she can reply, the tranquil speaks, "Captain . . ." The templar ignores Jonah, trying desperately to apply a healing poultice to the woman's wounds. "What happened to her?" Marilyn asks horrified. "She's beyond our help," Jonah says quietly.
With the Knight-Captain attended to, Tanya concerns with more practical questions like, "Where the fuck are we?" "I don't know where we are but I think the lady templar wishes she was some place else," Trasken replies, looking around. The dwarf peers around the group uncertain of herself for the first time since they began this journey. "Wherever this is, I don't think we're in Ferelden anymore," the warrior finishes. "I agree, mercenary," Evelyn tells him with a nod.
Ser August is unable to do much for the Knight-Commander. It appears the tranquil is correct; the woman lies beyond their ability to save. With her last breath, Viola tells them, ". . .mmander Grant . . . tell him we . . ." whatever message she intended is lost. Her hands stop moving, face growing pale. Ina few moments her eyes stare blankly, every trace of life fading from them. "No!" Ser August shouts, unwilling to give in so easily. "Shit," Tanya says, summing the situation up succinctly. "There's nothing you can do now," Trasken tells the templar as gently as he can. Ser August clenches his fist and punches the ground next to Viola, obviously shaken.
"She shouldn't have angered the spirits," Jonah sneers. His face changes, blank expression transforming into a mask of disdain. He is no longer tranquil. "What?" Evelyn asked, shocked. Tanya walks up to Jonah, ready for a confrontation. "Who are you?" He ignores her, looking at Ser August instead, "Well, she did have it coming. You saw her there." "Well that's new. The mage speaks," Trasken says. "What do you know of this?" Tanya demands answers from the not so tranquil mage. The templar says nothing, just exerts his will over the mage, looking for a reaction.
Tanya curses, "I knew you weren't tranquil!" Jonah looks at them all as if they were the ones who just went mad. " "If you haven't noticed we've entered the Fade. I don't know HOW, but I do know WHY. The spirits sent us, most likely to help us reach the relic. It's safe to assume the presence of such power gave me back my… mind." He fixes Tanya with a glare, "So be silent, woman." "Well how do we get out?" Trasken asks. "We reach our goal," Jonah replies with an unsettling smile. "Oh, it's as easy as that? How fun!" the warrior counters. "The Fade. The Maker damned Fade," Tanya whispers harshly, glaring at the mage.
"This man was made tranquil for a reason. We would do well not to trust what he says," Ser August tells them. Trasken shakes his head, protesting, "I am not getting paid enough for this shit!" Taiaveveta finally finds her voice, "OYE! Someone wanna explain this to the dwarf?" Evelyn looks at her in sympathy. "Dwarf. We're in the Fade," Trasken tells her, expression hardening into a reluctant acceptance. "And that means what to me," Taiaveveta asks him, glancing around at the odd surroundings. Tanya sighs, fixing the dwarf with an hopeless look, "This is supposedly the place where everyone goes in their sleep. This . . . this can't be real."
"Bickering over it will do you no good... You're not getting out of here without MY help," Jonah says firmly. "Then help us mage," Trasken demands. Ser August glares at Jonah, "And now you sound like a demon mage." Marilyn interrupts, "Just what is our goal?" "We get the relic back to it's owners," Jonah tells her with another smile. Trasken nods, ready to do whatever he must to get out of this place, "Get the relic, get out of the Fade. Simple goal really." "And . . . the relic is in the Fade?" Marilyn asks suspiciously. "And who are the owners?" Tanya asked at the same time. "And what's in it for you," Evelyn adds. Trasken shakes his head at the elf, "More importantly, what's in it for us?" "Yeah! What's in it for us?" the dwarf echoes, the gleam of greed brightening her gaze.
"Going back to our realm would be enough for me," Marilyn mutters. "Does it matter at this point, Trasken? The Chantry will pay you so long as you live," Ser August chides the mercenary. Jonah sighs, "I'll see that you get an extra reward when you return... IF you return." "Yeah," Tanya mutters darkly. "That's comforting," Evelyn smarts back. "I just like keeping my options open, Shakes," Trasken says, grinning at the templar. "If? HA! This nug humper owes me a mug and I am getting out of here," the indomitable dwarf exclaims. "So we're kidnapped and transported to Maker knows where, and we're supposed to help you?" Tanya asks incredulously, anger building.
The mage just grins at her, heedless of the danger. "You should know that I'm in charge. Now let's get a move on before…" Jonah pauses to look behind and hisses as the Templar's body twitches. You see Viola stand up, slowly, with an unnatural stiffness. She stumbles, but regains composure. The Knight-Captain draws her sword, face hidden behind messy hair. "What is she . . ." Tanya begins to say. "Oh great," Trasken sighs. Evelyn stares at the moving corpse, "Are you bloody serious?" Jonah looks at Viola with contempt," Fantastic. An undead knight. We have to kill her. AGAIN." The mage spits and starts attacking the abomination with spells of ice.
Ser August pushes the twins behind him as Evelyn pulls her daggers, ready to fight. Tanya and Trasken prepare to meet the Knight-Captain head on. The dead templar attacks them fiercely, pushing the two warriors back. Ser August slams Viola with his axe while the Lyn twins beginning creeping around behind her. "Come on bitch! Let's see you fight someone who can fight back!" Trasken shouts. Tanya manages to land a blow to the Knight-Captain's back. Evelyn dives in to slash at Viola's legs, but the corpse doesn't seem to register the damage. Her sister gashes Viola's arm from the other side. Ser August tries to banish the magic inhabiting the templar body but she just keeps attacking. Trasken has no choice but to ward off her blows, barely able to maintain a defense.
The Knight-Commander slashes Tanya's arm, cutting her deeply and then turns to attack the twins. This gives Trasken the opening he needed to shield bash the undead templar. "Kill her!" Jonah shouts as he casts. Tanya doubles over, cradling her arm, "Damn you, bitch," she hisses through clenched teeth. Ser August tries to keep up the Chant as he defends the girls with his axe. Marilyn darts away looking for something she can use to blind the wretch but Evelyn is trapped beneath the onslaught. Trasken shoves the elf out of harm's way, putting himself beside Ser August as Evelyn scrambles away. Taiaveveta just stares at them for a moment before coming to her senses. The dwarf looses an arrow in the Viola's chest, hoping to at least slow the corpse down.
The Knight-Commander swings at Trasken's legs, slicing through his armor and into the flesh of his calf. "Damn," the warrior shouts, trying to mask his pain. Tanya, using her massive sword one handed, swings at Viola's neck. Ser August chants louder, the familiar cadence of the Chant of Light flowing from his lips as he battles the dark magic which animates the body. Each divine phrase is punctuated by a strike from his axe as he seeks to destroy her one way or another. The Knight-Captain is incredibly sturdy, still moving despite the damage she's taken. "Kill the dead! Just kill her!" Jonah shouts at them as if derisive cheerleading will help them.
Marilyn flings herself at the dead woman, dagger aimed at her throat. Trasken dives for her legs. "Dammit, templar," Tanya curses. Taiaveveta pulls another arrow, nock and release, nock and release . . . The mage blasts her with fire, nearly lighting the adventurers on fire too. The air around Ser August trembles, turning icy as his voice goes cold and distant. Evelyn and Marilyn stretch a rope in front of Viola's legs, nearly catching Trasken as they pull it tight. Finally, overtaken and tripped, the undead templar takes a few steps back, before crashing to the floor of light. Tanya slumps back, shouting "Crush its head!" Trasken takes her advice to heart and stomps the Knight-Captain's head to a fine grey paste. Viola does not move, finally destroyed. "Bitch," the warrior mutters, scraping his boots clean on the ground.
Evelyn gathers her rope and stows it in her backpack, "I knew it would come in handy." Ser August coughs, throat sore from his efforts. Tanya rests against a low, stone wall as she rummages in her pack for healing supplies. "I don't like this place. You can keep your Fade. Hey sparkle fingers, let me outta here!" the dwarf says, directing her anger at the mage. He ignores her, staring at Viola's remains, "This was not a death worthy of her." Ser August scoffs at Jonah, "A moment ago you hated her, mage." "I still do," he replies quietly. Trasken and Tanya treat bandage their injuries and then search the corpse, coming up with a lyrium potion and 70 silver. Not nearly enough to compensate them for the trouble the Knight-Captain caused.
"Will you . . . is this really the time for this? We're trapped in the Fade for Maker's sake," Jonah complains, glaring at them. "I will not be left behind because of your incompetence, mage," Tanya snaps back, holding up her wounded arm. Trasken adds, "You know what mage? Some bloody warning would have been nice!" The dwarf wanders a little ways off, looking for a way out, "Stupid nug humping surfacers. Why did I leave Orzammar? Get stuck in the Fade . . . what the . . ." she grumbles. "Dwarf! Come back. Unless you wish to die... of course..." Jonah shouts after her. Ser August chides the mage, " We all go to the Fade every night to dream, mage, save the dwarf. Be silent." "The Fade is a curious place," Jonah muses, unaffected by Ser August's obvious dislike. Taiaveveta looks at the mage with a fierce scowl, "Then find me a way out. I don't like this place. The dead walk and that ain't right." Trasken gestures at his wounded leg, "Hey mage! Think you can do some healing magic here?" Jonah turns to look at him with a smirk, "Not my thing, I'm afraid."
Tanya's bandaged hand is still bleeding, and with that wound it will be hard for her to fight. "There's no time for stitches, she says, glaring at it as if the look alone should cauterize the gash. Ser August rummages in his pack for a health potion, handing it off to the warrior. "What is this?" she asks, staring at the vial of viscous green fluid. "It's intended to heal the body from within, so I am told." "I will be in your debt, templar," Tanya tells him, taking a swig. She gags a little as it slides down her throat, every bit as disgusting as it looked like it would be. "EURGH! That's awful." Trasken grins at her, holding out a flask of whiskey. "Gimme some of that, bastard, and let's get going. Enough coddling," she says, grabbing the flask.
"We move," Jonah snaps and pushes the twins in front to lead the way. "You're rogues, right? Search for traps. Shout before or scream after you find one." "No need to push," Evelyn protests. "You're as good as us to scream," Marilyn tells him. "There'll be a reckoning mage. Trust me in that," Trasken mutters. Jonah overhears him and scoffs, obviously not impressed with the warrior. "Eve, Mari, please . . . keep yourselves calm. If you must feel anything, focus on hatred. That will be your best shield," the templar reminds them with a firm look. Trasken hefts his shield, "No. This is your best shield." With an eye roll, Ser August replies, "Not in the Fade Trasken. Here that shield is a dream." Tanya and Taiaveveta follow at the back quietly.
They travel trough a labyrinth of light. Walls are white, but in all possible colors. Blue. Green. Yellow. The Fade is a curious thing… You can never be sure of what you see, and if it's seen by others. The sounds and voices following the adventurers are straight from a nightmare. They hear a cry from below, hysterical laughter behind. Something is in pain, and it's not human. As the group walks from room to room, from hall to hall, they see lights moving around them. What was a door is now an endless bridge. Walls are alive. The maze is never-ending. What better word to describe the labyrinth of light, than insanity itself? Marilyn looks for the other side.
"Wait," Trasken says, looking at the templar. "Doesn't that mean that these injuries are a dream then?" Ser August smiles a little as he replies, "No. Your mind is a curious thing. If you injure the mind, the body complies." Trasken seems distracted, looking to his left, "Anyone see a smiling cat?" "No," Tanya says, "but we're being followed by . . . a lizard? No. A bear." Evelyn and the warrior woman both gasp, "Can you hear that?" at exactly the same moment. "What?" Marilyn asks, looking around. "It looks like a jester," Eve tells her, eyes wide. Ser August begins to pray.
With no warning, the adventurers begin to see pink stars all over them. They growl, while trying to attack their toes. "Can't you see?" Tanya asks, "A lizard . . . singing." She sounds confused and perhaps a little frightened. "It has the feet and wings of a bird! Look!" Evelyn adds. "Damn it! I tried Azdadd's Seventh Day Special, didn't I?" Trasken tells no one in particular. At least it's a rational explanation for the unexplainable.
Mari kicks at the nipping stars as Evelyn tries to jump away from them. Ser August, mostly immune to these visions so far, is confronted with a line of giant rats led by a yellow priest. They squeal in harmony. Trasken swats at the stars and accidentally catches the mage in the face. "Just stay focused," Jonah growls. "You had a star. On your face," the warrior replies, holding back a wicked grin. "Pfft," the mage dismisses him, knowing full well the bastard slapped him on purpose.
Ser August continues to pray, wondering why he would conjure giant singing rats led by a coward priest... his mind makes strange shapes of his fellow Templars. Taiaveveta looks like she's ready to bolt, "So ummmmmm . . . can we get out of here now? Right now? Very soon now please?" "This place . . ." Jonah coughs and looks as if he's tasted something foul. "Just keep your minds clear!" he shouts. Tanya jumps at the sound, spinning to face him. "Let's just . . . keep going," Trasken says, trying to ignore the visions plaguing them. They continue to walk in the maze.
Evelyn starts humming a tune from the orphanage, anything to remind her of happier places. "Stop hummin'! You sound like a bunch of fartin' brontos!" the dwarf snaps, panic making her irritable. Tanya chuckles tiredly. "You have a better idea for how to stay sane?" Eve asks. "I could stab ya in the arse with my arrow here," the dwarf says, waving her bow with arrow nocked in the elf's general direction. "That'll help clear your head!" "Oh and you're the paragon of singing, eh dwarf?" Trasken smarts off. Jonah smirks at them, seeming to enjoy their discomfort. "Think of home?" he asks. "Do me a favor, mage. Shut. The. Void. Up," the warrior retorts.
"Truly this accomplishes nothing. Think about something real. Someone, something you hate," Ser August says patiently. "I miss my nug," Taiaveveta sighs. "Try to think about something real. Something good back in our realm," Mari tells the dwarf. "Pleasant things can be used against you," the templar warns with a frown. It seems at times that the girls never listen. "How 'bout I pleasantly kick ya in the shins," the dwarf offers, looking at Eve. Tanya focuses on her arm, the stinging pain, the slight numbness from the whiskey. She scowls at Trasken, "I'll just think of you, bastard." Her expression is all annoyance, but there is fondness in her tone. "I love you too, Smiles," he replies. Her mouth curls into a lopsided smile; it's impossible to tell if it's a frown or a grin. "And there's a smile to live for," Trasken tells her.
"You people sure do like to bicker", Jonah complains as a child imitating a chicken goes by them and vanishes. "Huh?" Evelyn asks. "I didn't see that. I did not see that," Taiaveveta insists, staring off in the direction of the apparition. "What the . . ." Tanya asks. "Pay no notice," the mage tells her, exasperated with these jumpy mercenaries. "Let's press on," Trasken orders, his moment with the fierce warrior woman past.
The adventurers arrive in a room smaller than most. There's a cradle in the middle of the floor. It's made of silvery light; it's made of black wood; it's made of red stone; it's made of… You can see it rocking, gently. A woman, or what once was one, enters the room. She walks to the cradle and starts humming. "Baby in my bosom, it's time for Sleep and Dream… Don't play around the River, or you will meet the Stream…" Ser August is inured to this. It's no less than what he's been expecting since they were dropped into the Fade.
" I'm not sure if I want to see what's into the cradle," Marilyn says in small voice. Tanya just stares. "I'm out of here," Trasken tells them through clenched teeth. The woman sings on, oblivious, "…Baby in my bosom, it's time for Sleep and Dream… Don't play around the River, or you will kiss the Stream…" "Careful human. This one's got pups; don't shoot it," Taiaveveta quips, looking at Tanya. "Are you sure this pup is worth protecting?" she replies. "You tell me. This ain't my dreamland," the dwarf retorts. The twins hold onto each other for comfort. Ser August takes a deep breath and goes to check the cradle, holding firmly to the horrors of the Orlesian occupation. Those images should shield his mind from whatever the Fade throws at him. The cradle is empty. But there's some water in it.
"What do you see, Ser August," Marilyn asks. The dwarf peers over his shoulder and asks, "Water? So can it get us back to the river?" "Nonsense. Just a spirit." Jonah scoffs and walks through the room to the next door. Archway. Gate. Window. Door. "Can't we ask her for directions?" Marilyn asks. "I don't think she knows we're here," Ser August tells Mari. "Leave her be," the mage advises. Trasken glares at his retreating back, "And nothing in the Fade is just what it appears to be mage. Surely you know that." Tanya shakes her head and reluctantly follows the mage, throwing sidelong glances at the cradle.
"That include the mage we followin'," Taiaveveta asks Trasken. "That's what I'm thinking," the warrior replies. "Definitely, I'd say," Evelyn adds. "Cause you know if what you said about trankells is true . . . then why ain't he dead eyes and why we followin' him?" Ser August shrugs, and goes after Jonah reluctantly. There seems to be little else he can do. The woman looks at the templar as he steps by her. "It's such a cold place to be." Her eyes are white as the night sky. He ignores her, but Tanya cannot suppress a shiver. The twins walk past, clutching their daggers as tightly as they do each other.
" So are you going to keep giving us the grand tour mage, or are you going to try and get us out of here sometime in our lifetime?" Trasken asks, masking his fear with annoyance. "The maze just keeps going on..." the mage looks displeased. "I too tire of this idiocy," Ser August says blandly. "If you know the exit, I'll follow you gladly," Marilyn tells the mage. The mage stops suddenly; the adventurers run into one another. "Will everyone just shut the ff--"
Suddenly they feel the floor falling out from under them. The adventurers try to reach the walls, but to no avail. After a fall that feels close to ten minutes, they finally stop moving, bodies in pain. Trasken is the first to pipe up, always ready with a witty comment no matter how dire the situation. "My dreams are usually better than this . . . more oiled wenches." Tanya makes a sound of sheer frustration, swallowed quickly by the emptiness. "Gah!" Jonah shouts as well, no happier than the others to be . . . wherever this is. "I am going to kill you sparky," Taiaveveta says, groaning loudly. This sounds more like a promise than an idle threat; it is certainly not said with any humor. Ser August does not stir from where he landed, knocked out and possibly injured by the fall.
"Thanks mage. Thanks a fucking lot," Tanya hisses, standing. "To the Fade with..." Jonah hisses. "If it's not worth it I'll... oh just shut up, woman." "What's not worth it," Evelyn asks. "The RELIC," the mage yells as if she were an idiot. "What is the relic, exactly? I don't think we were told that part," the elf continues, immune to Jonah's disdain. "Idiots," the mage hisses. "Do you know where it is or don't you," Tanya asks. "I'm trying my best, as you can see," Jonah replies, calming himself. "I think he's lost," Trasken says, smiling. "Are you now? I think so," she answers with a glare for the mage. "You try looking for it if you're so smart now," Jonah tells her icily. "Tell us what it looks like and we just might," Tanya answers. "I think you should tell us what this relic is," Trasken adds.
Ser August begins to stir, consciousness coming back to him slowly. The twins rush to his side, concern for their friend more important than milking the mage for information. "Are you alright?" Eve asks. "Maker," the templar mumbles, feeling every ache and pain keenly. "Anything broken?" Mari asks. "I am whole. That is better than not," the templar reassures them. "Shut up!" Jonah shouts at them, "do you hear that?" "Hear what?" Tanya asks, arms crossed.
They hear something skittering… A foul stench surrounds the adventurers and the ground shakes. A swarm of deformed giant insects attacks them from left and right! Evelyn tries to pull Ser August up before he is overwhelmed. "Shit!" Tanya exclaims. "Ah bugger," Trasken shouts. The templar struggles to his feet, pulling his hammer. "Son of a nug-humper," Taiaveveta curses as she pulls her blade and swings wildly. Trasken doesn't bother pulling his sword, and begins to smash the bugs with his shield. Marilyn jumps, trying to crush the beetles with her feet, but is stung by a huge mosquito.
A swarm of insects overcomes Trasken; he falls beneath their fetid, twitching forms. "No," Tanya shouts, wading through the swarm to him. "Maker, Trask!" Ser August swears as the warrior goes down. Jonah freezes three bugs with a burst of ice. Evelyn reaches Trasken first and begins slapping the bugs off him. Tanya is only seconds behind her, crushing the crawlers as she reaches for the warrior's hand. "You alright, bastard," she asks softly. Trasken reaches for a bug to squash it at the same moment Tanya targets it with her boot, and his hand is crushed before either realize it. "Ow!" the warrior shouts, genuine pain showing through his macho exterior. Having your fingers crushed whilst covered in crawling insects has a tendency to strip away pretense.
The elf becomes the target of a horrid leech-like creature and all she can do is run. Taiaveveta falls to her butt and grabs her bow, shooting several arrows into the swarm, "Did I mention, I hate this place?" "Kill the buggers!" Jonah shouts as he slings spells at the invading creatures. Ser August slams the leech with his hammer, vowing silently never to travel anywhere again without a reliable mage. One of the dwarf's arrows nearly hits Evelyn as she runs, "Sorry," Tai shouts. One of the insects pierces Ser August's armor, gouging his thigh with its vicious pincers. The templar screams in pain. His cry is answered by a roar echoing in the deep corners of the maze. "That sounds big," Eve tells no one in particular. The bugs seem alarmed.
As quickly as the creatures came, they now vanish without a trace, dragging their dead ones along. They will have a feast tonight, if not on human flesh. Trasken stirs, trying to stand. "You alright," Tanya asks. "I'm fine but I'll feel better if I see one of your smiles," Trasken tells her, not too wounded to flirt. Tanya grins lopsidedly despite herself and then quickly turns, hiding the expression behind her usual, business like face. "Well . . . that didn't go too well, did it?" the warrior asks, wincing as he stands. " "Ah . . ." the mage pants, "indeed not. I suggest we move on before whatever that is catches us."
Ser August staggers, gripping his thigh to hold together the gaping wound. Mari gets Eve's attention, "Let's help Ser August! The healing kit . . ." "He can't stand yet," Eve tells the mage, franticly. Marilyn hands the templar a health poultice. "Very well, have your rest," Jonah snorts, clearly annoyed with their weakness. Trasken has obviously had enough of the arrogant mage, and storms over, reaching for his throat. "I want answers NOW!" The mage growls in response, "You will do as you're told or you will never leave this place." "The mercenary has a point," Eve comments, nonchalant about the confrontation. Tanya steps behind Jonah, capturing his arms. "Neither will you," Trasken hisses, inches from the mage's face. "You are hired muscle. Act like it," Jonah spits back, refusing to let the warrior intimidate him. "I am," Trasken says grinning. "We weren't hired to do this, idiot mage," Tanya says. "Ghhhhhhhhhh . . ." Jonah sputters, unable to speak as his throat is crushed mercilessly by the angry man in front of him. "If we live, I will kill you in life, mage" Ser August says quietly; his words carry the weight of the Order.
Taiaveveta, not to be outdone by her angry comrades adds, "Bite me sparky! We still owe a mage's death. Don't make me decide it's you!" Trasken loosens his grip, allowing Jonah to draw breath, though his hand is still clamped on the mage's throat. "Get the relic. That is your job," he says, voice raw and hoarse. "What is this relic we're looking for," Trasken demands, tiring of cryptic answers and verbal dodges. "The Circle does not share it's secrets with commoners, I assure you," Jonah replies, smirk returning. Trasken closes his fist around the mage's throat again, anger getting the better of him. "I am no commoner, you fool," the templar tells him. "You'll share it now," the warrior tells Jonah.
"You know, if we die here you won't get your relic," Marilyn says conversationally, watching the interrogation with some interest. Jonah's face purples, but his smirk never wavers. Trasken punches him with the other hand, wiping the expression right off the mage's face. "I am a senior templar of the Order and I demand you tell us what's going on now, or so help me I will let Trask snap your fool neck." He spits blood, glaring at the warrior.
Taiaveveta has no interest in this pointless attempt to question the mage, "Let's just go. I want to go." "We're not going anywhere without this little piece of shit, dwarf. He's our key out of here," Tanya replies, gripping the mage's arms tightly. Tai groans and waits. Evelyn nod, with a look to the dwarf, "Agreed – I'm not moving until he fesses up what he's been hiding." "Well, since we waitin' anyone got a bandage? My knee really hurts," Taiaveveta replies and then sets about bandaging her leg.
Jonah's head drops, "It's the right direction. I know it. You just have to trust me." Despite looking beaten and defeated, his tone is strident and unyielding. "Not a chance," Trasken retorts. "We need more than that to trust you," Marilyn tells him from her spot near Ser August. "You've been so far unworthy of trust," the templar adds firmly. "Look, I was paid to get it, like you. Nothing more. My job – GET THE RELIC." "Liar!" Ser August's voice rings out, "Tranquils are not paid for their services!" "Like you didn't notice I was only playing the fool of a templar, old man!" Jonah hisses.
"Well, what is the relic?" the elf asks. "You have to give us something," Tanya tells him. "A kiss?" Jonah asks snidely, ignoring the templar completely. Trasken throws the mage to the ground and stomps on his leg. Mocking Tanya nearly costs Jonah his life, but the warrior restrains himself. The mage howls with pain, words lost in a wave of agony. "He was no tranquil to begin with," Tanya says contemplatively. "So you confess to not being honest then?" Eve asks, all precocious innocence. "I knew there was something queer about you, yes. But you have a talent of quelling your mana," Ser August comments. "Will you cut it out?" Jonah cries, voice ragged. "I'll do worse that that if you don't talk," Trasken tells him. "Hm. The tranquil I saw before never smiled, never showed any emotion at all. I thought I saw wrong, but this one smiled. Back there in the village," Tanya says mostly to herself. "Exactly," Marilyn nods. Jonah smirks, pain and indignity not phasing him in the slightest, "I have powerful friends, so you'd better . . ." "Hit him again, Trasken," Ser August interrupts. Instead, the warrior pulls out a dagger and holds it to the mage's throat. "Gah!" Jonah gasps.
"So shoot the man and let's go! How do we know he's not the one that stole it in the first place? I say kill him; we find our own way out," Taiaveveta says. Anything to get on with it; all this yakking is wearing her out. "I'll do more than hit him," Trasken growls menacingly. "You know, I'm starting to agree with the dwarf," Tanya adds. Eve and Mari add their two cents, "Maybe the dwarf is right. Maybe if we kill him we'll get out of here," one says. "But what if we're just stuck here?" the other asks. "We're supposed to visit this place in our dreams every night. Surely we can find a way to get out of here," the warrior woman muses, eyeing the defiant mage. Tai nocks an arrow, aiming at the mage, "Let me do it."
Jonah motions up ahead of them, snarling, "We must be on the right track. See that light?" There's a deep, red line shivering in the distance. "Can we risk it? Ser August?" Evelyn asks. "I take my chances," the dwarf tells her. Trasken glowers down at the mage, "You don't get us out of here, it won't be the templar or any spirit you fear; it'll be me. I will be your worst nightmare!" "I know how to get out," Jonah retorts, still refusing to back down. "Progress," Evelyn says with a grin. "Right answer," Trasken growls. "I can find the relic, and you will be greatly rewarded but I NEED TO FINISH MY TASK," Jonah tells him. The warrior punches him as much for the tone as the message.
"Killing him should not cause undue distress if we must, however, let us drag the fool along. We can always break his neck later," Ser August says quietly, watching the mage with disgust. "What is your task," Evelyn asks, hoping the mage will answer as soon as his world stops exploding. "For once, I agree with August," Trasken says, wiping a bit of mage off on his pants. Jonah is silent for several moments, rubbing his jaw. He glares murder at them, finally deigning to speak, "Getting the relic. Truly . . . are you all sick in the head?" "No answers, no relic," Marilyn tells him. "What is so special about that relic?" Tanya asks, exasperated. "Here we go again," Trasken quips, raising his fist to hit the mage again. His knuckles are beginning to bruise . . .
"You mentioned it as a separate task and you are untrustworthy," Ser August replies, ignoring the jibe. "My task is to get the relic; my work is to know how to find it. My business is not to know it," Jonah tells him, watching Trasken's fist with sick fascination. "So you don't know what it looks like or what it is?" Tanya asks incredulously. "I-I'm lost," Mari admits, "What is it that you don't know?" "Huh. Then why make it sound like you know," Eve questions him, as confused as her twin. "How are you going to find it then?" Tanya asks, still trying to figure this out. "And those people, did you kill them," the templar asks, remembering the carnage at the windmill, the empty village. "Of course not," Jonah scoffs, answering Ser August. "The blood mage did it."
"Can you tell if he's a blood mage? Because I'm starting to suspect he is the blood mage," Marilyn asks. Evelyn gives her a look and says, "We're not getting anywhere like this." Taiaveveta growls, letting her bowstring go lax, "Kill him or not, we need to move. I don't want to be stuck here." Trasken nods, prodding Jonah up, "Let's go, mage." Jonah stands and leads the way forward at the tip of the warrior's sword. Tanya follows with an unnecessary warning to the mage, "No tricks, mage." Ser August falls into step beside Jonah, grabbing his arm and pulling it into a painful, contorted position. It will be difficult for the mage to cast like that.
As they move closer to… or away from… or in… How long has it been? There were 50 steps before your shadows walked eight more. Time and space exists no longer. Shapes walk by. A headless man turns to face the dwarven girl. He cries with his… Blue smoke surrounds them. "Silvery river. Silvery river. Silvery river, ice makes me shiver." "Do the rest of you see shapes?" Eve asks from the center of the group. "I hate this place," Ser August mutters by way of reply. Trasken rolls his eyes, "Oh charming, more nursery poems." "And I thought the ones we sang at the orphanage were creepy," Marilyn quips, trying to lighten the mood.
Jonah begins mumbling under his breath, voice barely audible; everyone strains to hear him. Trasken taps the mage in the back of his head. "What? Can't a man curse?" Jonah complains. "We can, you can't," the warrior replies. "I do not trust you," Ser August tells him, tightening his grip on the mage's arm. The adventurers arrive at a crossroads of sorts, a dozen doors. "Stop!" Jonah shouts. "I can sense the relic . . . it has to be near. Watch your step and don't touch anything." "Don't worry, we're pretty good at not touching," Evelyn mutters under her breath.
The space they stop in is full of beautiful crystal objects. "Templar, keep the kids in check," Tanya says quietly, eyeing the wide eyed twins. "Oooh shiny," they both coo at exactly the same moment. Taiaveveta echoes them as she enters the chamber, slipping forward to stand with the elves. "Do. not touch it!" Jonah shouts. With a frown for the mage, Ser August looks at the twins, "Girls, if you please – don't touch. I'd hate to be killed by your curiosity." "You too, Ser August?" Marilyn asks with a look of hurt and betrayal. It's bad enough being reprimanded by the scarred warrior woman or the rude mage, but Ser August should know them better. Evelyn just holds her hands where he can see them, testament to her innocence.
"What door… hmmmm…" Jonah looks focused. "Twelve doors, all identical…" Ser August looks away from his charge to glare again at the mage. "I imagine if we slam you into them until one opens, we'd find out which one in a hurry before we reached the twelfth," he tells him, expression entirely serious. "Give him a friendly push in the back as it were," Tanya agrees with a grin. "Hmmm..." The mage seems to ignore them. "Think quickly mage," the templar chides, giving Jonah's arm another tug. The mage doesn't even wince. "Can... can you see anything?" he asks.
" Twelve... must mean something. Twelve months, twelve elven gods," Marilyn muses. " You're asking us? You're the one who's supposed to know about the fade," Evelyn says, frustrated. Trasken goes up to the door and kicks in open, but finds only a blank wall on the other side. Taiaveveta takes advantage of the distraction, slipping closer to one of the shiny crystals, hands twitching toward it. "Taia, no!" Eve shouts, catching the dwarf just in time. Taiaveveta bats her eyes innocently at the elf, cursing her inside. "So help me, dwarf, I will cut your arm off," Trasken tells her and then moves on to the next door. "Keep the dwarf off the items," Jonah commands imperiously, attitude only slightly out of place on his bruised and swollen face.
Tanya sees a small pony walking through the fifth door. It waves at her, trying to get her attention. It has a sad smile on it's pale face. Jonah looks at Tanya, "You do see something!" "Yes, but it's just nonsense," she replies in a tired voice. " Ponies can't wave. They don't have ARMS" "If you smart off again I will break your fingers, mage," Ser August says harshly.
Eve's attention is on a small kitten standing by the fifth door. "Errr, are all the things coming out the fifth door?" Marilyn questions Tanya and her twin. "What is," Jonah asks, trying to turn to look at them. Trasken eyes Jonah with annoyance, " Mage if you have a suggestion, make it, or I start slicing parts off." Mari motions at the fifth door, "Why don't you try that one?" "The fifth? That must be it!" Jonah says excitedly, tugging the templar forward. Trasken sighs heavily and throws himself against the fifth door. It opens.
The group heads through the fifth door, and suddenly the screaming voices are muffled. Even the light seems calmer. They can hear steps coming closer now. Taiaveveta follows with one last, longing look at the crystals. She can't help but think, would it really have been so bad to just touch one of them? "Shh . . . hear that? Mari, do you hear steps?" Evelyn asks. "What is that," Tanya whispers, the oppressiveness of the Fade finally getting to her. "It sounds like someone is approaching, but I can't see anyone," Evelyn replies. "No," Mari says, looking at her twin oddly. Jonah frowns.
A woman in her late 50's comes in sight, clearly afraid, nervous. Judging by her outfit, heavy gray robes, she's also a mage. "He-hello?" Tanya looks around wildly, drawing her sword, "Don't come any closer!" Evelyn jumps, nerves on the ragged edge. "Can you see us, woman? Marilyn asks appraisingly. After all, this could be just another spirit.
"Hello?" the woman says again. "Hi?" the elf replies. "Just chop it's head off," Taiaveveta snorts. "One sparky is enough." "Who are you?" Trasken asks, shield raised just in case. "Another mage, I see," Jonah says softly.
"I'm . . . I'm . . . who are you?" the woman asks. "So you can talk to us," Marilyn says excitedly. This is the first denizen that has noticed them and not just attacked. "You tell us first, mage," Tanya orders her. "Yeah, never mind us. We're just visitors who want to return home," Trasken adds. Ser August stays silent. The woman has not recognized him as a templar. There is something suspicious about her. "I'm Sally. Just plain old Sally," the mage replies hesitantly. "Do you know where we are," Marilyn asks her. The dward laughs, "And I smell like sunshine and green flower." "The-the Fade," the woman replies nervously. "Lady Sally, do you know how to get out of here?" Marilyn questions her, ignoring Taia's remarks.
They notice she's clutching desperately on to something, covered in rags. Jonah seems excited. "Show it to me, woman." The old woman shakes her head. Her hands are bloody. "Not so fast," Trasken chides the mage. "Don't let him touch it," Ser August tells the warrior. "If you must touch it, wrap your cloak around your hands." "This woman is a blood mage", Jonah yells at them while never loosing eye contact with the mass of rags. "She's responsible for the death of every villager here. She's a CRIMINAL. She's evil." "I have him, Trask. If he moves, I will break his arm," Ser August says calmly over the mage's protests. Marilyn walks slowly toward Sally, "I mean no harm," she says softly. "Wait," Tanya tells the warrior, "are you sure?" Trasken stops, looking from Tanya to Sally, uncertain.
"No! We! I did not! It…" The old mage chokes on her words. "It is not like that! You must believe me!" She searches for sympathy in your eyes. " HA! And we spose to believe YOU?" Taiaveveta snorts. It's a wonder she doesn't already have her bow pointed at this 'sparky.' "Look at her hands," Jonah almost begs, anger and desperation wearing down his arrogance as nothing else has. Tanya looks suspiciously from one mage to the other, clearly trying to decide which she trusts less. "What happened to your hands, woman?" she demands.
Trasken glares at Jonah, "You haven't been honest with us either, mage." He clearly doesn't trust his companion, but this woman is just as suspicious and less well known. "Will you now tell the truth, Jonah?" Ser August asks in his steady, implacable voice. Jonah scoffs, mask of disdain fimrly back in place.
"We used a… a bit of blood magic, yes.. But it is not all bad!" Sally stutters. "We! I… The Silver Heart does not belong to the… the Templars!" she manages to say before falling silent again. Tanya scowls, "A bit? What kind of a bit?" Mari, ever curious asks, "What is the Silver Heart? Is it something very powerful, Sally?" You'd think the blood magic part would put her off, but elven curiousity is tenacious. " What vile nonsense is this?" Ser August asks, nearly letting go of Jonah as he reassesses the threat Sally poses to them. "I say we kill 'em both, pocket the goods and get out of here," Taia mutters. Eve nods at her, " ... um .... if worst comes to worst, I'm with the dwarf on this one ..."
Jonah glares at them angrily, "Don't listen to her! The Silver Heart is extremely dangerous and must be contained!" Trasken mouths the words "Silver Heart," wondering where he's heard it before. "It is a tool of great… great HEALING!" Sally pleads. Tanya makes soothing gestures at the near panicked mage, " It's alright, Sally. We're not going to give it to the templars." She puts her sword away and edges toward the woman. Jonah tries to move toward her but gets nowhere as Ser August tightens his grip. "Gah," he shouts, more in anger than pain. " She's a BLOOD MAGE!" "Calm down," Evelyn tells him. "Shouting won't convince us. "She killed the villagers!" Jonah insists, starting to struggle again. "Be silent you idiot, or I will break your arm," Ser August warns him.
"Wait," Trasken says suddenly, "I think I remember. There's an old Nevarran legend. It spoke of a magewith a heart made of silver who travelled across the land. She would heal others, but at the cost of her own blood." Tanya glances at him swiftly, his story unxpected. " At the cost of her... does that mean what I think it means?" she says. "Lady Sally, do you know where the Silver Heart is?" Marilyn asks. Jonah struggles in the templar's grasp again and this time Ser August breaks his arm. The mage shrieks in pain, panting as he tries to master his reaction. "I will break your other one if you don't stay silent," he warns.
"Just kill them both and take the damn thing," Taia says, exasperated. Why waist time torturing one and cooing at the other when they could be done with this already? "The villagers..." Sally seems to be out of it, not really listening to them. "It was not meant be like that. We only wanted to HELP people. We..I… I cut my arm and gave it my OWN blood. That… That should have been enough!" Trasken looks at Tanya, nodding. "One day she healed a village plagued with disease and afterwards she just . . . disappeared." Tanya steps closer to the mage, "Sally," she says quietly, trying to get the old woman to focus on her. "They found the mage later," Trasken adds, watching Tanya carefully. "She was dead, the Silver Heart missing."
"The Heart… it… it has been kept away for too many years… it was so thirsty…" The old mage sobs. "I never meant for…. Lucas was so sure… but… but…" She grabs the rags in her arms tighter. "And you have it Sally?" Marilyn asks her, only steps away from the old mage. The woman looks around wildly. "Is this it?" Tanya asks her, motioning to the rags. "It's all alright," the warrior woman says softly, "we're here to help." Sally breaks into wretched sobs as she tries to explain herself. Marilyn reaches out to touch her, offering comfort. "Marilyn, be cautious,"Ser August warns. Eve stands ready to snatch her twin back at the slightest sign of danger.
"The Heart... just needed more.... more than us..." Sally manages to say between bouts of tears. "Who were you trying to heal," Tanya questions the mage. "Wonder if that's what happened to Viola," Trasken muses. Ser August nods, "Indeed." Jonah looks at the crying woman in disgust, trying to hide his pain. "Give me the relic and pray for your soul, trash. You're a Blood Mage!" "Shut up!" Trasken tells the mage, punching him again. Jonah's head rocks back with the impact, another bruise on swollen skin. Only Taiaveveta seems disturbed by what Sally has told them. " "More than you? You killed em to feed the heart?" she hisses.
The woman shivers and whimpers at the dwarfs words. "You sick twisted freak!"Taia spits, no sympathy for the old mage. "No! NO! We did not do anything wrong! I… With the Heart I can save lives! I can…" Sally steps back, afraid. Startled. Trasken calls down the dwarf, " TAIA! You're not helping!" Sally just grips the rags tighter. "Ummm . . . maybe she's not to be trusted," Evelyn says quietly. "Come on! That was a total confession," Taia protests. "I think neither of them are to be trusted," Ser August tells Eve. "Can't you see what she is!?" Jonah pleads impatiently. His only reply is another blow from Trasken.
"Sally. We do not want the relic, we just want to go home," the warrior says, trying to sound kind. The effect is somewhat diminished by the blood dripping from his fist after smashing Jonah's face. "Can you help us?" Tanya asks, hoping she is a little more convincing. Sally growls a bit, clearly not trusting any of them. She shies back as Marilyn asks to see the heart. Sensing this may just be a desperate mage's ploy, Ser August throws Jonah into Sally. "Enough of this," he shouts. Taia smiles for the first time in awhile, taking aim at the woman, "Just give me the word." Ser August grabs his axe, intent clear. "Kill her!" Jonah shouts. "Kill them both!" the templar responds.
Eve throws her knife at Jonah, the blade slices into his arm. Tanya launches herself at Sally, wrestling her to the ground. Marilyn goes for the bundle of rags, trying to wrest it from the old mage's grip. "Everyone calm down!" Tanya shouts, trying to stop this from escalating. The old blood mage is not much of a fight… She's tired and weak. Once you've beaten her to a corner you can see her hands are trembling. "Please…" "It's alright, Sally," Tanya says. "We just want to go home," Trasken adds.
Marilyn manages to snatch the heart from Sally; it beats in her arms. Jonah nods from his spot on the ground, "A wise decision." The elf hands the beating heart off to Ser August, not wanting to touch it any more than necesary. The templar wraps the heart carefully in a scrap of his torn kilt and starts to put it away, but the relic bursts into flames. "Damn it!" Trasken shouts as the others all voice surprise. Ser August is severely burned before he can toss the flaming heart to the ground. "Now what," Evelyn asks. "What's this, Sally," Tanya asks, shaking the old mage. Jonah manages to shove Eve off him, grabbing the flaming relic, "So be it," he says with a grim smile. At least, it might be a smile. It's hard to tell with all the bruising and blood.
They hardly notice when the spell hits them. The adventurers are trapped within their bodies, unable to move. They must watch helplessly as the ex-tranquil kills his horrified opponent with one move. The woman dies with a sigh. Jonah looks at them one more time, before they lose consciousness. His eyes are wicked, and have a gleam each of them would love to forget. They wake up back at the Merry Mabari, with all their gear and injuries. According to the barkeep Barnard, four days have passed since they left the tavern. "The Maker has a perverse sense of humor, yet again," Ser August says.
"What the . . ." Tanya asks as she jerks awake. Evelyn stirs groggily, " I'm never going after mages again ..." "Top of the morning," the Barkeep tells them cheerily. "He killed her... it was my fault," Marilyn says sadly. "No Mari, it wasn't," Eve tells her. "It was too. And Ser August got burned . . ." "Please tell me we were drinking paint cleaner," Trasken mutters, head still flat on the bar. "Had a bit too much to drink, eh?" the barkeep asks with another smile. "I found you here this morning...." " I really, really hope so," Trasken says, still refusing to sit up. The bar is solid and cool against his head, real.
Taiaveveta wakes with a snort, glaring at her companions. She remembers what happened quite clearly and is still pissed about it. " Why didn't you let me kill them! I told you to kill them!" She blinks as she takes in her surroundings with surprise. "Shut up dwarf," Tanya says tiredly. "Shouting's not going to help right now," Eve adds. "Bite me, wench," Tai replies. Ser August sighs, "I agree with you." Trasken finally looks up, eyes red with exhaustion, "If we killed them we wouldn't have been able to get away." "Surrounded by idiots," the dwarf mutters and goes to see about properly bandaging her leg. "I see him again, I'm killing that mage . . . nice and slow," Trasken tells no one in particular.
The barkeep begins to walk away and then stops as if remembering something, "Someone left this for you..." Barkeep takes out a pouch. "Took a little messenger's fee, but it's otherwise all there," Tanya eyes him warily, but accepts the pouch. "Is there a healer nearby?" she asks him. He points at Opos, smiling in the corner. Trasken tosses the barkeep some gold, "Ale!" It's obvious he intends to drink his way back to sanity. "I hate mages," he mutters.
Marilyn looks at Ser August sadly, "I'm so sorry." The templar gives her a kind smile, "I've had worse, little ones, but not by much." The girls hug him tightly and he returns the affection, glad they all made it out alive. After they let go, he probes his burns, wincing as the blisters break and the skin splits a bit. Evelyn reaches across the bar and snags the pouch, pulling it open. After beign forced to curb her curiosity for so long, it's nice to be able to reach out and . . . take things. Inside is 7 gold and a note that says "I hate you too." She shows it around, getting a snort of laughter from Taiaveveta. "At least I broke the bastard's arm," Ser August says. "One sovereign each, I see," Tanya comments, too tired to be disgusted.
Tanya slumps down in front of Opos and shoves her arm under his nose. "Fix this. Now." Marilyn helps Ser August over to the doctor's table and seats him next to Tanya. Eve hands out the coin, tossing one to each of her companions. " Would you please let the whole of Ferelden know, Lyn, since only every customer in this tavern now knows we have money?" Tanya reprimands her, pocketing the coin. "I want nothing to do with his tainted gold. You girls keep my share," Ser August tells Eve. "Use my part for his healing," Marilyn tells her twin.
Art by Pau Norontaus
A halfbreed hunter listens in on their conversation. He smirks. "Oh, look, the half elf is here," Evelyn says. Marilyn Looks at the halfbreed... and she feels a bit better. Mihitu welcomes them with his usual snark, "Hey, guyth. You look... jutht GREAT." Tanya shoots him a murderous look. Trasken gives the half breed a friendly reply, "Hey, Blinky.....Fuck. You." Mihitu just smiles as if this passes for witty banter in his book. "You hear about the village? Thcik thtuff," the half breed tells them. Taia tosses a bag at him, pegging him in the head, "Shut up!" "Wait, what village?" Eve asks. "Calenhad's brook," the barkeep answers for the occupied half breed.
"Isn't that the village," Marilyn starts to say, but the dwarf cuts her off. "The village full of idiot wanderers who never listen to dwarves?" She smirks and takes a drink, satisfied with herself. The barkeep shakes his head, "We hear tales of a village, where over 60 bodies were found. Men, women and children…. Cut and bled, tied to boulders and thrown in the river." "You should have killed them both when I told you to," Ser August says with genuine regret. Perhaps someday they will listen to him, he thinks. "I am not a murderer, but it is my duty to contain malicious evil that it does not spread into the world. And look how I have failed as my companions do not heed me," he finishes.
Doctor Opos finishes wrapping Tanya's wounds and grins at her sleazily. Evelyn gives him a disgusted look and searches the bar for a mage with healing skills. Anyone has got to be better than Opos. Unfortunately, there is no one around. With a sigh, Marilyn turns to Opos, "How much for healing his burns?" "It's one kiss, pretty one," the sleazy old man tells her, waggling his eyebrows. Tanya raises a fist, ready to punch Doctor Opos. He backs up quickly, nearly dodging Marilyn's quick peck to his cheek. "My thanks, lady," the doctor says with a grin, staring into the elf's cleavage. She pushes Ser August to Opos' table where the templar grudgingly submits to the shady doctor's ministrations.
Tanya gathers her things and slouches upstairs, clutching a jug of gin. Trasken calls out, "Hey Smiles, want some company?" She stops, hesitating. After a moment, without turning, she tells him, "Fine. But get your own gin." "I got me own whiskey," the warrior replies, suddenly energetic. "That sounds about right then," Tanya tells him. Mihitu notices them heading up the stairs together and swears under his breath. "What's the matter,"Eve asks. "That bathtard got laid," Mihitu replies. "Which bastard?" the elf looks around the bar confused. The half breed frowns in Trasken's general direction as Tanya shoves him up the stairs. Mihitu looks beaten. "There goeth that bird..."

The Mihitease. Art by me
Marilyn gives the half breed a confused look. "Never you mind," he tells her with a pat on the shoulder. Marilyn snorts, knowing full well why Mihitu is out of sorts. "I've got a feeling you don't take me seriously," she says. The barkeep rolls his eyes. "Maybe in a few yearth time girl," Mihitu tells her, eyeing the elf's slight form. There's no way she's more than fifteen. Marilyn turns red with fury, "How old do you think I am?" The half breed looks like he's trying hard to guess right. "Fifteen?" Marilyn decides to show him the hard way, grabs him for the neck of his shirt and kisses him. Mihitu staggers back as Evelyn smirks. "Nineteen you fool," Mari tells him. Mihitu gulps, "Errr OK then... Umm... yeah.." "You'll have to ask me that another day, half elf. Politely!" she tells him, running off to fetch Ser August a much needed ale. Barkeep keeps busy with the customers; Mihitu is still trying to figure out what happened.
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